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ok, apperently, even though its been said that it doesn't happen, us "skilled" players are getting special treatment on the servers. When rules are broken, we apperently get more warnings then we should. And when action is finally taken, it is usually rationalized and is less severe then it should be.

I don't think that this should be going on. First off, we run the servers and even ppl who aren't admins try to hold the peace. Second off, we should be role-models to the less "skilled" players. Third off, when we break the servers rules and get away with it, we become hypocrites.

My opinion is that we shouldn't get more warnings cause we are friendly with each other, we should get less warnings. Everyone here knows the server rules and knows if one gets broken or not (whether self done or someone else did it). So that ALONE should be the warning. I mean someone coming in for the first time won't know if he can cuss or not and does so. He gets yelled at and then hopefully stops. We already know about that rule so our warnings should be up.

I know it would hurt to send a friend packing for the night, but you can't full-scale ban ppl named Player, then turn around and let others break rule after rule because we know and like that person.

I'm sure some of you may already know why i am posting this post (and if you do and don't realize it, i'm not gonna tell you). I will leave the reason alone, but i want to see your guys' opinions on this matter.
I see your point PG and its a good one. However, I like to sometimes let myself go free in say VAD's PLACE. Now I dont swear nearly half as much as some people, but I like knowing I can just let go and get away with it. I mean I only do it once or twice in a blue moon (god I hate that cliche, why am i using it?) but it makes me feel better or something.
I think that we should all get the same number of warnings, "skilled" or not. Say two warnings for one offense ( ie language) then gagged then kicked. I mean if people dont like it that offender will get a bad reputation and believe me thats one of the worst things in the online world.:thumb::smurf:(lets play more 2v2, crossfire)
figure that one out I'm Stupid
I can't remember the last time I got any warning (that is, after I returned from my ban), but I do remember being gagged countless times without warning:)

OK I got it, you unscrmble the letters and you get aceadoi...must be french(or you realy are;):thumb: stupid)
Real mature Acid Thanks for generalizing (spelling?) all of us admins by calling us that. I sure Grits will be happy about that. Back on topic I give the same fair treatment to anyone. When I think they are new I will give enough warnings before I gag,kick,or ban depending on the situation.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I have to agree with PG...the 'regulars' know the rules and therefore already have a "warning". When you break the rules you encourage the new people to break the rules also...fact is you are showing them "how" to get around the language filter sometimes. It is admittedly unfair to lighten up on people just because they are having a 'bad day' and are one of the better players or are a regular. I apologize for not carrying though on my own rules Sunday when one of the favs was a bit irate and antagonistic. It is not fair to those of you that do your best to abide by the rules. I promise it won't happen on my "shift" again. I know I have gagged players without warning...but always after the second offense of the night and it is always people who know the rules and are smart enough to figure out why it was done. Gags last 2 minutes
I would also like to take this opportunity to "warn" everyone.....bigotry will not be tolerated at all and is an automatic and permanent ban. Bigotry does not only include "racist" comments it is any comment that shows an intolerance or prejudice to any group of people. (newbies excluded:D)
Thanks for the input PG. This is what the forums are voice your opinion so that situations dont 'run you off' the servers.
So would I get in trouble if I said "pG didn't wear any underwear" but she
replies back and says"so, and i don't wear pants either" and I uncover my
eyes and grab a sneak peak??:wub:
I just love nekedness!!

I 4th the vote...regulars are duly warned before entering arenas.
As my football coach said back in high-school in his most Southern,
red-neck dialect: Sho yer class and not yer ass!"
as far as the rules are concerned, it is the regular's moral duty to uphold them. they know them, they know when to say "dude, cool off." Believe me, i say it often, but it should only be once. When people start turning into jerks by pissing off everyone in the server, whether it was intended or not, they should get no warning. There are other servers out there where they don't care what you say, or how you cheat, and you may go there. But when they don't, necessary steps are taken to ensure that those that DO care are able to play peacefully (lol, isn't that ironic, considering the game?). Still, it's fun when newbies come in and BS around when they don't know that an admin's around, and about to screw with them before they kick them....:lol:

just my input, kudos to Vad for being so fair, and to PG for knowing when to speak. my regards.

Power and Glory censored a bunch of stars, good going!
Actually Grits did it Acid. Maybe next time choose a better word. Plus it wasn't all stars anyone could have guessed what it was hmm ends it GOT gee I wonder<_<
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Well, I didn't mean GRITS or you at all anyway, you two are awesome, so don't freak.
Uhm, Acid, I dun think you are getting the point that you should be friendly with all those whoe AREN'T admins as well. Just a thought.
I must admit I was a little derelict in my gag/kick/ban duties last weekend due to my recent accusations of admin abuse. I agree with pg that regulars shouldn't get any warning, they have been around long enough to know the rules, especially if a player has been gagged/kicked and/or banned previously.

I will give warnings to new players but I see no reason to warn a player who is trying to take advantage of being a regular.

So regulars be warned: evil_admin is back, undercover and will not tolerate infractions. I am not as quick to kick or ban as some other admins (just my way) but I am probably also quicker to gag or llama-ize someone for profanity or verbal attacks.

Oh and just for the record, I did gag the person pg was referring to on Sunday at least once.

i may just be dumb.... but what ? I've never seen any regulars or even none regulars get kicked/banned/gagged. i kno i was warned for foul language on sunday, i think it was sunday anyway, and so was diablo - regulars, did 1 offence, got 1 warning... and some n00b named BRASILIAN i think was swearing his mouth off yet only got 1 warning and no action taken after that even tho he continued. So for once i completely disagree with pG, the admins seem to allow n00bs just as much slack than regulars, but i agree all of the adminship needs to tighten up - enforce the rules a little more - 1 warning then action and further action if neccessary. Don't skip the warning and dont skip the action and treat all players equally.
I think pG says it well. While I don't seem to have a lot of problems with regulars disobeying the rules, there are indeed occassions where if it was anyone else I would probably take the time to report it to an admin. And then there are occassions where an admin is present but no one says anything because they're a regular.

This makes me realize something, if regulars are mouthing off, it's not just the admins duty to take care of it, if we care enough to reply to this thread and agree with what pG said, we should care enough to point out someone's mistakes and misconducts.
I think there should be more action taken against people who complain about push disc spamming:blink:
:smurf:I think there should be less push disc spamming:P:thumb:

:offtopic: debates thread...I do believe there are some posts already there on the same subject
i agree with limitless on this 1. Push disc use is fine but spamming just shows lack of aim and skill and may cause extra lag to the slower connection/computer users, aka Grief Play which is not tollerated anywhere (usually):)

:offtopic:follow limitless over to the debates for this one.. this thread is about "following rules" and "consequences":D
Sorry for off subject pG

Why do you care if someone's using push discs? Is that because you get owned by em? It doesn't matter what they do, it's their choices unless it's against the rules, RC makers let us use the push button, why bother? Just play whatever you want

That's my four cents (Uhh I just wanted to do this :P)

:offtopic:but at least it started with an apology:D
Well this being the 20th post to this topic, i see that alot of you agree with my stance here, I just hope that you guys will follow through. I know i will on the pr0 server.
What the Devil:devil: is this silly off topic nonsense?! I did not write that, and its limitless with an ][_, dUh! But very well, whoever you are, I will take my argument to the debates board :cens:

I just have one last thing to say and that is that push discs are fine, a lot of the good players use them extremely well, but when someone spams, its just not fun. If you have a powerup then spamming is alright, like triple shot or fast shotm, cause thats the benefit of a powerup, otherwise CUT IT OUT!:spam:or we will assimilate you into our collective:borg:
If it's off topic, then quit saying your sorry about being off topic and get back ON topic. As for being kicked. On the whole part I would agree... exactly there is disagreement over what some cultures consider to be wrong but others allow.

Often I write how I talk, and sometimes it goes around the filter, which is completely accidental and not intended... but if you are so tight on the rules would mean that I'd end up being banned...

Or maybe that's your plan you crafty lot...
Why talk about push discs? That topic has been beat to death with a stick and yet it continues. Everyone has taken their side, like the war/anti-war debate, no one is changing sides, so why bother at all?

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