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You have been banned from this server...
Good bye.

Maybe I'll come back some day, when I'm unbanned or when another server with less stupid rules comes up.


BTW, I was right, I was always right, you ###### admins are all the same, you keep banning the good players for all these bogus rules you pull out of your asses, Mew will probably be next, then other players, you are only killing the mod, Ricochet, as a whole. I hope you ######s learn how to be realistic in your rules someday, until then, bye.

edit2: NT trying to delete this post Gwar, you know this is your misdoing, you jackass, I will keep posting this until it is heard. Hell, you're the one that told me to post something against these rules before I was banned right? Here it is.
Your post was NOT deleted. Open your eyes and look in the banned section.

Stop accusing people of things they have not done.
I'm not pleading shit you god damn idiot.
Damn it acid, they arent hard rules to follow, it just keeps the mod clean for younger kids to play, the problem is that the regulars believe since they are regulars it is their server and everyone else needs to cut them slack, the new people see someone else doing it and think its OK, so they start and when we warn or kick them,"that is when the real flaw in the rules shows up", kicking some and not others for the same offense. I can keep from typing cuss words that are banned, even thou in real life in some conversation every other word that comes out of my mouth is a cuss word.
When you cuss and it filters it everyone know what you were try to comunicate, the words you typed arent really lost in translation,
in the words of Rodney King "cant we all just get along" cus i dont want acid to stop playing the server but i want everyone to follow the rules also,
frito <!--emo&amp;:blsh:-->&lt;img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='blush.gif'&gt;<!--endemo-->
duh, think he was upset, that's childish, no wonder the edited.

btw, write when you find more fun buddy.
think he got hold of some bad stuff?
Acid, bro. I've only seen you once and you're already banned. You gotta come out of your stimulant-laced wonderworld and face the music. Some things have rules that need to be followed. I love chaos as much as the next person but I still try to follow rules if I can still have fun in the process. Admit you were wrong, maybe they'll let you play again!!! :(
I agree.

Sometimes you have to swallow your pride and let 2+2 equal 5.
I hate to see you go Acid you are one of the best players out there, but if you can't follow the rules that's your fault. A few months ago you were banned for practically the same thing. Stop blaming the admins. Maybe it's time for you to look at yourself instead of pointing the finger. We keep banning the good players? Like who? Grits will be more than happy to post the ban list to show you. Plus banning the good players is an oxymoron in my book. You can't be good if you are being banned. Your right on one thing Acid Mew might be next if he chooses to keep his reconnecting ways up. Hopefully someone will talk to him before that happens though. Back on topic. If you choose to come back one day then so be it but the rules will not change. I'm sorry if it is not like NOH or Charter were there were no admins.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
It's funny. I've never had a problem with an admin, never been banned, gagged, nothing. There was one time GRITS banned me but it was a misunderstanding. Other than than, I follow the rules and watch my attitude, and you might find this hard to belive, but I don't get in trouble. It's a beatiful reciprocal arrangement.
I saw Acid in the server five minutes ago. I declare false advertisement!
It is pretty simple really.

GRITS puts up server(s).
GRITS expects people to play according to some very *reasonable* rules.
I join GRITS' server and the ONLY thing which the admins ask of me is that I follow these very reasonable rules.
GRITS' and some other players decide that it would be great to create a website to help the community flourish.
I, essentially, do nothing except log in and play.

If GRITS starts asking me to send her money to play on her server, then maybe, just maybe I will question some
of her rules. As it stands now, really, how could anyone complain? Suck it up, follow the rules, play for free: that
is all anyone is asking.

&quot;If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin.&quot;
Thanks for the support guys.
Acid_heads ban from the server was a 600min cool down was not permanent.
I also put him on a temp ban from the forums (which he tried to get around by registering a new name, but which I also banned). He called me an idiot (near top of this thread). While that is not much of an insult, it was just one more thing ontop of everything he did and said the other night.

It will be removed in a few days or when ever GRITS tells me to, which ever comes first.

I would also like to thank all the people for their support of the rules. You don't know how hard it is to gag, kick or ban people that you like playing with. Its the part of being an admin that really sucks, but as I have said before I don't play favorites. If someone breaks the rules that GRITS and the other admins have set down then I will do what should be done, no matter who it is. A few of you already know that for a fact (no finger pointing, but you know who you are)

I gave acid (and a few others there) warnings to stop bypassing the swear filter. Acid also accused me of doing stuff that I did not do. (which was delete a message that he posted here) There are other admins here that have all the same powers I do. They don't have to run anything by the other admins, they use their own judgment just like they do in the games.

Acid doesn't seem to like to play on servers with rules. We all remember what its like to play on servers that have no rules or the rules are not enforced.

I can remember...

people that are AFK for hours on end
2 people that are AFK facing each other
endless chat spamming
cussing worse then a sailor
and many other things that would just not make the game fun

So as I said to Acid, if you don't like the rules there are plenty of other servers out there.
He returned that none of them have players on them.

my only thought to that would be, maybe because we are one of the few that have rules and enforce them.
well, here it is: i'm really sorry for acting like an ass the last two days. i appologize for the following:

1) i was playing deliberately agressive, picking fights and insulting players
2) almost every time i lost a game, i said bg, fu, up yours, etc... (can u believe i'm almost 25? :huh:)
3) gwars kicked me from vads for bypassing the chat filter even though i was warned (he had enuf trouble that night)
4) right after rule beat me and said good game, i rudely disconnected like a noob
5) basically being difficult in general, especially w/ fellow RiP members

if you had problems w/ any of the following:

[*RiP*]kermit.asm (of course)

well, their all people that have played and known me for a while, i hope know that i almost never exhibit this kind of behavior. i have bad nights like everyone but believe it or not, i'm usually always a good sport. if i ever get like this again, i just won't bother playing. anyways, i'm ready to shape up...see you in the arena :thumb:
road rage=keyboard rage
just say no to puberty
beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks=admin love
Although I still don't think what I did was wrong in any way, I'll adhere to your rules.

Gwar, NOH and KAH had no rules nor active admins and they did just fine except for a reconnector or two sometimes, but 90% of the ricochet populous respected the waiting period between rounds. I remember when Darkson wasn't one of those =)

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