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Ricochet Open-Ladder League
Here are the NON-NEGOTIABLE rules:

I. Cheating -
* Cheating, in any form, shape or fashion, will not be tolerated in this league. If any player is found cheating or in the possession of cheats, he/she will disqualify themselves from this league and may petition to return to future leagues.
• Cheating is defined as, but not limited to:
* Anyone using admin controls other than locking or unlocking the server or reloading the map.
* Intentional use or exploits of bugs that grant you an unfair advantage over your opponent.
* Typekilling will be allowed. If you should be typing in the middle of a match and killed, that is entirely your fault, and the accused will receive no such punishment.
* Since all matches will be recorded, players must show evidence/proof of a player cheating in order for any action to be taken. You cannot simply accuse a player of cheating and expect results. The final discretion will be up to the Owner/Co-Owner of the League.

III. Playing Matches –
* Matches will be played following a “race-to” format as seen in billiards and most other online games.
• The first player to 15 wins will win the match over his/her opponent. This prevents any ties and also gives both player ample opportunities to either win or lose the match. Keep in mind most matches in previous tournaments ended around 11 – 19 wins.
* All matches will be recorded by one or both of the players, using half-life’s “demo” method. The players must keep evidence of demo (it doesn’t take up hardly any space) in case proof is needed for any reason.
* All matches will be logged into the forums under the provided thread for each match and in each thread the following information will be required:
• Date of match
• Time of match
• Screenshot displaying results of match by one of the players
Here are the NEGOTIABLE rules:

II. Challenges –
• Challenges will be the sole basis of this league, whereas some leagues randomly define matches for players, this league will allow you to challenge players that you wish to compete against.
• All challenges must be displayed in the appropriate forum designed for challenges only. No challenges will be allowed outside of the forum. Any challenges not located in the forums will not be validated by the league staff.
• Players who have been challenged have a maximum of 3 days to respond to the challenge and set up a tentative match date in the forum designed for matches only. Once the match date has been setup, the players will have 4 days to play the match or else a forfeit will occur and both players will lose points as if they had lost the match.
• All players must answer any player that challenges them. No one will be allowed to turn down a challenge or refuse to play anyone who challenges them. Remember this is meant to be fun, fair, AND active.
• If a player does not honor his/her challenger he will forfeit the match and lose points as designated in the points section of the rules.
• Players may not issue out multiple challenges at any one time. All outstanding matches must be played before challenging another player. Players may, however, challenge multiple players in a short period of time if each challenge is done while no other challenges are waiting to be handled.
* A player cannot challenge anyone ranked 5 ranks higher or lower than him/her.

IV. Scoring & Points –
* As of right now there are two ideas present for scoring... the CloudFuel method and the AcidHead method.. while both carry many similarities they also have STARK contrasts.. so PLEASE criticize or comment either one and help us make this league work!

My method:

In the first stages of the league, everyone would play 1 or 2 matches in order to get some points on the board, but the finalized method for my theory is as follows:

Each player can only challenge 5 ranks higher or lower than he/she is presently ranked.

Challenger - For a win the challenger gains 5 points if the challenger player is ranked below him/her and 5 points for a win over a player ranked higher. If the player that is challenged is ranked higher and is beaten, then the challenger also receives bonus points that equal the difference in rank between the players. If the players are tied in rank, no extra points are given. If the challenger loses, then he/she loses 5 points no matter where the challenged player is ranked.

Challenged - For a win over the challenger, this player will receive 5 points if the challenger is ranked below this player and 5 points plus a bonus if the player is ranked above. A loss by this player would result in 5 points lost no matter where the challenger is ranked

We would then rank the players based on their overall points.

Acid's Method:

I'll let him post it.. he explains it a LOT better than I do!
Is this like one of those 'spot X number of discrepancies' things?
I'm with Cloud on this I least for scoring but overall it would be nice to just play each other once or twice and then go into a post season type thing...I'll explain more in detail if anyone is interested.

Or do a sort of mini-leagues in US baseball or US football and the winners from those would move on into a post season. Let me know what you think of these ideas.
far away, will our eyes now see the day
for today, the everlasting eternal sun
washed away, the dreams of a brighter day
forever hold the dream inside
the chance to fight another fight
the breaking hearts that stand for all our li-i-ives
live tonight

[Image: post-71-1127203434.jpg]
[Image: MrDucklover.png]
I've thought about the scoring and I think Cloudfuel's method seems as good as anything I can come up with... Maybe it would be a good idea to try it out and re-evaluate it afterwards.

The mini-league concept is interesting but I don't think it should be used here, since the idea is to have an ongoing league that everyone can participate in (not just those who make the cut for the proposed post-season).

Should be fun!:thumb:

... Where's acid's scoring method??:huh:
My idea is a ladder, not really meant for a league. You can have playoffs from the top 10 players or whatever towards the end of the season, but I'd rather this be on-going, with resets every 6 months or whatever.

Anyway here it is:

There are four ranks, people are ranked by letter, A (top rank), B, C, and D (everyone starts at this rank). Your letter rank is determined by how many points you have, people are still ranked by number, the letter ranks serve a purpose which I will explain.

Everyone will start with 1,000 points, that's D. 0-1,999 points is rank D, 2,000-2,999 points is rank C, 3,000-3,999 points is B, and 4,000+ points is rank A. People are given a certain amount of points depending on who they beat, and lose a certain amount of points depending on who they lose to, this is all determined with letter rankings. When everyone starts off and plays people of the same rank (D), you will gain 100 points for a win, and lose 100 points for a loss, you cannot go below zero points. If a person at rank D were to challenge someone ranked C, he would recieve 125 points, and the person at rank C losing to someone ranked D would lose more points, 125. Now, if a person ranked higher wins against someone ranked lower, he would not gain as many points either, he'd gain 25 less per lower letter rank. The point of all this? Risk and reward. You may look at this last paragraph and think it's too confusing to work, but it can and does, it's a stolen idea off one of the most popular open ladder leagues in video gaming:P

It's simple really, someone ranked higher wont get as many points from someone ranked lower, and will lose more points if he loses to that person. Someone ranked lower beating someone higher will get more points with less risk of losing points. People cannot challenge others that are 3 ranks above or below (no A vs. D matches). People wanting to join the ladder after the season starts may do that as well, only catch is they'd start at zero points. Many of the rules cloudfuel posted will apply, like matches played first to 15 wins.

I dislike the idea of people being forced to play, this idea eliminates that with a few more rules put in (like a limit to how many times you can play the same person per week, or something like that). I also think it would be better if people lost points in this way, instead of getting wacky point bonuses from some weird mathematical formula and never losing a point. If you wanted to have a tournament with this idea, you *could* by just picking out the highest ranked players and having play-offs at the end of the season.

I probably left something out and this post probably doesn't make too much sense. Anyway, you decide!
i really like acid's system better than clouds, but thats just my opinion
Sorry guys, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to leak this information to the public.
i like clouds method. BUT there are some serious typing mistakes in it that make it hard to understand. No Offense, but could you retype it so i can understand?
not typing mistakes... it's just written the way legal matters are typically written... 'long winded and slightly confusing.' :blink::wacko::rolleyes::D

Basically here's the gist of it:

Cheating -
* Do not cheat or you're gone from the league, no questions asked.

Playing Matches -
* The first player to win 15 sets wins the overall match.
* Players need to make demo's of their match.
* Players need to list their upcoming match in the Ricochet League\Matches forum with the date/time posted as well.
* A screenshot of the final outcome of the match is needed from both players in the match forum as well (keep it to one thread.. ie - NoosevsCloudFuel).

Challenges -
* You have to list your challenges in the Ricochet League\Challenges forum as Blah challenges Blah (acid challenges slasher), etc. etc.
* Once challenged, a player has 3 days to respond to the challenge and then 4 days from the date he/she responds to actually play the match. No this does NOT mean you have 7 days.. if you respond to the challenge the day of the challenge, you have 5 days, etc. etc.
* You cannot turn down a challenge.
* If you do not respond to your challenge you will be declared a forfeit loss = -3 points.
* If the players do not play their match, BOTH will be declared a forfeit loss = -3 points.
* You cannot *spam* challenges, you can only challenge one player at a time. THEN once you have played your match you can challenge another player.
* You can't challenge someone who's ranked 5 ranks higher or lower than you... ie - 10 can challenge up to 5 and down to 15.

Points/Scoring/Ranking -
* Playing someone ranked below you: If you win you get 5 points, if you lose you get -3 points.
* Playing someone ranked above you: If you win you get 5 points plus an additional bonus that is the difference between the ranks (ie, 10 beats 5, 10-5=5, so rank 10 gets 5 points for the win, PLUS 5 bonus points), if you lose you still get -3 points.
* Ranking is calculated by highest number of points to lowest.

My idea behind the point scoring is that... you should get awarded for challenging higher ranked players, but not punished for playing lower ranked players... so you just don't get anything special for beating a lower ranked player. I also wanted a "risk" factor, in that, if you should win, yay, you get X amount of points.. but if you lose... you also lose points as well. I don't want players to LOSE more just because they lost to someone ranked lower than them.. so the "loss" points are the same.

Make sense now?:)
I appreciate the effort you're putting into this Cloud, but I must say I disagree with parts of the scoring method:

1. The higher ranked the opponent you beat, the more points you should get.
2. The lower ranked the opponent you lose to, the more points you should lose.

Makes perfect sense to me... The method you describe seems to make it too difficult to lose points. I understand you wanting to encourage activity in the league, but I think it would really improve the accuracy of the system if it were modified to rank players based mainly on the results of their matches as opposed to the number they play.

Quote:I don't want players to LOSE more just because they lost to someone ranked lower than them.. so the "loss" points are the same.

Why not? I think it's only fair.
Thrice,Sep 30 2005, 10:08 PM Wrote:I think it would really improve the accuracy of the system if it were modified to rank players based mainly on the results of their matches as opposed to the number they play.
If you can propose a fair way of doing that, then i think maybe telling us about it would be a good way to start
One problem I'm worried about - how to start the ranking/challenging/playing

I guess..

First we'll play atleast one or two rounds to get everyone on the ladder...

We'll have 34 players who have no points and no ranks so we need to get them some points and ranks... to do that I say we have 17 players challenge 17 other players... since there is no difference in rank, then there will be no bonus points and I also don't think we should go below 0 so no subtraction of points either.

This will results in 17 players who won and 17 players who lost. Now we can either start the league or do this ONE more time to get it split up a bit more. Then put everyone on the ladder and begin following this league as stated by the rules.


As far as the scoring goes that THRICE disagrees with we could do the following:

A win = 5 points plus bonus if the player beats a higher ranked player.
A loss = -3 plus minus bonus if the player loses to a lower ranked player.

IE - Cloud is ranked 5, frooty is ranked 3.
* Cloud wins he gets 7 points (5 points + 2points bonus)
* Cloud loses he gets -3 points.
* Frooty wins he gets 5 points
* Frooty loses he gets -5 points (-3 points for loss - 2points bonus)

Does that sound good or no?
I think its good but it discourages challenges to people that are lower ranked than you. It gives it some risk, kinda like acids...maybe its more of a fusion of the two. IT might even bring everyone together...You get my vote. I'll do just about anything. :-)

I rule you
far away, will our eyes now see the day
for today, the everlasting eternal sun
washed away, the dreams of a brighter day
forever hold the dream inside
the chance to fight another fight
the breaking hearts that stand for all our li-i-ives
live tonight

[Image: post-71-1127203434.jpg]
[Image: MrDucklover.png]
sounds cool enough! :thumb: just as long as i dont have to fix all the stats and stuff ^_^
Lol nope... I'll be taking care of that bizniz!:)

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