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UGL-rico division-week #1 reports
Hey people as you may or may not know the report on the UGL website is set for only week #2, therefore you have to post your week #1 win on this here forum. Just write down basically the same stuff, and that'll be all.

][_ i m i t | e s s -vs- Corrupted Conscience:

Winner: ][_ i m i t | e s s

Score 1st half: 5-1 ][_ i m i t | e s s

Final Score: 9-2 ][_ i m i t | e s s
Week #1 Result

Power and Glory vs. project Wolfsheim

Winner: Power and Glory by forfeit

project Wolfsheim will be a forfeit win for everybody the week they face him because WolfDaughter told me that he is not playing in the league.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
pr0.PiX vs frito
week One

first round

pr0.PiX 10 24
frito 5 21

second round

pr0.PiX 11 22
frito 6 20
pG vs. The_General

pg wins forfeit

he never showed up...
CloudFuel vs. Mew = 0 - 0

CloudFuel vs. Cartman = 0 - 0

* Automatic default win for me...
Had match with lil (tr0ma). Results:

g-boy: 12-22
lil face: 2-11

Score was slightly flawed because lil started out with a free win when grits left the server... so he killed himself and gave me a free win to even it up, so basically we started 1-1. We also started the match without realizing this, so the point total is a bit off as well, but only give or take 2 points. Anyway, it wasn't as far apart as the score says. As you can see I got slashed up about 11 times... I think the match just ended up being a case of who stayed on the pads more often, and lil fell quite a bit, uncharacteristically. GG dude.
Hrm... I just now noticed that frito posted a first and second round... I honestly don't know the rules because I can't find the site. There isn't a link on the main UGL site, and the URL for the rico division is weird... I can't find the link on the forums either. So I dunno... lil and I wanted to get the match in, so we agreed on following pg's tourney rules.
I am dropping out. I can't keep up with this schedule. I think the UGL is
a super idea. I just can't fit it into a full time schedule. I also accidentally
signed up twice with PIX and pr0. thinking i could add PIX to the pr0 team
and i could never delete the pr0. member. So now I have 4 matches to play
per week. I give up. I think a one match per week schedule would have been
a better plan. It's tough for people to schedule an empty server for that many
times a week not to mention Jadis pissed me off with an Email reply for our
first scheduled match. Have at it and good luck everyone. I can only play on PIX
time. Also, I did play my first match against Frito and we had fun.
the ironic thing is that you are playing yourself in week 2. should actually make things a lil easier.

as for me, i never got hold of frooty...i guess i could if i tried and my second week match is against acid so...well, i'm out of it. i really don't want to worry about schedules, setting up matches, taking screenshots and such.
g_boy there are sposta be 2 10 min rounds
and if you type the link in "in the news archives" it will take you there " but you have to type it in"
10 minute??? JEEBUS and I played 2 20 minute rounds.....LOL
that was on page 56 section V

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