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Smoke restriction when I am playing
I have already talked to GRITS about this and she has oked it. When I am on the Vadavaka CS game server I am going to restrict the smoke grenades.

My reasons for doing this are not becase I don't like the smoke, I actually think it adds a great part to the game.

I am restricting it because it drops my frames per second down to like 3 or 4 from an average of about 30. Dropping it down to that causes me to get motion sickness. In other words the in game smoke makes me want to throwup.

I have already lowered the res of the smoke to its lowest level with no effect

I don't have the money for a new video card, if I did I would have one by now.

I can't just turn away from it because even if its off in the distance my video lags and most of the time, I end up being right where people toss it.

I will NOT go and play someplace else as someone suggested I should do. This is the only CS server I play on because my friends play on it. I am only playing CS because for some odd reason I ENJOY playing with my friends.

So from now on, if I'm on the server the smoke greande is restricted, if I join the server expect it to be restricted.
??? :huh:
It doesnt bother me if the smoke is gone. It is a good stratgegy and i hate to see it go but I know its not a personal thing with gwar.

I'll just have to get my fix of smokey building at concerts now ^_^
I did have a similar problem about my fps dropping from 30 to 3-4 also but it was not only from sg's, but also from the bomb site (during bomb timer countdown and when it explodes). There were many other things that caused my fps to drop drastically (I noticed the fps go down when I saw an enemy)

Some one recommened me to change the settings ATI card (Turn off TRUFORM). After doing so, My fps did not drop as it previously did. I cannot remember who told me to change it, but whoever it was I thank you greatly. Too bad my Steam is not working atm... ah well.
So no more jaccuzi? <_<

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Not when I am on. If you play when I am not on then the smoke grenade should be on.

When I am playing however, I will turn it off. It took me nearly an hour before I felt better after playing CS with the smoke grenades that people used at first.

Till I get a new video card, which could be a while do to lack of funds and seeing as how the card I want is something like 312 bucks Canadian after taxes (I think) Its a Radeon and I figure it will do me for at least the next 3 to 4 years worth of gaming.

This is strange seeing as how I have a major dislike of CS, but I like playing CS with you guys. Ok so I am usually the first dead.... and at most I only hit one person with out even taking them out.... and if I do take out someone, I am usually dead seconds like, but I still like playing with you all.
I bought my Radeon 9600 Pro at Futureshop(dont laugh...) for about $200 CDN.
You must have got it on some sort of sale day or something, the only 9600s I can find at future shop are $250 Canadian and $300 Canadian

The one I am looking at is a Radeon 9600 (pro or XT can't remember which at the moment, site is down) but it has 256 megs of ram on it. After taxes its a little over 300 bucks Canadian I believe. Its not the actual ATI brand, its got some other persons name stamp on it. I would prever getting the actual brand name ATI one but I think it was at least 30% to 50% higher in cost.

A card like this would do me for at least 3 or 4 years I think. Well as long as they keep bringing out new drivers for it. :)
Would this card support Deus Ex: Invisible War and HL2? If so i might look into getting one.
Deus Ex 2 is laggy on ALL cards unless they came out with some new patch :/
Why do you have to have an expensive, brand new card anyway? I only have a Radeon 9000 and I can play fine. I think it only costs 60 bucks.
That is not a top of the line card I want. Also the way I look at it, that 60 bucks for you is 100 bucks for me (damn conversion rate) and there are other games I want to play other then just half-life which I can't play right now because of my crappy card.

And why spend out 100 bucks (plus 15% taxes) on a card that might only be good for the next year if that, when for triple the price I could get a card that will do for at least 3 to 4 years maybe longers.

Still any way I look at it, I still don't have the money to spare to get the 100 buck card or the 300 buck card or the 700 buck card that I would really like.
i dont mind smoke....but restricting it cause of 1 player having probs...sorta lame
you used to be able to turn down the detail of the smoke with a fog command. Do they still have that. You can make it look blocky...
I belive his settings are as low as it can go. Plus they would be higher on steam, why they dont have as many visual options as possible is beyond me.
Pix reread what I wrote there...

Quote:I have already lowered the res of the smoke to its lowest level with no effect

SS reread what I wrote there...

Quote:So from now on, if I'm on the server the smoke greande is restricted, if I join the server expect it to be restricted.

Reason why I am doing this is is because I kept asking people to not use the smoke but they kept on using it. and kept telling me to lower my setting, look away or just leave. I will not leave because this is the ONLY CS server I play on because friends play there.

I want to play, so this is what I am going to do. How would you like it if everytime someone used a smoke grenade and you go downto 4 frames per second, get killed because of that and also get motion sickness from it. Would you leave? No you would ask people to stop using it while you are there. Well since people will not stop using it even after I asked them 3 or 4 times and I have the ability to restrict it while I am there, then I will do it. It has already been cleared with GRITS.

And before anyone argues with me that I might as well restrict the awp and shield at the same time because they are cheap its not the same thing. They don't make me physically sick while playing. They don't make me want to throw up. I will not restrict those items except if most (more then 50% of the people playing) want them restricted.

I also don't play on the map aztec for the EXACT same reason. With in seconds of joining Aztec I get sick to the point that I feel like I am going to throw up.

Soon as I get a new video card that can handle the smoke then guess what, I'll be one of the first people to carry smoke around with me and use it why because I actually do like smoke. I think it would be cool to be able to move through it with out getting lagged out and shot and get sick all at the same time.
Smoke grenades are usefull, but its also not like gwar is always playing CS, we can still use it just have to work around it. If you were playing on a lan with your friends, and one of them started feeling like crap because of a small thing in the game, i think everyone would stop using it out of decency.
Well, for the same reasons as stated at the top of this thread, can I restrict all weapons that give me a bad game also ?:)

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