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Videocard is gonna be delayed...
I still have no idea when ATI is gonna release their new card or at least info about their new card, but I know its gonna be soon cause Nvidia has just brought out the Geforce 6 (

Also my electric shaver that is 13 or 14 years old has just died. Thankfully it died before I started using it. So I will be using my personal funds that I have saved up (none of the funds that people have donated will be used that is strictly for the video card) to pick up a new electric razor. (gotta do some research on them, these things have changed a lot in the last 13 years hehe)

Anyway its just a set back right now, nothing major. either way I still have to wait.
Why not use disposable untill you buy a new card? Or grow a beard.
wait wait been shaving since you were 10???
Umm GRITS, I'm 28, not 24 :)

I don't like disposables at all. Never have. Also they would eventually cost as much as or more then what a new electric razor would cost me by the time I am able to afford a new electric razor so it will just slow me down from getting a new one.

And I don't like beards, they are itchy. Besides I still have time to go before I will be getting the videocard so I might as well get the electric razor now

Unless the prices start dopping now, I don't think I will be getting a new video card for at least a month.
Hmm... just get a regular blade... I use a mach 3... works nice.... wtf is up with them anyway..... I mean.... first a mach three... then a mach three turbo.... and now a mach three turbo champion.... hmm... its a champion cause its red...... thats like saying that neons make your car go faster..... meh... <_<hrm... shaving... damn i lost my razor.... umm..... yeah.
ya i have one that is a shitty sheap like moch 3 brand but it's like the k-mart version called like pro-shave 3 or something and the blades are replacable and it came with 2 and it was only $2.50 enyways it has lasted me hmm i have prob had it over 6 months and i shave all the time i know it's gross but i don't really care im no sissy i recomend getting one.
How long do you guys usaly keep your reusable changable blade wet shavers without having to buy new blades?
i have a mach 3 turbo...and i change the blade after ever 2 shave's...i dont shave much cause im lazy..but hell..the blades cost more than the razor does :o
you have a Mach 3 and change after every 2 shaves??? Those blades will last for a LONG time!
they dont last a long time....those rubber things along the top get all nasty\gooey and the blade doesnt cut as well
soulsolution your avator is sick man lol seen that on real t.v i don't mean sick-cool i mean why why why did someone make it an avator
cause its funny

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