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I spoke with PuNkGirL and she says the tournament rules remain the same. Play your matches and report the outcomes to her. Rules are found on the website for the tournament.
The match ups are as follows

Acid Head vs. Linus game must be completed by Midnight EST 04-13-03

RulePool vs. Shakira game must be completed by Midnight EST 04-13-03

Noxious vs Nemesis game must be completed by Midnight EST 04-13-03
winner of that match to play Shalk game must be completed by Midnight EST 04-16-03

RWS vs Power and Glory game must be completed by Midnight EST 04-13-03

The two finals will be played by Saturday Easter Weekend with the Finals by Easter Sunday...I will find out from PG which match ups will follow these and post them asap so you can play as soon as you finish this round. Email me with the times of your matches and I will lock the GRITS server for you. [email protected]
well I'll try to help make these actually get accomplished...and I'll be taking care of the winners and who goes on etc....but are you sure that's the way the matches should go? cuz RWS is gone and Shalk is supposed to play the winner of Neme and Noxi... Ya see we are ****ed up for about 2 weeks. Week 3 didn't finish so 4 didn't get a chance. It should go like this

Noxi and Neme play...then that winner plays Shalk for a spot in the top 4.

Rws and Pique played...RWS won...but he supposedly forfeited...then so did P & G..meaning there is not a 4th player in the final 4 bracket. Thus we default to the next best player...which would be Pique, or since we've waited so long we see if those 2 are ready to play now...we'll just have to see....
No, the rules state that Pique can't come back if he lost. That is final.
if you want to get technical about it i just checked the site rules. i dont see a "if you lose you are out for good even if it would be better for the spirit of the tourny if you came back" rule. Now yes i am a little blazed so i might not be seeing it. All you had to do was say nah it wouldn;t be fair.
Cloud I am sure PG appreciates all the work you put into the Tournament and the website but we dont want ppl to get confused....
match wins should be reported to PuNkGirL and the next matches will be posted here asap so that they can schedule them and compete before the deadline:)
I'm wondering if we are going back to the single elimination format cause I had thought the final 8 was double elimination. I'm saying this because if we want to get this thing over with we should do single elimination.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Totally Agree P&G
PuNkGirL its your call......
Ok look here's the deal. I do the site...the site has the players who will play each a bracket...pG gives me that info...thus *I* post that info up for everyone. The rules do not state a damn thing about players coming back after they lost...cuz well it's silly, but in this case rather than having a ***ing bye in the final round, I'd rather have someone else take the place of just makes everything a lot smoother, but hey it's not my tourney. Also the way is was *supposed* to run was that the last 3 rounds (8, 4, and 2) would be double elimination...but no one is doing the tourney for one I'd dare not try to attempt having 2 matches per personally I'd say no...and even tho normally what I said was pretty much what happened...all of a sudden pG's ask her about it...

- and I'm sorry but if you get confused by what I said...then well I can't help it...cuz that's just crazy. The problem is that no one really cares enough to read all the messages and info. and people have busy lives so they don't get a chance to follow these things, but if you're in the tourney you need to make an attempt to speak to us...or post on the forums your issue (which a few of you did...and I commend you)..
the finals will be single elemination. Frankly i'm really f'ing tired of this whole thing and if grits wants it finshed then so be it. We saw RWS today, so he is back and can play his match. Nox and nem need to play their match though, so they should hop to it.

finally, if another tourny starts up ever, i really don't want to be apart of the production process, maybe just a contestant. Cause damn to much work and my contribution just disappears as cloud takes over. Only thing i got was the name on the tourny. Oh and the blame when this thing went screwy.

p.s.: PLEASE, to the 5 remaining ppl, PLEASE! finish this thing so i don't have to hear about it anymore.
Hey now...I kept saying it was YOUR tourney, not mine...I NEVER tried to take credit for it....but ya know whatever....
Due to the recent events with Acid I don't think he will be around for a while if ever again according to him.

Edit: Apparently Acid has been seen on the server so I guess he has calmed down.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Hey can we watch some of these like on HLTV or something? spectate i dont know. It'd be so awesome.
Pg? When's the next tourney?
PuNkGirL,Apr 9 2003, 01:06 AM Wrote:No, the rules state that Pique can't come back if he lost. That is final.
i didnt lose so can i take the place?:)
i forfeited cuz me and shakira had trouble with a decent time
What is the status of this tourney as of today? I have not seen RWS on the server at all and have yet to receive a reply to the email a sent to him on Friday.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I will talk with PG and see how she wants to handle it...
I dont want it to die...we can always do who is left in the final 8

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