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Checkin in...
Been gone for a few days, from game and forums, which has not happened since these forums were started:PAnyway, I'm still alive... Planetside simply has taken over my life.. I'm only here now because the servers are down. Anyway, the novelty should wear soon and I'll go back to my daily routine.
you better.....shouldnt let addictions replace other addictions...:P
welcome back nox you were missed
No, Nox no body cares. Grits is just trying to be nice! Good job GRITS.
I care...and so does the rest of uT...:thumb:
Wow, I had forgotten about all you people... After I got a new comp, its been all CS.

Whats been goin on here the last few months?
Damn Yeti......where have you been?:heartbeat:
Bet it has been long enough since you played I can even beat you.:D
just teasing with you...wish you were playing.....everyone has been taking breaks off and on some playing CS some playing HLDM and NS...but they drift in and out to say hi to the 'old' gang
pr0 server has stats on it and evil_admin is working on stats for the Holdout servers
there has been some nasty lag spikes lately but we are working on that one and Pique has made a new arena map that is on GRITS server rc_arena_broke it is a cool map
well that is a quick synopsis...stop by sometime...your name has come up on occassion in the "whatever happen to..." conversations
I'm new! I'm new! Hello Yeti, pleased to meet you! God I'm bored!!!!
Heh, if yeti will be playing again, hopefully his absence will have eroded his skills. Cuz if not, he will kick all of our butts again!

Good to see you Monkey Man. I am back to playing again, myself. Still a lot of talent out there.

I will still maintain for a breif period of time yeti may have been best of the best.


He didn't kick my butt all the time, 92% of the time yes, but not all the time! :D
Well hello to you too Shakira, I see you are still pissed about running into me...

I'll try to play sometime soon, but I don't know...
I miss you Genghis:(
yes the arena isn't as colorful without you...

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