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Star Wars Episode III
I just seen Episode III of Star Wars and it was pretty good, it really made up for the childish Episode I and the parts that were lacking in Episode II.

Really good fight scenes, though a couple could have been better. A little bad acting here and there, and C3PO's ractions to certain things at the end was classic. R2D2 had some funny parts as usual also.

Of course there were some parts that should never have happened just because they break with the stuff we know from Episodes IV, V and VI.

Lots of little things click into place to help with the bigger picture.

I won't put anymore because it would just spoil things for ya.

Now to the funny part. :)

I'm not quite sure how far though the movie it was but all of a sudden the sound cut off. A few of us yelled upto the guy in the box... but guess what, there was no guy in the box. Someone ran out to tell them, then sound started playing, but it wasn't the movie sound, it was the ads, then the video for the ads started to play blocking the movie. All this lasted about 5 minutes or so, just enough to annoy.

So the movie sound started playing again and the ads were gone and we watched the rest of the movie.

After the movie was over a few of us found the manager and told him about the problem. the 5 of us walked away with a free movie pass and 3 bucks off food. :D So my next movie is virtually free (I'm addicted to the nachos, so shoot me). :D

I'm thinking I might see War of the Worlds. I seen the original movie, I've read the book, I seen the TV show and this new version of it looks very cool.
Sin city is good, but thats probably been out in the us for a hell of a lot longer than the week or so in england.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
ya been out for a while, already been to see that, thats another good movie.
I dont know if you guys have these, but its a station with a debit/credit card reader and a printer to print off your movie tickets. Its a PC with a touch screen running windows XP proffesional. Anyway it got to the last stage, and just had to print the tickets, but it never did. I had to talk with the manager about it, and she got the cashier to give us tickets. I just found it funny that microsoft charged me for something, but in the end couldnt deliever. ^_^
I've seen them. Something about them told me they were as no no.... not that I'm a technophobe. I'm just unlucky on the zero-armed bandits and management usually respond with something along the lines of that its not their machine so if i want my money back i have to leave a SAE and hope.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
I always goto the people to get my tickets. If I know its going to be busy, I always pick them up earlier.
I always go to the ticket machine, I have never seen a line there even when there are 20 lines out front

I hate lines:)
This is the first problem I have had with them, and I have been using them regularly for at least 3 years.
Yes but things break when I touch them.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
There is another problem with the machines, locally (the theater that I can walk to) there was some idiots that hooked up the ATM card reader stuff to the theaters automated machines.

It wasn't cought for a few days and they did get the people that had put them on the machines and they don't believe anyones bank accounts were accessed so they don't think they had gotten access to the numbers at the time.

I always show upto the theaters 30 minutes before the movie starts so that I can get a good seat, eat my nachos (I hate sticking my fingers into really hot cheese, it hurts) and get my tickets without standing in line. I always pay with cash (I'm not fond of the machines)

There has only been 4 times I have ever stood inline to get tickets. One was because the movie started at 12:15pm and the doors didn't open till 12:00pm and it was a very popular movie.

Another was because we got there 5 minutes before the movie started. (that was a annoying day altogether)

Another one was because we had tickets to a special showing and had to wait for some things.

And the other time was another Star Wars Movie. We actually showed up about an hour or 2 early and there was already a long line. lol

I also hate standing in lines hehe
Being a manager at a local theater, i can say that a good projectionist will never allow the sound to cut out like it did, but for the most part, there is no one in the booth to moniter the movies while they are playing. The sound is read with a laser, like on a cd player, but there is a thin strip on the inside of the film that the laser reads. sometimes, when some projectors are getting old, the sound "drum" comes loose, so the movie keeps playing, but the sound is gone.

however, on a personal note, this movie deserved far worse than the sound being cut off. it was one of the worst movies i have ever, EVER, seen. episodes 1 and 2 were masterpieces compared to #3. i own all of the other movies, but this one was so disappointing that i won't waste my money on it.

go hug your local projectionist today :D
... you're joking right that you think Ep 1 and 2 were better????

Did you even see jarjar!! Did you hear him talk... did you hear the king or what ever he was talk, did you hear any of jarjars people talk. It was all baby talk basically.

Did you hear anything that the robots said???

Seriously Ep1 was made for kids, when they talked about the mediclorients (or what ever they are called) I was thinking... WTH???. I don't know why it was made for kids, but it was. The saving grace that made the movie bareable was the really good light saber right near the end.

Ep 2 was better, but still not perfect. It did make up for Ep1 a little.

Ep 3 was much better, and it certainly was not made for kids. There was some bad acting, some bad jokes, but over all it was good. I wouldn't rate it best movie I have ever seen but I wouldn't rate it worst either.
all i have to say to that (with fists raised in the air in the most cliché position while the room behind me explodes and the camera moves out for a wide shot) is:

ya man.. having people rip off the movie industry is bullshit (sarcasm)... if anything, them charging us 10 bucks per film is a rip off... i know movies cost a lot to make but considering the amount of people who pay to see them.. it's a rip off for us to pay for them.. basically, my motto is capitolism sucks and big businesses can go to hell because they all have underlying motives.

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