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Mew what is your dysfunction?
I have learned that you were kicked today for reconnecting again. You were warned many times. You were also banned for it about a week or so ago. You are one of the best players I have played. I do not know why you act this way and push our buttons. Maybe the leader of your clan should talk to you since I'm sure they would not want someone in their clan that acts like this. Grits will not hesitate to ban you for good if you continue to disrupt the server and players who wait long enough in queue to play again. Shape Up Mew:thumb:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
it seems we are quickly getting a reputation as a clan of misfits...kind of like the hell's angels of ricochet :D.
Only you and Mew...:P

[Image: chicken+copy.jpg]
I've only played for a day, but Mew is hilarious. Besides the reconnecting thing but oh well. Also his "sister." May jump-jousting become a widely loved passtime!!! :lol:
I agree Mew can be funny but he has to stop acting like this. If anyone catches Mew on the server please inform him of this and tell him it will no longer be tolerated. I know he is registered for the forums but has not made a post yet so he can respond here if he wants to speak out about this. I would hate to see such a good player no longer be able to play on the server.
[Image: b_560x95.png]

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