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Tier 2
Now we gotsta set up our next tier... Preferably soon.

How about this Friday (March 5th 2004) at about 6:00 pm EST?
am i correct in seeing that the match was never played?
btw, i'm back, and my roadrunner will be hooked up this evening.
Sounds good.
What about you RJ? That time good for you?
I cannot do much on Friday Night. Make it saturday and I'll be good
what is up with this tier?
Ok guys so it's :

Saturday, March 6th 2004 at 6:00 PM EST.

This is the final time, unless someone in the tier posts against it. Be there.
Sigh... good chance I can't be there, I may be leaving tonight for the weekend.
How about if we don't hear from you before the match tommorow we postpone it to next friday?
Sure... it doesn't appear that I'm leaving tonight... so I may be sticking around here for the weekend.
So it's alright if it's tonight (sat the 6th) at 6:00 pm EST for everybody?
Works for me now.
I should be able to ref if im not eating dinner. Log into mIRC as well if you need a ref.
That didn't work 2 well.. i guess you didn't see the post in time rj.. well how about we reschedule for sunday the 7th at 8:00 PM EST? sound good? Otherwise it'll have to be later in the week, or next week-end...
Should be fine for me.
so then it's settled!

Sunday, March 7th at 8:00 PM EST, 5:00 PM PT.

Good luck all!
RushJet1,Mar 7 2004, 08:24 AM Wrote:ok
Erm.. i thought sunday at 8 est was what we all agreed on... I showed up.. so did g-boy.. rush how come you weren't there?
what should be do... should we reschedule or should we cancel ANOTHER match?
Try rescheduling.

You can always talk on IRC to schedule as well and post what you decide here. Finding a ref shouldnt be a problem, and I can do it again if im not working.
Let's put it this way... I'm available anytime at afternoon/night past 3pm on Wednesday and Friday, anytime after basically 10am on Tuesday and Thursday (PST of course, 3 hours behind EST). Friday will depend on whether I catch a train that night or if my gf decides to come up. I probably won't be available this coming weekend, whether studying or otherwise. Ditching the girlfriend for a computer game match just doesn't happen. However, I wouldn't count it out. This past weekend I was available, but the others in the match just didn't seem available. I don't understand why you want to do it on a weekend so badly, just do it at night after school or work or whatever you have? It's not that long, so homework shouldn't be an excuse... I know damn well that no one works on homework every moment after school.
Its 45 minutes and you guys have some ideas that gboy came up with. Go forth :thumb:
If you see this post before tuesday at 9:00 pm EST and you're free then POST an acknowledgment and go on irc.

Otherwise i suggest doing it Wednesday the 10th at 5:00 EST.
If that doesn't work out then i'm free:
on Thrusday the 11th after 5:00 pm EST
on Friday the 12th after 5:00 pm EST
All weekend!

Let's try and get an actual match going this time huh?;)
Yoshi,Mar 9 2004, 09:10 PM Wrote:If you see this post before tuesday at 9:00 pm EST and you're free then POST an acknowledgment and go on irc.

Otherwise i suggest doing it Wednesday the 10th at 5:00 EST.
If that doesn't work out then i'm free:
on Thrusday the 11th after 5:00 pm EST
on Friday the 12th after 5:00 pm EST
Oops i forgot:
Thrusday the 11th from 5:00 pm EST to 6:00 pm EST, then from 8:00 pm EST to 10:00 pm EST
I can play anytime tonight. I can play anytime tomorrow (except 10:00-12:00 AM EST).

I would suggest something around 8 EST or 5 PST for gboy.
how about this coming tuesday at 8:00 EST???March 16th
I can ref.
If you want it Tuesday, I have a class until 8:30. Let's try 8:45, maybe even 9:00.

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