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Happy Birthday MorningStar
Happy Birthday:)
Wow does anyone ever see him anymore?

It is appropriate that our youngest admin started this thread
MorningStar was the first lil' admin, I didn't know how old he was when I asked him to be a junior admin. I have to admit I was surprised but his age wasn't an issue, he knew what it took to be admin and showed a lot of maturity. He did a good job and led the way for the younger crowd.

<span style="color:#33CC00">Happy Birthday MS<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->

I miss our &quot;Morning&quot; talks:wub:
happy bday
Happy Birthday MorningStar :thumb:
Cowabunga and Happy Birthday MS.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch :thumb:
' Wrote:...and led the way for the younger crowd...

kind of like the north star. (i know, i'm reaching for puns here)

happy #th birthday morning star.
Congrats. I have him on my msn list. I just dont remember which one he is :blink:
Well, I'm INVISIBLE AGAIN ... I might as well pay a visit to the LADIES ROOM ...
Without ice cream life and fame are meaningless.
[Image: stoned.jpg]
Wow, I'm touched ppl remembered me :heartbeat: Had to look up if there was a post for me :rolleyes:

I rly appriciate it :)
Yes we still remember you, and some wish you'd stop by more then just once in a great while.
Well... you know... busy doing this and that... and playing WoW... u know... :P
WoW Takes the best of us...
happy ß-day ms
[Image: josh-waggoner-sticker.jpg]

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