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g-boy vs. jabbahunt
Last night Jabba challenged me to a match... I didn't go to school or this awards night crap I was invited to, so we decided to have the match today instead of Thursday. It was first to 10 wins. It was a decent match, there were actually several games he was up 2-0. Nonetheless, I came out on top 10-1. Jabba usually gives me tougher games than that, but I think I do really well in 1on1 matches where I concentrate, there is little talking, and I just focus on the same player match after match. Demo available per requests.

We are going to have a rematch tomorrow, so look out for those results.

One last thing, I can't attach the screenshot. Here is the error message I receive:

The requested file upload failed. This is either because it was not in the correct format, or the file size was larger than that allowed. Please check the file you wish to upload and try again.

It is a jpeg and is well under the size limit... I've posted plenty of screenshots in this format, so I guess the forums are just being weird.
I'd like a demo. :thumb:

P.S. Fix that picture.
maaan!! :mellow::mellow::mellow:

well I respect Jabba for challenging UP the scale. It is something many players are afraid to do. I would like to challenge Gboy, too in an in-clan exhibition. I hope I can manage to even sneak that 1 win.

I just don't know what happened to Gboy! It seems that just a short time ago, I slaughtered him night after night... now I haven't won a match since!

Good job, G... and Jabba... don't sweat it. I think the only guy in either clan ready to take Gboy is RWS. I think even the old greats can't touch him.

Just like to say that myself ( Widowmaker ) and (1)Player had a best of 10 game match last night, and player owned me 10-0

I'm getting better, eh?! ;);)
KS and Pique can give me a good walloping, actually. And from uT, I'd have difficulty against Razor9 and perhaps Magoo and Quickening because I don't play them enough.
yes, g-boy has been sand bagging on regular server and saving it all up for the matches, I only one thing to say. WOW. G/game

ps. and as bad as G whooped me, I went back for more from rws and he put a red-belly on me to.
Wow must have taken days to red bellie the jabba you ok RWS?:lol:
You guys say this like you think gboy is actaully good. :P
pique, how come the meanness today?
today? lol....isn't that more like everyday? Just messing pique. So g-boy...after me and shalk are bout the other leader vs. uT's leader? Then maybe the king leader vs. uT's leader...
Sure cloud, you wanna face rulepool? :upto:
I'll take ya both AT ONE TIME! lol....jk I'm not that retarded...
I don't want to take all the workload... I will accept any challenges, but I did my duty vs. rws, jabba, and I'm going to have a rematch with jabba. So sure, I'll take you on, but I'd like to see some of the other RiP get into matches, like Jooza, Pique, lil, and asm. I suggest instead of leaders getting into battles, or certain players more willing to have matches than others, the astute thing might be to get some of your guys, like magoo, limit, chentvin, or whomever, to challenge our guys that haven't had any matches. It appears Shakira is back (for a limited time, of course), and she could match up well against any RiP.
fine...the AFK leaders play (shaki vs. rulepool)

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