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Translocator help
Just wondering how to use the translocater effectively. I have seen some people speeding accross a map with it and i have always wondered how they do that.
They are just quickly shooting the translocater and teleporting. Sometimes short quick ones are better than long distance ones. I think you get 6 translocators in UT2004. They refill but it is for spamming reasons that there is somewhat of a limit. You can traverse a map quickly before they run out. There is a energy bar when you use the trans so you can't spam them to much. If you time it right though you won't run out of them and have to wait.

Knowing the map helps plus don't tranlocate if it lands in a bad spot where you can get killed like cliffs or pits. Also don't don't translocate when the translocator is high in the air as you will take a good amount of falling damage. I would only do that if you were trying to make a last second save in certain game modes.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I remember trying to use it as a weapon untill i realised what it was.
Well in a sense you can use it as a weapon. If you transolcate on an opponent you will telefrag them.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Telefrags are ace when you get to watch someone elses blood spatter all over you... oops, serial killer instinct in me
I love the telefrag. I remember it from my Quake1 TF days...can we get a QUAKE TF server next.:D
Wanksta,Feb 29 2004, 12:00 AM Wrote:I love the telefrag. I remember it from my Quake1 TF days...can we get a QUAKE TF server next.:D
ill second that... but my quake love was rocket arena^_^got 3rd in world according to clq stats:P
I just started playing today so I dont even know what a translocator is :P
Good to see you try it out frito. Assault is just one of the modes of play. I recommend to you and anybody else who is just playing it for a first time to play it by yourself with bots to get the feel of it.

Put the bots at the lowest difficulty setting and mess around. Get the feel of jumping, double jumping, and strafing. Mess around with the weapons using both primary and alternate fire modes. Try to learn the map so you don't get lost.

Some of the people online as you witnessed frito like to say noob or newb when they see someone who is lost. The best you can do now is bear with it since it's the demo and I can't take out a banning stick yet. Those type of people act like they are the god of gaming and have always been good yet they are the first to leave when they are getting their ass handed to them.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
they dont bother me at all sence I cant play the game and read the small text at the same time so I dont chat or read chat during game :D
When the full game comes out most will be using mics so it will get annoying. I assume there will be some kind of mute option.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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