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Ok I got his idea from Jooza, so thank him if your a fan(Thanks Jooz). Ok i'm sure we've all played HORSE in tony hawk or PiG in basketball, its the same thing in ricochet, but with jumps. You play it in arena, because thats the best map and the jumps you learn and eventually perfect will be most useful here (ie for the UGL touney)! Here's how it works:
- One person leads (say Red) by performing a jump of any "difficulty level"
- The second person attempts to mimic this jump
- If sone PERFECTLY, nothing happens. If done with a slight fault, its up to the leader's discretion wether they make it or not (be nice now...^_^)
- If the mimicer doesnt make it, they get an H (or whatever letter they are at) and the leader for that round continues leading until they are beaten by the mimicer
-this continues until one player gets HORSe spelt out full, in which case they are the HORSE or LOSER, and the other player is the winner
- since the queue normally matches you up with only 3-4 ppl who you rotate playing, keep track of letters so you can continue playing next time you and your opponent me

Ummm...thats it for now, feel free to suggest any other rules or anything, we can change them around. Other than that, keep playin and have fun!

PS. make sure your opponent knows if your playing Arena or HORSE:thumb::smurf:
Nice idea but on Vad's and GRITS' servers we call it BOX after Nox and g-boy who already came up with the idea and pointed out with 3 deaths you needed three letter word. :D
yeah man you came in just a little too late on that one....already been doing that awhile...
This also helps people jump better well not for the *already* crazy jumpers -_-
No I like HORSE, more letters, lasts longer.
Well, A. the idea has already been patented and it's called BOX. B., the reason for three letters is this: You can fall three times in a round, and the round is over. So therefore, the round can be over before the letters are all filled up. Also, you said it lasts longer... that's also a problem in itself, because people have to wait longer... or the time limit will be reached. So the idea is, for each fall, you get a letter. Fall three times, you get BOX and you lose. It works better for ricochet arena, trust us, we had a long discussion and debate and such about this.
OK I see your point, and I can understand how many people are impatient. BOX is so lame though. At least call it like PIG, or COW, or DOG. ASS! How about ASS! fall three times and your the ASS! Ya i like that more than BOX, dont you?
a b
Nah, I like ASS. Lets call it ass, come on its way better than stupid Box.
ok I know you are trying to be funny ][_imit...but I helped come up with BOX so I vote it stays :Pbesides everyone would think you were playing the jump game all the time because so many people already use that word when they are playing you :lol:
Ya but they dont spell it in capitals. what if we spelt is with hyphens A-S-S thats unmistakenableable. And i'm not trying to be funny, i seriously think ASS is better than BOX, but since theres not enough Kleenex in this world to mop up all the millions of tears, I will call it "box" most of the time.:thumb:
Despite all this talk about this game, be it HORSE, ASS, or BOX. I have yet to actually see it being played. Does it actually get played or what? Or am I coming in at the wrong time?
yeah it gets played but it takes time so people usually get rushed to finish... a lot of the "pros" play it acid_head, RWS, g-boy and mew to name a they don'f fall too much and the game can last longer than most people are willing to is actually a lot of fun to watch too..but anytime anyone wants to play we can always change the GRITS map to arena and everyone who wants to play can go there and lock the server...that way everyone who is 'waiting' will be into the game and not mind so much:)Next time you hear people saying "hurry up" check out who the players are and see if they arent actually playing BOX
We've played it quite a bit pg. Not all that seriously though... we thought it would be really cool, but there are a couple of problems. One, it holds up people if you have really good jumpers. Even in a server where everyone is boxing, some games will take very long and people will still get held up. The other problem is that it is really tough to do, in terms of planning the jumps, and then trying to follow it. But I guess that's not so much a problem as an obstacle... anyone who can plan and imitate jumps is a good boxer. And, limitless, that is why I like BOX... we can use it like I have in this post, boxing, boxer, etc. Since it sounds like a real sport...
Whatever, thats all I have to say.
Quote:[_ i m i t | e s s,Apr 5 2003, 05:26 PM] Whatever, thats all I have to say.
You could at least respect those who thought of it before you and have a good attitude about it. Not one person has said that they disliked your idea. Even though I know for a fact not everyone does.
I'm showing respect by trying to improve the game. And you didn't think of it, it's been around for ages upon ages in loads of games. You merely adapted it in a style suited for the Ricochet environment and premise.:boohoo:
I think all nox was saying is that we came up with it for Ricochet a long time ago, and yet you insist we should change it when we keep telling you repeatedly we discussed ALL of it already, and agreed BOX was a good name, and three letters was perfect. And not that I wanna get into it, but what improvements were you referring to? You wanted to change it from the name of its creators, a name that GRITS came up with, to a synonym for a rear end... hmm... right...<_<
I was going to reply but I think g-boy did a novel job of posting exactly what I would have.
I just think it makes more sense for the loser to be the ASS, thats why you spell ass. Jesus Christ is this brain I'm Stupiding surgery! I already said numerous times I would call it BOX, but obviously I'm still trying to drill it into you people why I like the word ASS. Just think about it. Don't say anything. Just think.
Oh Im thinking .....we are all beating a dead "horse" or 'ASS' :lol:
a b
Well I hope it has all been in good fun and no one is really "fussin" The innuendos and word games were just too much for me to pass up. I am facetious by nature, ask anyone who knows me.^_^looks like Wha? has a touch of sarcasm in his repertoire of personalities too.:D
Yes I like Wha?'s idea i think its great. I'll say whatever I want, you say what you want. I mean its obvious what game we're talking about whether you use box horse or ass. I dont care anymore anyway, can we just end this stupid thing? (i'm not posting anymore in here)
Hmmm, limitless, I'm not sure I understand, could you explain what you were wanting to do?

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