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Killing a hostie is not something that should be reacted against unless it is FULLY clear it was on purpose. Often I'm running after a guy to kill him, and I'll get the hosties... or I'll shoot somewhere forgetting that there's a hostie on the other side, and it'll show up as being injured... that could quite easily be as killed should someone else do it.

Restricting AWP should be done in conjunction with the shield I think. I know wanksta loves his shield, but there's a reason for that. He manages to survive with it.
Well i dont like the idea of restricting any weapon. Snipers are hard to kill, but they are killable. Best way to get rid of one, who is owning, get 2 snipers to rush him at the same time. There is time for one shot, for him, and 2 shots for you (both snipers, maybe more shots if the one sniper misses one). Killing hosties will just set that player back a certain amount of money (forget how much 1000 - 2000 maybe). Flashing your own team, thats deffinatley something that should be slayable. A player wants to be a pain in the butt, he can do so from the spectator.
Like i said before if you are in a "real" terrorist situation if they are sniping u cant take that away from them. Same with the shield, if a S.W.A.T team member was rushing into a terrorist situation when someone says drop the shield do u think they would? CS isnt the most realistic game but it should be played as rea-life as we can get it cuz thats fun. I enjoy others awping cuz i like to find a way around them or just go in with a shield. Well thats all i got to say.:)
I have never actually tried, have you ?:)
gamespy had this poll reading "who wins: the sniper vs. the bunnyhopper". really, two of the most annoying creatures in cyberspace. now, they took b-hopping out of cs...possibly for that reason. although, my guess is that they wanted to keep it a little more realistic. unfortunately, snipers do exist in real life...and people have to work around them in real life. i think it would be better if cs was class if you were a sniper, you couldn't switch weapons to run faster or jump as high for example...then you wouldn't get in situations where you had to face like eight awpers.


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Why don't you guys just put in the bunnyhop mod onto the server, bunnyhopping is $$$

Net, about "skilled" players whining about snipers, that's not true, they accept that it's part of the game, they have learned to avoid being hit. Only thing they ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** about (that has been banned from the CAL league) is the shield, I don't think the shield belongs in this game, it has always been a game where if an enemy sees you, either you kill him or they kill you. No bs where you can run around the whole map without taking any damage. The Terrorist auto-sniper is lame as hell, it IS an auto-scout, same bullets, same amount of damage, almost identical accuracy, only differences is it makes a lot of noise and weighs a ton, but that's no big deal. Let's not forget they made it even easier to aim with the awp in this version too.

edit: IMO stuff like this was changed to appeal to new players, 1.5 was harder (and imo more fun) than this version.
Not entirely sure which vesion I prefer... but I think that shields can be annoying especially when the last two guys are fighting each other but the CT has the shield... solmething to work around for sure.
I wont miss the shield, but its a good defense against a terrorist sniper.
C'MON...YOU GUYS KNOW YOU LIKE MY SHIELD ! ! ! DONT DO THIS TO ME ! ! ! PLZ DONT TAKE THE SHIELD AWAY ! ! ! THE TWO REASONS I PLAY CS IS TO BE WITH YOU GUYS AND TO HAVE THE SHIELD ! ! ! Id be so upset if you take the shield away...please could you leave it...i mean people just have to learn to beat it. I know alot of you already can. Please this is IMO the funnest weapon in the game (d00lies are second). I play CS to have fun and this is fun...:(
Countering the shield can be pretty tricky. Sometimes it can put you in what feel like no-win situations, but there's nothing wrong with a challenge. I think we should leave it in, but Wanksta, the realism argument is getting old:PI imagine CS is probably the farthest thing from real combat.
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
Alright as long as they keep the shield...:huh:
the shield isn't even very tricky to get around unless you have a slow-firing weapon. i think they fixed the glitch a couple of updates ago too.

i personally only use awps when i find one on the ground(just screaming "USE ME! USE ME!"), but there's just so much satisfaction when you shoot him in the head with a scout or whatever your bread&butter may be.

my only preferences :
- restrict permanently. no turning stuff on/off because it causes you to win/lose.

- kill a hostie on purpose, you get to die and sit out the next round.

- no admin abuse. for example, don't kick/slay/ban people just because you want to knife and they want to blow your head off. IMO, being an admin doesn't mean getting your way or playing the threatening tyrant. it means warning and/or dealing justice where it's deserved.

- when kicking hackers, (if the hacking isn't completely obvious, iow, people are running around at light speed) ask for the players' vote and kick according to the result. (restrict regular players' ability to start votes)

- if someone's being loud mouthed and in general just isn't having any fun, suggest they take a hike and cool off. i've found drinking water while playing helps me by often sending me to the throne room where I can be free of whatever massacring tactics are underway against me. ^_^

Cheers! :wacko:

Edit :: btw, you can still bunny-hop. it just takes constant, inhuman timing. i can only get a couple of jumps off before I mess up. :rolleyes:
Killing a hostage as a CT is a legit tactic. It lets you win the match if you need to rescue 2 of them and the other 2 are unattainable.
It can also be a T tactic. . .they can kill all hosties and then don't have to worry about guarding them anymore.
Either way both sides get less money next round.
Realistically, it's not a very practical tactic for both sides. Once Terrorists start killing hostages, CT's rush in and start killing to prevent more deaths instead of taking their time, allowing the T's a default win. If CT's kill hostages...well that just doesn't make sense, they should be saving them.

Needless to say, if I had the responsibility, nearly all hostie deaths had better be on accident. Of course, if a CT is almost to the rescue block it would be smart for the T to kill the hosties in order to prevent the CT victory. Different judgement for different circumstances.

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