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WoW and Us.
Many players in our grand community play World of Warcraft but we are divided among servers. GRITS, Smartass, and Anon play on Warsong, while Coweater and I play on Shattered hand. Both cow and I are in a grand guild of the name of Praetorians on shattered hand, one of the top 5 guilds on our server. This guild does BWL, Aq40, and Zg every week, we are a very fine endgame instance. We do do alot of MC aswell. With all of this we would like to make a fine propersition, instead of all of our WoW players playing on diffrent servers why dont we all come to one, can can most likely get you guys into our guild. Please think of our offer and think it over, we would enjoy to all play on one server.

Sincerely Slasher-186
and that piddly Cow guy.
Oh and you people that dont play... START!!!!
Wow didnt know some of you played on warsong.. thats where I used to play until they put up free transfers to Korgath.. Me and my guild were tired of the endless lag there and decided to all transfer off. Our guild is doing pretty good here and theres minimal lag.. were currently progressing through Naxx, downed like 8 bosses or so already.
Wha? smartass and a couple other canadians from the m1nt channel play Warsong, PVP server
I have a couple characters on Warsong, level 60 Night Elf priest and a level 32 gnome mage that I am working on
anonymity plays on a different server...I know it starts with a K, I have a priest on there but I dont go there often. I play for the social side and there are just more friends on Warsong. I get invited to MC runs with the top guild on the server, but don't belong to that guild, I belong to the one with all the canadians:)even tho Midnight has clothed me in 5 out of 8 of my Prophecy gear

btw....we get miagi, PnG, quick and snowdawg if they start playing :P
' Wrote:btw....we get miagi, PnG, quick and snowdawg if they start playing:P

I'm very tempted.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

And Frito!!!
I'm very un-tempted. But since i'm very bored i think i'll probably give it the once over. Till i get bored.

Edit :: There seems to be no download link. Therefore Wow = lose.
' Wrote:Oh and you people that dont play... START!!!!

Um no.:P Hey no one around here ever played a game I liked when I asked numerous times so.....

Honestly though the fact is I don't care for mmo's. I am not a fan of the genre. I like games that I can pick up and play for quick bursts. I don't have the time or patience to get involved. It would be like tossing money down the toilet paying a monthly fee for something I don't have the time to get into.:thumb:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Come on PnG give it a shot!

There nothing you can lose to get 10 days free and hook me up with a month free game.
' Wrote:I'm very un-tempted. But since i'm very bored i think i'll probably give it the once over. Till i get bored.

Edit :: There seems to be no download link. Therefore Wow = lose.

WoW's P2P... You won't find any download links unless you find a hacked server, aka free server which Blizzard frowns upon greatly and is illegal... plus they're crappy and everyone hacks on them.

So pay to play mate :P
Pfft i downloaded my copy off fileplanet.
' Wrote:Pfft i downloaded my copy off fileplanet.

I bought the collectors edition :o

I've been playing it for that long I know... :(
' Wrote:
' Wrote:I'm very un-tempted. But since i'm very bored i think i'll probably give it the once over. Till i get bored.

Edit :: There seems to be no download link. Therefore Wow = lose.

WoW's P2P... You won't find any download links unless you find a hacked server, aka free server which Blizzard frowns upon greatly and is illegal... plus they're crappy and everyone hacks on them.

So pay to play mate :P

so where's the incentive for anyone to join? Crap game that you have to actually PAY to play :S
If it was free then maybe more of us would play it - but honestly, it's not worth it - unless it's like $1 a month and even that's pushing it a bit. lol
You dont persay have to pay continually ever single month. I buy the game cards instead of letting it run up a bill on my credit card. I pay 30 bucks for 3 months I belive. If I no longer want to play I dont have to go through the whole hassle of canceling everything. And you spend 40 bucks to get a free month, it's not like you have to pay agian, just give it a shot.
' Wrote:...And you spend 40 bucks to get a free month...

not exactly free then is it.
Slasher is 40 bucks for the game + 1 month free a good deal? I saw it at walmart for that + they have game cards that cost 28.98$ for 2 months. Let me know if thats the way to go or if someone else has it cheaper.
The cheapest way is not to play it at all Frito. Also probably the smartest:)
' Wrote:Slasher is 40 bucks for the game + 1 month free a good deal? I saw it at walmart for that + they have game cards that cost 28.98$ for 2 months. Let me know if thats the way to go or if someone else has it cheaper.
Best deal you can get, it's what I do. Come play on shattered hand, do play with those whimps on Warsong:)
I am looking into it now :P
' Wrote:
' Wrote:Slasher is 40 bucks for the game + 1 month free a good deal? I saw it at walmart for that + they have game cards that cost 28.98$ for 2 months. Let me know if thats the way to go or if someone else has it cheaper.
Best deal you can get, it's what I do. Come play on shattered hand, do play with those whimps on Warsong:)
nice subliminal typo there slasher buddy:)
it says...."do play with the whimps on Warsong":)

and I asked first for his comaradship:)
Well, you should come to shattered hand too:)I'll trade Coweater for ya.
for a loonnnnnnggggg ass time I was playing wow since alpha and I quit like a few months ago after making videos.

But I had no IDEA that this many people from vadavaka played wow lol.

I guess that's where everyone has been.

When I was playing wow in my prime I sucked into it and never even bother to turn on irc or read these forums cuz I was reading wow forums lol.
~Your Ticket To The Future is Always Blank~
i still play wow and i still like it, but I havent had a lot of time to play lately. It seems like when im not doing work stuff, im hanging out with my friends.

You guys should also think about weather your mains are alliance or horde.

Ive got a 60 rogue, 6/8 nightslayer.
LOTRO is going to be awesomer to the power of deuce.
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got wow cool
[Image: josh-waggoner-sticker.jpg]
one word to the frito family

Warsong alliance

ok that was two:)
one word to you guys

Ok im a noob grits what that what is the server ur on
[Image: josh-waggoner-sticker.jpg]

We are humans (alliance).

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