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Junior Admins Appointed
Most of you know that I will be getting another 24/7 arena server. It will be called GRITS ARENA 24/7
I also think the multimap needs some admins that enjoy the DM style play. GRITS Ricochet
The Senior Admins and I have been discussing and observing candidates for the last two weeks for junior Admins. It was a very long and hard decision but we have come up with 9 players we would like to offer the position to out of over twenty submitted names.
The following players are being asked to come forward and accept the junior admin responsibilities They will have admin access on their respective server and have admin commands; map change/kick/gag/llama/and I hope tsay/csay abilities I am still investigating the possibility of that one.
I expect them to put XXX in the team chat along with the wonid (or name) and infraction and uphold all the rules of the servers.
Their responsibilities include kick afks and trouble makers (or make their lives miserable) and try and maintain the flow of the servers while still enjoying the game.

The following players were chosen for their late night gaming (late night for east coast USA) although their access is available on the server 24/7

New GRITS Arena 24/7
[RIP] Beastie
[uT] RWS
[CAKE] rUsh

The early morning crew
[RIP] Shalk

And the GRITS Ricochet/DM Junior Admins

[CAKE] anonymity

Please let me know if you accept the position. We have alternates for the positions that are declined. You can post under Junior Admin thread or email me at [email protected]
Thanks a bunch
Oh you guys, did Grits tell you about rush week yet?
congrats guys and gals good job :thumb:
btw, Enzymo, does this mean we all get All seeing Eye at no charge now?

oh yeah, congrats dudes and dudettes

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