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Is it me or is arena getting boring fast?
I dunno but i think arena won't cut it for very long its just the same thing over and over again not very many more jumps to do and without a new popular map this richochet will be over in no time How many people agree?
umm there are lots of other badass maps out there...go check them out...
I agree to an extent that it does get boring as I myself have not played as much as I did. I used to play daily but I have cut back to about 3-4 days. I have been playing on GRITS HLDM server as well as DesTubes HLDM server a bunch lately. There are a bunch of rico maps out there but alot of people are hesitent to try them.Some maps are bad I will admit that, but to me it was a nice change. I have a bunch on my old comp if GRITS want them I can send them to her and she can upload them. The problem is most hate DM and most of the custom maps are DM rc_tower is the best DM map IMO. It is not to be confused with rc_towers the arena map. I don't mind playing DM it's just that I see very few that I know play it so I stay off the servers that do. This is the reason GRITS has that other server that has some custom maps on it. It's fun when we can get a bunch for Crossfire. I wish some people would consider trying other maps instead of passing judgement first. DM can be fun. There are also a number of other arena maps out there. I personally don't care for arena2 (too big for me) and skyarena(Only a couple of good jumps) but I will play them cause it is a change. I don't know what else to say I don't know what the future of this mod is if Valve doesn't add or fix anything.:unsure: The only thing out there now is the custom maps if you want to spice up the game.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
theres always 2v2 D:

* Pique cries for the awfulness of that map
I haven't played really any other good maps... crossfire is ok, and all of the others there is basically no server running them so it's pointless. If servers ran a bunch of good maps, I'd play around. Not to mention new maps take a really long time to DL, particularly in ricochet.
Deathmatch is ok with limited people most of the time but when u get like 15 people u can't even spawn without dieing Crossfire is fun the edited verison -_- wasn't as good as the first All the other maps are terrible and should never be mentioned
I would hardly say ALL, because there are many out there you've never even seen yet since they are only on specifically held servers. Also, Pique's maps will be badass if valve will ever fix rico. You know what? I'm tired of valve...I'm starting a petition now. Look for the topic on the main page....
haha Grits I'm winning for most posts now....woot!.....nm DAMN YOU NOXI!
I am Jesus... do not challange me. err... the next best thing, whatever that is.
I personally love the map. It never gets old to me which I find amazing because a lot of games have such boring maps I lose interest in them very quickly.
Alright, I figured that this was the best location to place my first post, and since I'm pretty anti-social, I will try to keep it short.

I saw somebody was wondering about what Valve's plans were. I asked them ages ago, and the answer I got was they were NOT going to work on it further at present, instead were going to put the full source code in the HLSDK. I downloaded it recently to verify, and they did. So if any of the new rico community (the ones who began after the hl patch) want to do anything with it, you know how to go about it. I'm not sure if is still activley modding rico, so maybe dropping Koani a line would be helpful.

To aleviate the discomfort induced by the bleak visage of Ricochet's future, I will announce the 60% mark has been passed on rc_arena3 (damn the fool who made 2) and v1.0 will be distributed to rUsh, who seems to be a good judge of the maps I make. Should the feedback be good, and my own insecurity not overwhelming, I will look for a server to test it on. Based on my experiences on both dm and arena maps (custom and not), I will NEVER stray from the classic rico style, changing only a couple things from the valve maps:

- The original rc mappers were fools, leaving the top and bottom of maps without trigger_discreturns, allowing a disc to fly into the void and bounce off the walls for an irritating amount of time. Needless to say, I fixed this.
- This one isn't very important, but the teleporters in rc_arena looked really bad, so I fixed the textures around to make them a little less interesting :P

Alright, the smiley didn't remove the grim feel of this post, nor did my efforts cut the word count down, so I shall end it here and apologize; I'm usually happier sounding than this.
*sigh* I hope rc_arena3 turns out.
me too.
rc_deathmatch3 looks interesting. Is it me or does rc_TeamArena look freaking huge look at screenshot 10.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
A word to the wise: dm3 is not all that great. It lacks mobility and is rather one-dimensional in it's gameplay (give it a shot though, it's definately interesting). As for teamarena, I dont think I know anyone who ever played it, I ran away after three attempts with identical results; the fps cut to 10 (normal was 50-75) while I was in the queue and the computer (not just the game) hung several seconds later.
I still have nightmares °_°

Heh, going crazy with posts here, but I had to speak up. I was there when they released those maps, and i played my share of dm3. It was the beginning of a long series of horrible custom maps. Just for the sake of chronoligical perspective, it was a couple months before rc_tower was made.
for me arena is the stuff, guess if i owned all the time it would get boring, but i enjoy the play as well as the banter,(you don't get that on dm).
I don't like arena2 so hopefully three will be better:)I look forward to it Wha?
Ive played teamarena with some otehr people i cant remember....punk was tehre...nemesis...some other pr0s and other just random people. The map lagged so bad even for me and i aws hosting. Im sure it was unbearable for anyone else that i was hosting...whoever made that map didn't know anything about r_speeds. deathmatch3 added some varity but it got boring VERY fast. arena2....ive always hated it
I have a hard time envisioning a ricochet map having r_speed problems. It mustve been one helluva [shitty] map.

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