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Well RiP gonna have a big change soon....

News soon
I hope this is good news Shalk and not that RIP is breaking up or something.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
dont worry... its not

i love RiP too much. i cant break it
Nope...I talked with the boy and he's gonna keep RiP alive...we're not letting them die, no way, no how. G-boy will now be stepping into a leadership position and there will be some major changes in the clan, but it'll be better and stronger than ever!
If something happensto RiP, that is, if somehow it falls apart (it won't, as long as shalk and I work together I suppose), I have no qualms about starting <NoF> clan.
I know this is none of my buisness since I'm not in your clan but can you shed some light to what is going on? Did something happen to RulePool? Im sure Grits would be interested in this since he is an admin.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
ok here's the deal...rule's been gone awhile. The way RiP's leadership used to run was KS, Shalk and RP2 all were leaders, yet no one in the clan besides them got a say really. Many of the members didn't like each other and many where unreliable players. KS stopped caring so much about trying to make the clan work and Shalk thought it was close to the end since he was pretty much the only leader who was around. I spoke with him and then he decided to have g-boy become a leader and some new members have been added, while the less dedicated ones have been booted. So you'll see a new line up soon....
As cloud said, there are some changes for RiP. There are a few obvious ones to begin with. As we've mentioned, Shalk and I are now assuming the leadership positions. Supposedly Rulepool2 is have computer trouble or something like that, so he's not around. If (and hopefully when) he does return, he'll be right back with us. Linus has basically stepped down. Both are still [*RiP*]. Now the changes:

1. Mew is no longer a member. This is almost like leaving a message on the answering machine of a disgruntled employee that quit that he is now fired. He's in the hall of shame, you never see him around, and if he does come around, it would be in an alias. It would not be possible to keep him in. Aside from that, and despite pleas from one of the members that he is the best ricochet player ever, he just is a problem that I wouldn't want in RiP. We don't need someone from the Hall of Shame. It's not a skill-based clan only, I want to actually like the guys, and I've lost all respect for Mew.

2. Incidentally, as one trouble-maker leaves, another returns to the lineup. Unless something changes again, _acid_head_ is now a member of [*RiP*] (again). He has returned. Despite his run-ins with the admins, I think most of us still respect acid, unlike Mew. He's one of my ricochet friends and one of the best players, so how can I turn down someone who was already a former member anyway? Welcome back.

3. And the other addition, as you no doubt read, is Beastie. Yes ladies a gentlemen, the beasts are flying, his fangs froze over, and we now have the clanless one himself. Welcome to the cult *cough* I mean clan!

4. There are two open invites. Gemakk and Knightmare, anytime they wish, can join RiP. Any other members we want, we will discuss amongst ourselves and ask them via email or in-game.

5. After careful deliberation, I've decided to keep Slasher-186 in the clan. I was always annoyed that he got into the clan. This has little to do with him, no offense slasher, it was just that I don't want members being thrown into the clan without anyone being consulted or discussed with about. I just remember seeing the tag on you, and utterly confused. No one in the clan was told, it just seemed to happen, almost like a clerical mistake. However, there was a reason you were brought in, you are a good player, and as long as you stay calm (no arrogance, no mew stuff), you can stay in.

No other changes as of yet, Shalk and I will be talking. The following feel secure about your spots in [*RiP*] - :/ lil face, kermit.asm, Pique, and Jooza. KS and Rulepool2 also have nothing to worry about, leaders will not be kicked (even if KS has stepped down). Antix has supposedly left the game, so by default he is out. If he returns, I do not want him back in because he has a habit of going AWOL and returning. That's not confirmed though.
Welcome Knightmare to RiP ^_^ :thumb: we love u man :P

and NoGraffix, the one from APS will join next week when he will get active again
aha i was wondering if i got booted since no one said anything when i left.. but anyways.. good decisions i hope ur new clan works out nicley.. gl

btw.. cant wait to own u again shalk ^_^
See this is the kind of conflict I woudld like to see not happen with ut. And G-boy, when you say I have decided this or that, do you mean you and shalk have decided this or that. And pertaining to slasher 186. does that not apply to knight and gemakk.Why was that not sufficient for shalk before?. Anyway, just butting in where not belonging to start,.just the nosiest part of me got the better part of me.
Ugh... semantics... I, we, it's all the same. Anytime I say "I" it means it was an agreement we had when we talked about restructuring the clan a little bit. I'm the leader that is better with English, so I decided to write up everything, as a "spokesperson" if you will. So it's not like this stuff came on a whim.
I was afraid someone would point out the apparent paradox in not liking the fact that one member got in without discussion, while two others are openly invited without a vote. Lemme put it this way: we're not "voting" per se, I don't necessarily like that, it's just basically a consensus from the whole clan. And I think in abstract terms... that is, gemakk and knightmare are incredible players, they're longtime players, and so-called legends... they are exempt from a careful discussion about them, because I don't really think anyone in the clan would object anyway. Here was the problem with slasher... he wasn't THAT well known, and he was let in because of ONE person. For gemakk and knight, we've all talked about wanting to have them in the clan, it's not like the invites were out of the blue, as it was with slasher. Dunno how to explain it better, but it is far different.
And there wasn't really any conflict... one leader has computer problems, the other isn't quite as inspired, so I stepped up, and that's all good. Mew wasn't a clan conflict, he just went off the deep-end. It's not like uT hasn't lost members and leaders :rolleyes:
G-boy, you did realize it was more of an enquiring minds want to know? You see how big of a nose I've got. see it, huh, huh, see it.
Welcome Scrybe to RiP :thumb:
THANX SHALK!!! :lol:
i happy!!!
YAY RiP!!!
Thanx people for your votes,
they are greaty appreciated!!
I'm dissapointed in you all...but that's besides the point...oh goes on...
Disappointed about what?
...and in who?
gj spelling your title.
Another witty yet stupid reply.
i would like to point out, cloud, that i recommended scrye to rulepool more than a month ago...i also told g-boy at this time also...he agreed w/ me but he wasn't a leader then and rule was less (and i mean less) then responsive.

i'm sorry if you feel snubbed out of a good player cloud...but we didn't just pull his name out of thin air.

i for one am excited to have scrye on the RiP roster:thumb:
That's great...I don't would have been nice for someone to have said this PRIOR to any arrangements we may have made. I simply did not add him on g-boy's request...and I even questioned myself then...what makes you guys so damn special to where I just give up a player to you...sorry it just doesn't sound bad.
Give up a player? What are you talking about? I never asked you not to add him, I said just keep in mind we have been considering him for a while. I later said it's all good, put him up to vote, and you could ask him to join, but we would also invite him if we decided on it, and it is his choice. He made his choice. Scrye is a big boy, he can choose on his own.
G-boy is right Cloud. Scrye made his mind up and chose RIP. I'd say a congradulations is what should be said to him. There are more than enough players that we can choose from to fill our spots up. We will move on as always.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
The problem (let me explain ONCE AGAIN) is not that he joined them...I could care less about that. The problem is we NEVER even got to ask him in...cuz he was snatched before we could. If you read in the other hot topic you'll see what the plan was...and it was violated, but that's ok. I wasn't trying to make a big deal...I just pointed out that it was rude. Then of course everyone got defensive and tried to justify it...when really there is no need for any justification. Yes he may have chosen RiP over uT...that's fine cuz RiP is an awesome clan. You guys are badass...but the fact that we never even got to ask him into uT was what was disheartening, but hey it's all in the past...I'll get over it..let's forget it. Gwar please do as I asked and delete all of these messages if you can...thanks!
a b
I may lock it but I am not for deleting the posts
Hoho wha, if only you knew about the bribes involved, costing me a fortune they are.
Ok I'm sure you meant well...but please if you don't know what you're talking about...then just don't talk. We had an agreement...we would wait til after the rest of the clan voted and he'd's not a ME thing or freaking Cloud thing as you'd so easily like to make's a uT matter. We don't ignore everyone and let leaders speak like some other clans do...everyone votes...I can't help the fact that I'm considerate of these other members...and that I wanted to make sure EVERYONE had been given a chance to ask in. If you'll notice I merely said I was dissapointed that our agreement was broken...I never tried to cause any problems...but as so many people here tend to do...this has been blown way out and has become huge. I stated the disagreed with my idealistic...everything should run like it's supposed to ways...that's just how it goes. I'm sorry if you feel that I should've abandoned our founding rules and just added him to the crew....things just don't work like that. Ya know what's funny tho...I keep seeing others post...but nothing from Scrye. Maybe that's cuz he's the guinea pig of the matter...not know what was going on. Congrats on making a clan...sorry you had to be a part of this tho...
Quote:it's a uT matter

Sorry Cloud, but RiP isn't part of uT :(

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