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What is the best hiest flick?
I have always enjoyed movies like the italian job, where a bunch of criminals try to rob a bank/casion ect. I want to know what you guys think is the best.

Edit: I put it in debates becasue there is bound to be some disagreements. Also didnt put it in polls cuz i would leave some out.
Dog Day Afternoon

don't think it was truly a "Heist" but I have to say usual suspects was awesome
It wasnt bad. I havent seen usual suspects, nor heat or dog day afternoon.

The new oceans 11 was ok, didnt think the characters was that great, but the hiest was cool. The Italian job, great characters and great hiest. There is this new movie they are advertising on TMN about card counting. I forgot what its called, ill look into it tho. Its a canadian movie so I dont know if you guys would get adds for it. Its got Kris Lemmeche and Katherine Isabelle from ginger snaps in it.
You've never seen Heat (1995) with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Ashley Judd, and Natalie Portman??? It's real good!!!
Dog Day Afternoon was one of the films that launched Pacino's career in 1975.

Come on Anon....go rent them...they're great.
I know, i've got a lot of catching up to do.

Does val kilmer still act? he kinda disappered, but then again so did uma thurman untill kill bill.
whaaaa?? anon never seen heat? sheesh.

"The score" was good Robert De Niro and Edward Norton. oh ya Marlon Brando is in it too.
And "Bandits" bruce willis and Billy bob thornton.

I like movies!
I think i've seen bandits. Is that the one where they stay over night at the manager of the bank?
Quote:Does val kilmer still act?

Is this a trick question??:blink:
PIX,Jun 18 2004, 08:18 AM Wrote:
Quote:Does val kilmer still act?

Is this a trick question??:blink:
AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! hehe, val kilmer acting...hehehe

anyway, i say Sneakers, with Robert Redford, Dan Akroyd, James Earl Jones, etc.
OR The Sting, also with Robert Redford, and Paul Newman. Come on, EVERYONE knows the song.
Sneakers was not so much of a greed, bank heist topic....just people acquiring something that was harmful to the security
of the country and giving it to someone else. No greed involved cept for the requests from the group from Jones for trading
the device to him.

Speaking of Kilmer....his acting was stupendous in Oliver Stone's The Doors. He was a flawless Jim Morrison and EVERY time
I see or hear Kilmer....I see the Lizard
Sneakers was freaking badass :thumb:
Sorry I didn't really read much of this, I just saw te words "Uma" and "Thurman."
The Italian Job.

Either version (i prefer the new version but im not a film fanatic and if i bring up the subject with fanatic friends i get beaten over the head with a stick.)
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