Poll: What experience do you have with gays and/or lesbians?
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I am love with someone same gender as me
0 0%
I have family members that are openingly homosexual
1 3.45%
I have close friends that have alternate lifestyle
11 37.93%
I work/go to school with gays and/or lesbians
10 34.48%
I know people I think might be gay
7 24.14%
I do not believe I have ever met anyone that was gay or a lesbian
0 0%
Total 29 vote(s) 100%
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Gays and/or Lesbians
This came up in another thread and got me to wondering just how many of the replies were based strickly on emotional responses and how many of you have actually had any experience with the actual individuals that you are either bashing or defending depending on your views.
We are about as diverse of a group that you can get in the selective community of online gaming. I am not sure about actual statistics but I believe 15-35 white heterosexual american males take up the majority of the gaming community. I know you see a lot of nonsensical polls on the forums...this is not one of them.
"adult" answers only please
I know a few bisexual women from school and personal life.

So i'll say close friends with alternate lifestyle
How many are in the total sampling of white american males then?
we had a couple of lesbians at our school...but one day "their love" pushed it to far..they both were suppose to kill themselves..one girl shot the other,killing her, freaked her out...she got arrested and is in jail from last i heard..
That is kinda weird. I also have a few a couple of people that i really do suspect of being ######.
That is a 'wonderfully' motivating story SS.:blink:NOT!
i was just saying...around here if you are ######\lesbian you get made fun of alot...same goes if you are overweight and what not....shows how retarded people can be
I have a few friends and co-workers that are ######, but i've never asked them about their sex life, and they don't ask about mine. I personally don't get their preference, but since it doesn't intrude on my lifestyle i'll leave it alone.
i dont mind people that are ######\lesbian....i dont see whats the prob with people hating them..
I have always been a pro happiness person, so if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad.
I have some good friends that are lesbians. They have been together for at least 10 or 15 years now. Longer than a good number of marriages today.
A couple of guys on my floor in my dorm here are ######... not that we've talked about it or anything, but it's fairly obvious. And actually, there are a lot more ###### men here in SB than I saw in LA.
I could only pick one selection in the poll...four apply.
I know of a couple people suspect are homosexual and they get made fun of alot behind there back. I punched a guy cuz of what he was saying to him. I almost got myself suspended to it fut hes got a little more respect now. I dont see what peoples problems are...
talking on irc when I posted and quite a few people told me that they needed to be able to chose more than one answer...we couldn't figure out how to do that and it only allows for 10 replies and I needed 6 to the 6th power, but that is why I left it open for posts, so people could elaborate on thier answers
I know multiple ###### guys at my school. They aren't my friends but everyone knows they are ######. One is even on Varsity Cheerleading and the sad part is, that he is better than the girls.
I dont think being on the cheerleading team makes you ######, they do need the guys to lift up the girls and stuff. It will make it very difficult to avoid berating.
There's alot of lesbians at my school. There's alot of bisexual guys also. The girls are about to expelled from our school because of it. They make out in the hallways and it freaks everyone out. Most of the straight couples don't even kiss in the hall and then seventh graders see girls making out and it just really grosses everyone out. I mean, it's alright to be ######/lesbian, but don't do stuff at school.
I think we should desensitive them now. If children learn that its normal and ok to be ###### then it would help remove the discrimination against them.
it was cool...one time at a college football game last season, me and a friend came to sit on the other less-crowded side of the stadium after half-time. there were four lesbians in front of us...and three of them were really hot (the other one was the masculine type...she was even wearing guy's briefs:() anyways, they ganged up on this really cute lesbian and took turns grabbing her and trying to pull her pants down...and she wasn't wearing any underwear...hehe...they were having a good time and i was getting a good show...man, it was great^_^. ...and we won the game!! ...hehe...although the results no longer really mattered at that point...lol.
Quote:If children learn that its normal and ok to be ######

Why would you want to confuse a child any more? "Yes Billy, those 2 men
kissing is normal...you might want to try it out one day. Go ahead and experiment
and see what you like Billy. We can't offend anyone's rights
no matter how wrong they may seem. Oh heck Billy, Mom and I are gonna send you on
a ###### cruise so you can see how wonderful and normal it is to have an alternative lifestyle."

I don't think I've EVER heard of any parents say "God I hope my child ######...please make him ######."
So why would you put it in his/her mind that this is normal and give them the opportunity to enter
into that world?
question: Why?

Edit: As a parent you want whats best for your child, including happiness and love.
Unless you're already attracted to the same sex (or are going to be), you aren't going to turn out that way if you are taught not to be bothered by it.

Normal isn't a good way to describe homosexuality, since no viable offspring can be created, making it biologically abnormal and selected against in a wild population. The important thing is that it is as much of a choice as picking your parents, so it cannot be held against the individual.

Back on topic; I think I knew a ###### guy, and by that I mean I think he said he was, but I didn't hear that part of the conversation fully.
Because it doesn't work that way PIX. If you are going to be ######, then you are going to be ######. If you're going to be straight, then you're going to be straight. It has NOTHING to do with choice or seeing that it's OK. Now I don't necessarily agree with exposing a child to it, because I don't get the point. Because whether they grow up around ###### people or straight people, they will be ###### or straight. And in all honesty, it may be to their benefit to not be openly ###### in a public school. Not because it is wrong, but because so many people think it is and could put them in danger. And high schoolers can be quite violent.

I gather that you'd like to take some rights away from homosexuals until they turn heterosexual or something... why worry about them? Again, they are harmless in society except for offending the religious views of some Christians. Now, those in the KKK and White Power and all of the idiotic organizations out there still have all of their rights. I would much rather work to strip them of their rights before I do of harmless people.
Do you not believe in ANY of the studies over the last half century that say that environment does influence the development of a child? Wait...I take that back...that would ONLY work if you had a definate answer to if gays are born ###### or born straight. Still the evidence from studies had NOT proven one bit that it is a genetic trait or something you are born with. Have you not heard of ANY of the stories of sexually abused children who were so abused by a member of the same sex that their behavior modified to like the same sex? All the stories of the 'cool' lesbians at your schools are the same ones I heard and saw when I was your age. It became a trendy thing to be bisexual and look different. It had NOTHING to do with that's how God made them. They openly rejected how they were brought up and did it to be a rebel. You don't have the exclusive inside scoop just because you can vote that you touched a ###### person or saw one driving down the street. I was a club DJ for half a decade in an underground bar and Lord knows I saw and knew the (pardon the pun) ins and outs of the lifestyle of the ###### community there. Half of the club were openly ###### people as were alot of my friends. I saw alot of my straight friends transgress on dangerous ground as they turned bisexual one night a week and tried to act ###### and fit in.

I am interested in hearing from all the hiding ###### people in these very forums that GRITS says are here. Why are you acting like straight people trying to be the defenders of homosexual lifestyles? If you are so comfortable with your 'God given homosexual genetic traits' then come forward and be what you are. As I said before, there is no way on this planet that I would EVER hate you....I just don't like your lifestyle you choose. However, I hate hypocracy.
If you think being around ###### people will make you ###### then how did the first ###### person come to pass? If you need to be around it to become ###### then there wouldnt be a first, but there had to be a first because there is. :huh:

What im trying to get at is if its being around gays that makes you ######, how did the first person become ###### if there were no gays to be around?

If your child is around gays, how likely would they discriminate against them? I would say slim to none, they are comfortable with them.

What about media? ###### subject matter has increased dramtically over the past few years. So how does that not turn everyone ######?
Why do so many men turn ###### in prison? Alot of them wern't ###### before? Could it be that
they are subjected to homosexual acts so much in the clink that they get used to it? How many
come out of prison so emotionally scarred by being exposed to this that they can't stop the lifestyle?

Let's see...we will call the first ###### person on the Earth Patient Zero. You tell me why he/she was ######?
Maybe there was no women around for him to do what he needed to do. There has been evidence of
homosexuals since even the first book of the Bible. Yes I know that means nothing to you...but alot of people
do hold the Old Testiment to be a legitimate history document and most of it coincides with secular history
date for date. If you ever heard of the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and how the city was full of many
things including homosexuals. The men even wanted to 'have their way' with the Angels sent there to rescue
the family of Abraham. That was over 6000 years ago.

Yes, with the media saturation of the issue and a desensitizing of the feelings of homosexuality, why would it NOT
make someone on the edge of bisexuality feel more comfortable with this and pursue the act?

I would give you my answer why people live a ###### lifestyle but it is a 'spiritual' answer and obviously no one wants to hear anything they can't pull up concrete proof on Google about.
I can see choosing to have sex with people of the same gender, but you can't choose your sexual attractions. Basically: You can't choose to be homosexual, but you can choose to lead an "alternate lifestyle". Can you suddenly decide you're going to rebel and develop a fetish for shoe laces? (nothing in the scriptures about that, so feel free to try. hey, it's not like you have to stay that way)

Environment does play a part in human development, but sexual attraction comes with puberty, which is biologically brought on. A small change in one gene could produce a slightly different hormone which would cause a different effect on the brain. Because of the complex nature of the brain, it could take hundreds of small alterations in protein strands to create homosexuality. That means it would take thousands of per-nucleotide gene mappings to find anything even remotely conclusive. It's not like DNA is devoid of garbage codons; the sought after variations can be overlooked as easily as a couple words in a three-acre word search. Just because a couple studies came up empty handed doesn't mark the results concrete dogma foundation.
I like spiritual awnsers, at least its an awnser.

How many of those people are in their for life? Its easy to say they are ###### because they have sexual relations with only men.

As for media, if they are on the edge then they probably will go anyway. A question PIX, are you against violence in media?
To be honest...I don't like any media...but if you are fixing to try to group violence in the media and the violence portrayed against Christ in The Passion...I can see where you are going. I don't like to see violence period on TV...I don't like to see police hammering protesters...or youths hitting innocent truckers in the head with bricks...or people blowing up sinful abortion mills. The TV is an outlet for very little good. Children see soo much violence on TV everyday...as with alot of issues...it is desensitizing them to what once was wrong to show.

I feel homosexual acts ARE a sin. Man has a choice in the world and God gave this choice to him. Choose His way or the world's way (Satan). He doesn't force us at all to make a choice....at least not till the end times. The majority of mankind chooses man's way....they totally enjoy what they do and refuse to do it any other way. Homosexuals ENJOY what they do...and will have it no other way. Some say " but God is a loving God...he wouldn't make something that wasn't right." "What happened to love love love?" God is the loving Creator....but it says he is a jealous God also...punishing those who continue to sin and go against his will. We are NOT to offer judgement upon anyone....that alone is His right, but I as a Christian am suppose to tell what we believe. There have been thousands of homosexuals turn from their ways and give their lives to God.

So this is my spiritual thought on this. You can call me a 'religious-wacko' or a 'Jesus-freak'. I look at that as a medal of honor. Some people might not care to hear it but I pray each night for my family and friends....and you people are my friends.


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