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camel spider found in iraq

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That is the 2 most horrendous spiders I've ever seen!!!:o
there are 2 there btw..not just 1 big one:)
omg scary:o
Hmm. I want one to put in my brother's room. He's afraid of even the small ones. So it'd be fun to see what he'd do when he sees one of those on his bed.
Ok I'm sorry to say this Frito, but at first I thought the picture was fake and they were using some sort of special effects or something like rubber spiders, but I was wrong.

Take a look at this video footage I found.

Here is some more info on them.
Those things are still ugly. Even though they have no venom, those front pinchers could do some damage. I think ANYTHING with camel on the name is ugly. You ever see one of those big ol Camel Crickets.....oh man! They always get found on the bottom of swimming pools.
Here is a nice close up image of our little buddy here, and no its not Frito! :)

[Image: camel%20spider%2001-2.jpg]
thier mating habits are more disturbing then there looks :blink:
ok im freaking more pics that big @_@
It looks bigger in the picture that frito posted. How big are they?
gb's pick you get a good look at what it looks like :(
Some of the stuff I read said 5 inches across with a body of about 2 inches across.
Hate misleading names... in frito's pic I thought "I hadn't heard of spiders in iraq this large!" (I'm arachnophobic as hell but I am interested in them too). For those who hadn't figured it out, they're not spiders.
Yeah I always thought spiders had 8 legs but the ones in the first pic look like they have 10.
It is an arachnid...but the ONLY thing it has in common with spiders is the 8 legs.
I'd hate to find one of those in some urinal....eeek!
Well let's put it this way frito... most arachnids look like they have 10 legs because of the palp (look at the diagram in the link gwar had)... spiders have them too, just not quite as enlongated and obvious... in some cases, one that's hanging from a web may appear to have 10. Scorpions have specialized palps that are pincers. This thing is pretty unique, had no idea they existed.
I heard of this spider, unlike other spiders, camel spiders are very aggressive, if you ever throw something at one, it will run at you at full speed, and yes, they are fast and do jump. Pretty sure this is the spider I'm thinking of, either way, I remember it was HUGE.
I read that they can be found in the kits of soldiers (probably where those two were). They seek out shadows during the day, including those of people. If the object casting the shadow moves, they follow it (the shadow), which gives the impression of pursuit. Must be entertaining to watch a desert newbie running from one, since they move at up to 16km/h.
almost as bad as this one that i found in my bathroom this morning
[Image: 23927_w.jpg]
So i guess thats your website in the bottom left hand corner?
It would be awesome to have one of those Middle Eastern ones (cuz they're the biggest) as a 'pet'. Build it a giant terrainium with lots of heat lamps.. get it big food (if you have a mouse or roach problem, the cost of feeding it would be significantly lowered). I suppose you could make a pen in the desert somewhere, but not everyone is close to one.

Oh the hours of justifiably scientific entertainment..
write it up bet the US government would fund it:D
Wha you would be a millionare.
ok i have a few qustions who the "f" is holding those things!?! When they say our sodiers that fight out there are brave and tough i guess they really mean it..and another ok honestly people if you went out to iraq to fight what would you be more afraid of the wierd wild-life dangers they have there like finding scorpiens in your nap sack and spiders and shit "which i bet geting bit or stung is not all to uncomin" or would you be more afraid of the danger of terrist threats? I would have to say on an over all basis i would be afraid most of the time of getting attacked by the wild-life.

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