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Public Announcement yO!!!
Aight aight aight aight!!! Hi to everyone!!!!!

I actually miss alot of you guys.:P. Been a while eh?! almost a year lol but yea let me break it down!!!

I apologize to everyone that I disrespected. This is my last chance so ima this chance last longer than the energizer bunny!!

I was all cocky and stuff, because I claimed myself good after winning it big. And I disrespected alot of members man. I look back at it now as I get older because were all human, no matter if your ######,race,color all that stuff! Whatever you do on your own time has nothing to do with me at all. But we can still be friends and get along!!!

I learned alot man, and im just saying on the real though, you guys are one whole cool family. You see, ive learned to care about others not just individuals! Im not just gonna apologize to grits because its not just her I hurt, but im going to apologize to everyone. That even means you shalk head! We are a family together, and we keep ricochet pumping with excitement,tourneys,friends, and just random things to talk about. Its not even about the flowing disk, its about the fellowship of people who keep this community alive for new comers, even myself was a new comer once, and its always fun to meet new people who want to learn to play and want to be welcomed to this community. Ya know, Ive come to realize all of this overtime. I think I needed a 7 month ban for me to revamp myself and just have fun.

Sometimes I wander what everyone is doing, and if people still even play like back on the old days because we are a smally community but with a big force! so when one person dissapears its like a piece of the missing link is gone which is very important. You see, its not about the prizes, tourneys, and shit I could care less honestly. Its about keeping our friendship tight and together because when one leaves, than apart of us has left. So i felt like when my time being banned forever was left from the community, I come to think about this and I want to return as a united link with everyone. Even though I was gone, im making the community suffer by not being here! and I want to be here for good.

I been here around since Iwas like what 15 14 13? one of those numbers. And my age has nothing to do it with it, but since I been gone I feel like a couple centuries have gone by because I dont talk to everyone anymore. Ive hurt alot of you guys, and when I hurt one I hurt everyone because its a group thing as we work further to improve this environment! And I am deeply sorry yo!

Well wether you believe me or not, I have a final question for all of you guys reading this.

What if I say can I be let back into the family?! I just dont want the main admins permission like Grits,Miagi,etc,etc. Its a family so I want everyones permission to let me back!! If one doesnt like me, we can work things out and put our past to side and start a new future! Cuz thats what im all about!!! Positive is the way to go yo.
I want to be back into the family because I miss the chicken and biscuits!! Especially on sundays!!! I aint had none lately cuz I been away!! But I want to return to eat and fulfill not only my stomach, but my relationship to everyone again!!

Well take care, I hope for the best.

Luv,Peace,And Chicken Grease!!!
~Your Ticket To The Future is Always Blank~
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the level of player activity on vadavaka servers has been dropping recently... and, of course, when fewer people play it becomes less interesting and more people leave the game. It's gotten to the point where there are usually no regulars online.

My point is that although vash has admittedly broken the rules many times, HE IS RIGHT when he says that the community is suffering without him. If he were unbanned, I (and others) would play more often, and because those people would play, others would follow suit.:thumb:

Something should be done to restore some life to the servers. No offense to the senior admins -- I appreciate what you do for the community -- but you may not have been on the servers frequently enough to realize just how bad the situation is becoming.:(

He hasn't had a model attitude in the past, but many people know him and enjoy playing with him. He would be good for the community.

Please think about this and consider giving vash another chance... just one more.
We do know how the servers are not active. It's been mentioned quite a few times in the senior admin channel. I think the reason is because ricochet is NOT free anymore. People have to actually pay for it now instead of getting it as a free mod for half-life. I'm sure most people that play ricochet, play it because it was free and they were able to "try" it and liked it. People who just buy half-life or counter-strike are not given that chance.

Also, some people moved on to play other games or are busy in life. Or, they just got tired of the game and want something new. For example, a lot are playing KE more than ricochet. Not because there are less people on, but because they/we wanted a change. Hence why a lot of the rico veterans who played almost every day, only show up once in a great while, if at all. So I doubt unbanning one person is going to make the entire community run back to ricochet and forget about their new games.

I must make this last point crystal clear. Not to be mean, but the community is not suffering without vash. Already explained above how people want to play different games. Visit the forums more or IRC and you would find that we aren't just about ricochet anymore. Even if it was "suffering", WE WOULD NOT UNBAN HIM because of that. Geez, if we did that, we would have to empty the ban list and BEG everyone to play again.

Anyway, just wanted to make sure everyone knows vash will not be unbanned because "the community is suffering". He would be unbanned because we are giving him a chance and that's all.

By the way, we unbanned Vash from IRC. Eventually, after a few weeks, if everything goes right and the admins agree, he would be let back on the servers.
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<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

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