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Jumping sound on steam rico
The credit goes to gwarsbane for getting sound on steam ricochet. He sent me his ricochet folder and I found out why he has sound when he hits the arrow. Its because of one line in his config.cfg.

cl_lw 0

I believe in everyones config it is cl_lw 1, so open up your config.cfg and change it to a zero. You might have to right click on the file and click properties and uncheck read only. After that you will have sound when you hit the arrow.

Again, thanks gwars :thumb::thumb::thumb:
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Just found this on a website. Seems interesting.

To use this setting the server and modification must support lag compensation. On servers that have lag compensation enabled this setting toggles its use of lag compensation for the client, 1 to enable, 0 to disable. When set to 1 the server will take into account your ping when deciding if you hit your target or not. If you have a very low ping or wish the older style of play then set this to 0.

cl_lw This setting determines how weapons fire is controlled, for example with regard to sounds and animation. When set to 0 the client will perform as it used to prior to, the server returns/confirms weapon related sounds and animation fire information.

If you set this to 1 the clients weapon sound and animation will all happen client side as soon as you press fire. It should be noted that when set to 1 the animations and marks displayed are determined client side, as a result they may not be an accurate representation of where you are actually hitting.

It should be noted that the server always determines if you have hit your target or not, only weapon related sounds and animation are controlled by cl_lw.

You may find it useful to bind different settings of cl_lw and cl_lc for different weapons. It is very important to note that if you use a setting of 0 for cl_lw that the cl_lc setting should be set to 0. While cl_lc is supposed to be ignored when cl_lw is set to 0, some users have reported that manually setting to cl_lc to 0 was needed.

I noticed with cl_lw 0, theres a 1-2 second delay when you push fire.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

nice... i will try some of those. is 120 ping count a little?
Way to go Miagi and Gwarsbane...great job!
wait, was that evil that just spoke or an imposter, have I been off the blocks that long? hey dude, and btw, thanks gwars and miagi, when I get back playing I will try it. Now that I'm on my laptop I have won, which is now disabled, but when I try to download steam it says it was expecting 710000 mbs and got 920000 or something like that and it give me an error. I will have my computer back up next week and not worry about such things.
It didnt work for me.

Edit: works now, i had to type it in the console to.
Thanks guys ........:wub:
It was just a matter of time till someone figured it out... still hard to believe that it was just one little switch. hehe

Steam ricochet is now much more playable to me...

is there anyway i can NOT lag when i hit an arrow?

it seems like its delayed or something.... anyone else have the same problem?
I have the strobbing lag, didnt have it before the sound fix, well I did but it was ages ago and it went away
I dont quite understand the guy in the steam forums about the animation/sound fix
Miagi,Aug 4 2004, 10:13 PM Wrote:Just found this on a website. Seems interesting.

To use this setting the server and modification must support lag compensation.
you sure you found that on a website? cause i seem to recall tellin you about it when you first said about cl_lw :rolleyes:
Someone should tell frooty he just became a website.
Frooty, you just became a website.
Only thing you said was...
<Fr0oTy> cl_lg is lag comp...
<Fr0oTy> or cl_lc



No idea about the lag on the arrow though. I just know I don't lag like that on holdouts.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!


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