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Apex & -=VVV=-SaTuRNo
Please use this thread to set up

Time for match
Server you will use
you have seven days to make your first post (earlier is better) and ten days from today to complete your match. (midnight GMT-5 07 July 04)

and then post

screen shots

you can play your next match as soon as a thread for that match is posted.
Hey Sat, I would prefer playing the match in the evenings from 6pm-11pm, but I am a little more flexible so tell me what time you think we should play.
Im doing great Sat. I did a litte time converting and found this:

13:00:00 Fri Jul 02 2004 in Europe/Brussels converts to
07:00:00 Fri Jul 02 2004 in America/Toronto


You might have made an error in your time zone conversion because i dont think it will be 19:00. I am unable to play at 7:00
Yes, you are right... we should ask Turtle. I will add you on MSN and we can talk there.
Match over.... I lost, heres the story:)

I met Sat on MSN and we decided to play our game as soon as we could (5-10 mins after we talked). Sat was able to get Chent to lock the server up for us. We began our match, Sat was having some lag problems but we decided to play the match anyway. It was 10 mins into the game and I was up 5-1 (dont beleive me? see here for yourself:P) but Sat decided to reboot because he said he was lagging a bit. We decided that when he came back we would continue where we left off. When he returned he asked if we could start over, because he was lagging before. I hesitantly agreed, and so the scores were reset. We began again and the game was extremely close this time around. I won one, then he won, then I... and so we ended up in a tie by the end of the time limit. It was now time for the tie breaker. This was very close too, we ended up winning 2 games each and it all came down to the final game. I was up 2-0 in the round feeling quite confident, but extremely nervous (possibly the reason for my downfall). Unfortunately for me, Sat made a good comeback and won the final round. GG Sat. Now I shall go sulk with the Czechs, they were so close, yet so far... I feel their pain:P(Saw them loose while we were playing our match)

It was an exciting game Sat, congrats.

The final score screenshot:

[Image: final.jpg]

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