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I'm calling out all ns players...come on there has to be one of you that can play.
i play ns somtimes
i can play ns

no steam atm tho, and im only properply properly familiar with the 1.04 maps

[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
Bah I'm only on steam, and I keep it updated. SS you want to go play somewhere?
i play on steam..screw won...msg me on aim Soulsolution1 or msn [email protected]
bah WON doesnt require me to change my firewall.

with no guarantee that said action will work

and i may have to somehow work on the hardware one built into my router as well

and steam was breaking down on me before that after giving me a few weeks workingness

and i cant get back to the original state of workingness by reinstalling, reinstalling in special ways suggested in the troubleshooting forum or by using spybot to shred all the steam files and reinstalling again.

So i just shredded them again using exactly 13 passes. love spybot.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
I have been known to try and play, but I dont understand what some of the people are sposta do :(
I like it if I could just learn more, maybe we can get enough of us together that we can occupy a server and learn together
I will update now just to make sure I am ready
I just started playing again...
do you all play beta 4?
Ive seen you around reinth...I play as .atliens. Beta 4a yes gump.
I'm around grits just let me know when your good to go.
Lol great video. Was that richard cheese and lounge against the machine in the background? Saw them live around 4 years ago, 30 ft away.:D
Just played on your serv. Really nice man. Ill be around. lol....pique is on your server stats, at the bottom this page of
i was one of those guys that played NS on the first day it was released. usually what i do is i'll play it for like a month straight, then hate it for a month, then play it etc. when the newest versions came out i had lost interest, and i havent really gotten back into it, but that should change soon.

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