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<[]MUST READ[] Ricochet Source SNITCHES!

I thought that this would make everyone here just a little bit happy. ricochet: source is going to be coming out shortly. If anyone still has mapping skills (PIQUE!!) maybe you could lend a hand in the rebirth of ricochet. Just thought this would bring a smile to everyone's face. You may want to open up one of your servers GRITS:)
Any pics of it yet?
it's been "coming soon" for a while now....
only a couple months since the original post. Not yet, but the mapper promised we'd enjoy the models.
Well on the steam forums the one guy gives a in my opinion a stupid reason for not releasing any pics. If this statement is serious then he is a moron in my eyes.

"I built the website and the content inside it around the MOD being released. The website would be VERY boring if I were to release it without the MOD, most of the community features would become obsolete.

I understand about the annoyances of us not releasing any sort of video or screenshot. I will release screenshots on release day but I am not releasing any screenshots of the pads or anything like that... because it will just ruin the MOD for you. Black Mesa is a vast MOD with many different areas and uses many different models and textures. Ricochet: Source, currently, uses virtually the same models throughout. Would you rather see the models today or be surprised on the the day you play the MOD."

Don't know about anyone else, but i'm more concerned with the gameplay then what the models look like. Yeah its going to ruin the mod if we see pics of the pads. Please:lol:
[Image: b_560x95.png]
The unfortunate thing is we knew about this for a loooooooooooong time now.

I also like how the guy totally ignores this community :P. I mean I think of us as the fathers of ricochet.

Now you have people who don't even know what won was and they think they invented some of the moves like cakewalk and the wha? lol.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

yeah didn’t this guy just start all the crap so that he could have license to the url so he could sell it later?
that's sort of what I remember
' Wrote:yeah didn’t this guy just start all the crap so that he could have license to the url so he could sell it later?
that's sort of what I remember
I would never buy into that, I'd rather just make up a new name.
Not a lot of people know where most of these moves came from. Hell some people don't know who made most of the fixes for this game...
I was just told after talking to a "new generation" ricochet player that none of us really matter.

I said, you do know that jump you do is called the "wha?". And he's like. No, we call it the "S" jump. THen I'm like, you know walking on the rails is CAKE walk? He goes, no we call it bar walking.

I tell him, most of what everyone does in ricochet today is from what people learned and taught each other in the past.

I guess they are just ignorant like that and would like to think that they are the only one's who play ricochet now that they are active.

Vad who?

I say we revolt. That we all log in the servers and take over with our "decaps". That we take no prisoners! That I go to bed!
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

Honestly these PZ and Humba people are disrespectful pricks. I say we do show them what's what.
Grits owns the servers, i guess that would make this community the mother of ricochet:P

They'll know whats up soon enough.

I was just looking at the wikipedia page for ricochet... I know someone from here had to have written it.

look where links [1] and [2] bring you to.:)
Let's see....
Link [1] was put there by a user named Charleca....
Link [2] was put there from someone in or near "sctnpa.east...."

Hrmm...Charleca -> CharlesCA->Charles, Christopher A-> Me

and someone from the Scranton, PA area
* Miagi whistles.

My IP resolves to scranton but I'm an hour or so away from there:P

It'd be cool for someone to write up about the spawn protection and gameplay modes we have included. :P
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

It's really nice and I agree....add the stuff on spawn protection and maybe even the known cheats....well how they look not how to do them :blsh:
See what you started GRITS :heartbeat:
Mapping for source? I dont even own a legit copy of Half life 2. Im sorry my friend but i think my rico mapping days are over. School is #1 right now, i need to graduate, im already on the 8 year plan.

Anyway, how are we supposed to start mapping for it if i havn't even played it yet, let alone seen pictures of what's different? I agree with P&G, pics build up excitement to the game itself. If releasing pictures of this mod will destroy any enjoyment i have of this mod, then this mod should not even be released yet.
' Wrote:Honestly these PZ and Humba people are disrespectful pricks. I say we do show them what's what.

Well, Im probably late. But I'd love to see what the new generation has to offer. I've always liked to see how things have progressed over the years i've been around:DSo i'll probably be on more often in RC... cya all there maybe:D
ehhhh lol. this would be crazy tho..

but I wonder if the arrows would be different when you jump.

That would suck.


lol imagine tho.. if you were playing deathmatch and you guys use the same arrows opposite of eachother, and than in mid-air you could actually kick them in the face and they go flying!

haha that would be jokes! lmao.
~Your Ticket To The Future is Always Blank~
' Wrote:ehhhh lol. this would be crazy tho..

but I wonder if the arrows would be different when you jump.

That would suck.


lol imagine tho.. if you were playing deathmatch and you guys use the same arrows opposite of eachother, and than in mid-air you could actually kick them in the face and they go flying!

haha that would be jokes! lmao.

You can try it right now.
They have a version out for download...
What I find funny is the fact that they "delayed" it saying they were hammering out the last bug and such...

Then when me and Png tried it, we found bugs that crashed the clients, bugs with the powerups (with the gravity one u can have infinite gravity shots if u just shoot with decap), and a bug that crashes the server...

All within 1 hour of playing.

They had shitty alpha? testers.. Cause this is like beta.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

where is the download? I went to thier site but found they were saying coming soon.
It's in the Ricochet section on the Steam forums. I don't have the link right in front of me currently. If I get it later I will post it unless you get to it first.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Tons of problems and no servers Up, This is gonna take a long, long, long, long, time.
' Wrote:What I find funny is the fact that they "delayed" it saying they were hammering out the last bug and such...

Then when me and Png tried it, we found bugs that crashed the clients, bugs with the powerups (with the gravity one u can have infinite gravity shots if u just shoot with decap), and a bug that crashes the server...

All within 1 hour of playing.

They had shitty alpha? testers.. Cause this is like beta.

You missed a name:(Though tbh after 15 mins i got bored of it crashing everytime you press a key....

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