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HL2 Gold Hoax
I deleted my original post here.

It was a fake gold post due to someone guessing Gabe's password on hl2fallouts forum.

Sorry for any confusion I caused.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
359 User(s) are reading this topic (318 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users) this was at 0300 EST
I can't even get to it now lol
On further reading of other sites it looks like this report of gold is fake...

Quote:Half-Life 2 Fools Gold
MikeJ @ 10:20 pm pdt - half-life, hl2 & tf2 - important - 97 comments - hot topic
HL2 Fallout's Mr Bond has cleared up the mystery behind a recent post made by Gabe Newell's forum account claiming that Half-Life 2 will be going gold Monday. Since HL2 Fallout is having server issues, we have mirrored the news post:
After a close scrutiny of Gabe Newell's account history on the forums, we've come to the conclusion that the gold post is a fake. While we can't be 100% certain at this stage, all indicators point towards someone hacking the forum account. That said, all Gabe's previous posts on these forums are quite legitimate.

We apologize for the confusion and will be investigating further. Theoretically, an IPB forum account should be very difficult to hack. Well, that was the theory at least. We'll keep you updated.

I do have a feeling that this post here is real and that the goin gold post was faked. I'll see if I can dig up more stuff.
Here is a quote from botman in the HLCoders email forum:

Adam "amckern" Mckern wrote:

> will there ever be a gold, with steam distro, and all?

Yes. Once Vivendi accepts a "bug free" release candidate, the game will
go Gold. After that, the Gold master will be sent to mass production,
then shipped to retail outlets and purchased by grubby little Half-Life
fans. My understanding is that Valve would get in quite a bit of hot
water with Vivendi if they made the game available through Steam before
Vivendi had accepted a release candidate and it has gone Gold.

Whether or not Valve may release a Steam version BEFORE the retail
version has a chance to hit the store shelves is questionable, but my
guess is that, in the contract, Sierra (now Vivendi) stipulated that the
Steam version can not be made available for public download until the
retail version has been shipped to stores (otherwise Vivendi, the
distributors and the retailers stand to lose a LARGE chunk of cash due
to the only available source of the game being Steam).

Jeffrey "botman" Broome
Yeah it's looking like someone hacked Gabe's forum account there. That is where Gabe always posts news so thats why myself and everyone else thought it was real.

Sucks that people have nothing better to do with themselves to do that. Even the 2 big gaming websites IGN and Gamespot picked up the news and posted it late last night.

If it does turn out to be fake then I will delete this whole thread cause I don't want to confuse people even more.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I am glad you posted PnG, it is all part of the gaming community and it is nice to be in the know, ten years from now when we say ....."Remember when....."

anyone who got a chance to read the forum saw...

it was a post by Gabe "supposedly" and all it said was

HL2 goes gold Monday

or something to that affect and then lots of wows and you are "god" from players
in awe with excitement, it was pretty pitiful but I have to admit although I was totally surprised at the way it was 'announced' .....I was excited too.

This was just posted at HL2Fallout:

Update: After one crazy night of theories, server mayhem and IP tracing, we've finally gotten to the bottom of this mess. In a twist of hilarity, it seems that Gabe Newell's account password was set to 'gaben'. Person x guessed this and made the "going gold on Monday" post which we've heard so much about. The user (who we believe is the same person x) then made this post just minutes ago using Gabe's account:

"Maybe he shouldn't have used 'gaben' for his password. Come on Gabe, you could of thought of something better than that."

After a quick double-check, it seems that this was exactly what happened. Reminds me of the good old days. For an official response concerning the hoax, see Chris Bokitch's post on Steampowered .
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Now do you all understand why I pick such crazy looking passwords for stuff? :)

Its not just because I'm crazy, its because I worry about security. :P

And no don't delete this thread, if we fell for it, then others should too hehe

Oh and I had a feeling it was a mistake (not an actual hack attack or thing) about it goin gold on monday, heck CS source still has problems, so I wouldn't doubt that HL2 does too.
I seriously find it funny. I wonder if Bill Gates' password is "billg".

Gabe doesn't actually do any programming right?

Makes you wonder if it was Gabe who downloaded the trojan before :P

This has to be and should be more embarassing than the hl2 code theft. I bet a 10 year old can make a better password.

Hopefully he didnt have every single account on different sites with the same password. Doesn't the guy know his phone number, address, pin and just put some letters in there somewhere. I wonder what the guys below Gabe are thinking...
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

no..bill gates password is "password".

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