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kermit.asm vs. g-boy
i've challenged g-boy to a match tonight and he accepted.

i'll post a screenshot of the results afterwords...should be fun.
Why use screenshots when Demos are so much more exciting? ^_^
a b
demos it is then...i'll have them avaible on the RiP web site after the match.
is this for anything special or just for the hell of it?
umm fun? That's what an exhibition typically is....
Good match bro. It ended 9-3 in my favor... demo should be fun to watch, I've always wanted to watch myself play from the perspective of another.
there's really nothing that can be said about the match...i took a shot and i failed...nuff said.

as for the came to be 17min and 22mb large so i can't store it at the RiP page (or the forums) so i'm going to look into breaking it up...maybe making several demos of a demo. i'll get it going somehow tomorrow.

anyways, thanks for playing g.
a b
I dunno if any of you cs'rs saw the militia movies done by The_Family_God, but I helped him out a bunch with skinning, video work, and acting...(not to toot my own horn or anything), but I am also very knowledgeable about how to go about making your own videos. I made a few others and I was enlisted in the staff of cs movies (which later died:(....) and definitely can help anyone interested in making any vids...
Oh no shit makin a movie huh? I'm a pro at it also, in fact I do a lot of work making my own little films when I'm not too too busy with Dreamworks.
Come on... demo still not uploaded yet?
i'll be glad to send the whole demo over winmx or irc. in the meantime, i have to figure out how to cut it up into more managable sizes to post. i have less than a gig of harddrive left so the idea of making thousands of bitmaps isn't ideal but i'll sort it out somehow.

oh yeah, winmx may not support .zip or .dem file extensions but i think i can trick it by renaming it w/ a "*.dem.mp3" extension for example...then it can be renamed to it's original name and used.
Bleh, use Kazaa or AIM.
how do you directly send a file over kazaa?
I guess there is no feature for that, but I've never used winmx so I just assumed he meant I'd find his name and download the file or something. It'd be a pain in the ass... I was just giving the download program and chat program I use, as he did.
a b
AIM is easy for file transfers and such. Sometimes it's a problem if you have a router though.
in that case g, let me try and contact you thru aim...

btw, i like's terrific...i love trigger servers and even wrote my own server script. it seems that the true dark underbelly of cyber-culture has set up shop there...sup wha? ^_^

oh, yeah...i am going to try and make short .avi's out of the demo. i tried using a video grabber today (snagIT) and it was horrible. well, it was a horrible idea trying to use a real-time capture utility anyways. like i said, i'll make it happen...:unsure:

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