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Tier one Bracket 3
Well I COULD do it late sunday... but I'm going to have to say no later than 2 in the morning (EST -5)... I have little idea what that equates to in your timezone.
well, lets try for sunday. i don't work, but i can stay up late
Are you all eastern? Because then it's gonna be like 2am your time starting time. Pacific is -3 eastern, assuming the rest of you are also in daylight savings time.
I might be able to do it at 2:00 EST. It really depends on what time my dad expects me to go to sleep. I can usually push 3 in the morning, but lately he's been cutting off my internet earlier....
Tell him we'll come find him and lynch him if he does.
lol, so whats the plan for today
match at 2am
soo uh where are you guys, i see gollum in server, but no blaze or gboy in server or irc
Exactly!!! Rar!!! It's late/extremely early!!!

EDIT: You guys suck. How much time do we have left to play our match?
Not a lot <_<
Well yea.... I already knew that.... Just wanted to know if anyone knew the exact number of days available.
tonight after 10pm(cst)?
So much for that... Too short notice, and where did gboy run off to? He seems to be 'missing' as of late... This week from tonight through thursday I can't play after 12:00 midnight EST, so my time range is from 5:00 - 12:00.
Tonight I'm ok to play after 10 maybe 9 if I'm lucky. The rest of the week I don't know and I probably won't know until that day. Sorry for the inconvenience.
blazed and g-boy you guys up for Aug 2 9:00 EST?
So much for that one too. Blazed and especially gboy seem to be out of the loop entirely on our match. I, as is, only check the forums a couple times a day. I didn't even see this until 2 hours too late. I don't think we can really expect to be able to post in the forum "Hey, let's shoot for tonight" and have everyone be like, "Works for me, w00t." It needs to be planned at least a day in advance... *Sigh*
I actually PM them at the same time I posted that thread in hopes that they got the email that gets sent when you have a PM
Sigh... sorry guys, ended up working later than I expected on Sunday night... worked again Monday night... today I promised my mother I'd spend some time with her. Tomorrow and thursday I'm available after 8:30 pdt, after 5:30 pdt on friday and saturday. The thing is, sometimes things change, and I get a nice "wtf?" kind of attitude if I were to tell people "Nah, gotta play a ricochet tournament thing tonight." Causes angst I'd rather avoid. So if for the next 4 days I just can't do it for the simple fact that someone makes plans with me or I work later than anticipated (again, not going to leave work for the tourney if they offer me overtime pay), then I'll be out. The problem is, no one seems willing to do it in the morning and that's the BEST time for me. It's also harder for DM because everyone must agree to a particular time, whereas with arena it was easy enough to work it out for 2 people. Sorry again for my lack of comm on this, I just need to be working a lot lately and my girlfriend now gets nights off mostly with her promotion, I find it difficult to abandon her for games, she gets pissed.
sry guys, my job is becoming very demanding, thrusday thru sunday i work 4om-1am, a morning/noon game would work for me or after 1 or so. Sometimes i get out later than 1 due to being busy or someother reason. If i can't get this done by sunday, i guess i might need to drop out, even though i really don't want to.
Mornings for me are more often than not out of the option for me, most the time I'm working around then with the exception of today because I'm going to an interview in 40 minutes which will hopefully change my schedule. That being said I might be able to do tomorrow morning however, but it would HAVE TO BE at 11am EST.
bleh, i have to work tonight
16, I mentioned earlier I work from 10:00 am EST to 4:30 EST from tuesday - friday. The only mornings I can make are on Sat-Mon.
Try again guys. Grits gave us yet another week. Thank her:D.

14th last day to play.

Can I recommend that when you go to setup a day to play that it be at least 2 days away instead of saying tomorrow. That way there should be plenty of time for people to accept. I know its hard figuring out when you have free time.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Miagi,Aug 4 2005, 10:04 PM Wrote:Can I recommend that when you go to setup a day to play that it be at least 2 days away instead of saying tomorrow. That way there should be plenty of time for people to accept. I know its hard figuring out when you have free time.
Quote:I don't think we can really expect to be able to post in the forum "Hey, let's shoot for tonight" and have everyone be like, "Works for me, w00t." It needs to be planned at least a day in advance... *Sigh*

............ 2 Days is better though, =D.
Meant a day, sorry:P.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Sunday night 11pm EST. How's that work for everyone? I could probably do late saturday night as well.
that would be 10pm for me, and i will be at work..
I can go a lot later if I really need to, morning time tends to be out.
The latest I'll be able to start on saturday or sunday is 2:00 AM EST. I'm willing to do that though if it means we actually get our friggen match in. Either saturday or sunday is fine but a friend is having a party on saturday from 6 - 11. Probably wont be back until 12.
we close at 12am tonight, so i wont be getting out till late., past 1:30 or so..., we can try for sunday night late.

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