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Know someone who has been banned?
Ya my friend got banned the other day for saying 'negro'. I dont thinkhe knew about the whole rules and things (he plays CS). I think his name was just 'Ancalagon' when he got banned, maybe we could unban him, he's learned. He doesn't play much anyways, but its fun to play with real-life buddies.:thumb::smurf:
It is fun to play with people you know.
I will look into it...did he happen to be using your wonid? ;)
If not I need it to look him up in the logs and if needed unban him
I've seen him... "Ancalagon the Black"
I believe that was me that he called it, and it wasn't just saying it. He can register here and and submit his ip and wonid and an apology to me, and that should be good for me. Maybe education will enlighten his rascist ways.
Who says "negro" anyway? And it doesn't matter what the word is. Someone called me a Jew, but he meant it in a bad way as if being Jewish is bad. If you call someone a "negro" it makes it sound like that's a bad thing. Therefore it's almost as bad as using a vulgar slur.
Damn skippy g B)
No G, just Ancalagon. And hes a moron, theres no hope enlightening him. He used 'negro' because the N-bomb is filtered.
Then he should stay banned:D

And I did see someone named Ancalagon the Black. So either it was a coincidence or he modified it when I was around.
Malcontents dont get second chances. If he was trying to use the "Nbomb" he is not welcome on our servers
Makes me wonder who has multiple Id's.
I've got multiple Id's...tons...Better keep a close watch on me!:upto:
Hehe, threats like that and you may soon need a few more. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
we need to save the Trigun.vash.ace shot i really think he is a good person and he is like my best playing buddy cause he playes at least an houre to 2 a day and i am not to sure on what went on between him and Gwars but i think all can be forgivin and i also would like to see what hapend bettween them i would like to see what was in the logs not just the part where they were fighting i seen that but what i didnt see is how it got stated and besides that he is a teenager and you know how it is if some1 says something to you the hormones tell you to react i don't know what exacly i am talking about but i think that he just seriously did think that Gwars did put a virus on his pc cause maybe he is a lil computer illiterate so if he really did think that even after people told them it wasnt him can you really blame vash? If i didn't lmpw better and i thought it was Gwars that did it to me i cannot say that i wouldent have done the same.
All those points are I guess a reasonable argument except for the counter arguments that go with them. If he has a temper problem, he needs to get that under control. If he assumed a problem about computers when he's not literate enough about them, he should have listened to those who told him that he was wrong.

For any argument there is a counter argument, no matter who far fetched it might seem.
Your facts are not correct. Talk to Vash and ask him what happened. You will note that he is no longer in RIP either. This is NOT a vash vs GB issue. If he leads you to believe it is, I will share the real facts with you in private.
I agree Vash can be a nice guy, but immaturity is never a good excuse for blatant disregard for rules and other people/community. You have to learn to accept responsibility for your actions and learn not to over react.
I will do that i will talk to him next time i get the chance to cause from what he told me i would have been mad to but i prob wouldent have used the same choice of actions as he did and guess i will try and find out the truth if you all think that he was wrong.
I would suggest not using the same course of action. I've known these guys for about two years now (give or take) and they wouldnt put something on anyones system on purpose and would be the first ones to try and help getting rid of this stuff.
Cartman Dont worry about it... Someday I will be unbanned im not sorry about for what I did.. I had to do it because I tell who everI hate in their face im not going to hide my actions..... But im not going to Say I dont regret it. Gwarsbane didnt give me a virus thingy or w/e it was. It had to do with Miagi. My pc still randomly restarts hehe but It seems not to do it when im playin a game only when im not. And cartman you can see me on 1.6 where I will be teaching others. I played 1.5 today with acid head and tizoid it was fun. But this is about me makin fun of gwarsbane and his policing the server. Something I cant change.... but heh I guess thats him. And thanks Cartmen for mentioning my name. And netniv I dont have an anger problem in real life im one of the nicest people you will ever see. I just had to show my ghetto side that time hehe..

and grits
[QUOTE] Your facts are not correct. Talk to Vash and ask him what happened. You will note that he is no longer in RIP either. This is NOT a vash vs GB issue. If he leads you to believe it is, I will share the real facts with you in private.
I agree Vash can be a nice guy, but immaturity is never a good excuse for blatant disregard for rules and other people/community. You have to learn to accept responsibility for your actions and learn not to over react.

I dont understand what you said ... when you say that lol I have damn idea what you mean.. What is it about than. Tell me in private me or something I want to see also cuz if its not about gwarsbane what is it about? I dont mind being banned because when i am unbanned or if i even dont get unbanned I will eventually buy a new Won Id if they dont unban me in a couple of months. But its fun playing on other servers where you can cus and feel free lol... My whole point on the forums about the virus is why would Miagi put some shit like that in there anyway... And on the virus issue of gwars I yelled at him because he said there was no other way for me to even get that I had to click on it. I didnt click on diddly sqaut i was playin cs like I said and than i got that crap in irc. I dont like gwars thats my whole piont and I just hated how he policed me.. It annoyed me. It would be like he is on his period or something thats how I felt. And I did not come back here to insult no one if you are taken it in the wrong way note how im talkin about the past so dont ban me from the ban forums lol. But after reading all of gwarsbane bans in the forum . I can see he has been this way for the whole time. But its all gravy.. please grits pm me on what the hell this is about lol cuz i don tget it .... I thought my whole bannin was about me talkin shit about gwarsbane. pm me and tell me what the facts are...... And power and glory I have somethign to say to you when I had that name [RiP] I hate gwars I had taken it off like 10-20 minutes after you banned me cuz chentvin gave me a warnin and told me to change my name..... So i didnt like that.. After i was warned i changed it and note when you banned me my name was [RiP]Plz dont bypass filter or something like that. I changed my name and after I did you still banned me that was real shitty. But I woulda been banned anyways for talkin siht about him lol in the forums and shit. but thx cartmen for bringing me up.
As The Wind Stops The Legend Stops.
Once the Wind Blows again The legend will continue...........
and wtf is bigot? someone tell me that....
A bigot is a person who is rascist. Dude we told u about a million times what the issue with the virus is so just sit down and listen:

1)The virus infects someones computer
2)The virus opens
3)The virus spreads but through someone elses name who is on the channel

So unkowingly you probably also spread the virus. I mean if that were the case then DragonLady gave me the virus and what are the chances she would do something like that to me. You are giving in to the creators purpose which is getting one another to go against eachother like this. I know it may have seemed like a good idea at the time to flame and yell at some of your former friends from ricochet but at least see my point now. We've had some really good times playing so could we please just put this behind us and get on with our lives?

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