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New Pope has been chosen
This is a nonreligious post its just news. Keep it that way please.

A new Pope has been chosen. No idea who it is yet. The white smoke has gone off and the bells in Rome are all ringing like nuts. Been watching this on CNN.

This is history in the making. Most of us here were either too young or not born yet to see the last Pope.

Will update with who it is when its known
New Pope has been named.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger

He will be taking the name Pope Benidect the 16th
i read in the newpaper people saw white smoke and then it turned black soon after, i dunno if you're talking about a different topic but there was a point wher people thought the smoke turned white when it wasn't so
That was some other day cause I watched all this on TV. People were very confused at the time. The smoke was clearly white but the bells were not ringing. But when the bells started ringing everyone knew for certain that the Pope had been chosen.

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