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pr0 Server is dead
Due to lack of participation on my box, I have removed ricochet.
I am just running Vampire Slayer with admin mod/Hook mod
full time now. See you on Holdout's Servers.
a b
I felt the same way when I first got my servers. Everyone was always at NOH or charter. I heard pr0 had good ping for was about the same for me. I wish you wouldnt kill it so is nice to have another "owner" to bounce things off of and share with.:(
I would have played there more... but... I'm an arena player, and everytime I was gonna play ricochet, pr0 was on a dm map...
maybe you should of worked out a different map rotation or something. i was talking to rws a while ago and we think that it's a bad idea for a server to have both dm and arena maps in the same rotation for example. to be honest, i'm an arena is fun occasionally...but if i really want that kind of action, i'll usually play hldm. i think that arena and dm feel like completely different games...and as soon as arena loads, people leave...and vice versa.
my feeling is that you were running vs and rico d.servers on the same machine (i don't even know if that's possible but you implied it in another post) and vs performance was suffering and since you see it as having more potential, you killed the rico server :(.
I've never had any performance problems at all on any of my servers even with 3 different instances running.
To be has nothing to do with anyone. I honestly thank everyone who came to play. I just wanted
to see more participation from my own teammates, which I didn't see. So, I am stepping back and am just going
to be a fellow clan member like everyone else. I seem to think that sometimes people take things for granted and
don't appreciate things until they don't have them.

Long live GRITS's servers !!
I give her all and any support I can give.:thumb:
man pix, i'm sorry about all of that. is there anything i can do to help get it going again?

i feel bad. take the rip server for example. i often go and no ones there and when i go to vad's there's like 6 of us in there:D.

the thing is. i wonder if most your clan mates understood how you felt before. they probably didn't understand how they could help...maybe they didn't want to cross the line so to speak.

anyways, good luck with the vs server...:thumb:
um... i played on the pr0 server whenever i saw ppl playing on it. I really liked to play on it too. It was my only way to get to play deathmatch, and i liked the stats. I would even sit in an empty server sometimes, waiting for ppl to come in so i can play on it.
I have no things to say for this, I'm shocked
Considering there a few arena maps, maybe you should have run a series of those on a map cycle as a change...
Sorry to hear that Pix, but the thing was that I pretty much lagged more on pr0 server. I understand ur decision though, and its cool.
I had rc_arena, rc_deathmatch, rc_deathmatch2, rc_stalkyard
in the map-cycle.
GRITS server has pretty much the same mapcycle and it gets maybe half the amount of activity as Vads arena only

the die hards that play all the time and are addicted just prefer rc_arena I think. I agree with .asm GRITS server empties after a certain type of map and then the next shift comes in until their map type changes.
We all respect your decision PIX and I understand it more than most...because of my 'neglect' and 'unappreciated' feelings with the GRITS server you didnt get enough 'buisness' and kudos before your decision so it is hard to accept them now with the "well if I had of known" view points. I really appreciate it when someone out of the blue will just say "thanks" for the servers and I didn't have to put as much work into mine as you did to get yours up and running....
Apologies to you for not showing any gratitude for your help in trying to expand our small community.
If I keep this thread running long enough maybe we can convince you we do appreciate it and you will bring it back online....:Dor maybe we can make you feel guilty enough to bring it back online...:rolleyes: or I am even willing to just pester you until you get tired of me so you bring it back up to shut me up :P
Wow, there was another sever besides Vad's. I wish people would tell me things, hmmph, friends.
How bout you just flash me and then I might change my mind.:ghost:
That was for GRITS btw.....don't even say it Jabba....:thumb:
If you can make that happen dude, you are awesome. go pix go, or go grits go.

vote, we all need pix
lol Jabba, PIX is not leaving, the server is :P
OK PIX check your email....:rolleyes:
I better see the server up by the end of the week:wub:
OMG.. OMG.. OMG.. PIX, you bastard!!! btw...please frwd to: [email protected] ...ty :thumb:
oh, you guys were talking about pro server coming back, I thought he was gonna get grits to flash.
OH GREAT..she sent me a pic of her long haired dude relative with his shirt off....GAWD:blink:
I need dem tig ole bitties!:lol:
a b
#24 can keep that one to yourself...^_^.
Thanks to GRITS' VERY persistant ways...I turned it back on. I figured it might
alleviate some of the crowding on HOLDOUT's that I've seen over the last few days.
Everyone can thank GRITS. She is a real peach.:wub:
a b

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