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Maps and suggestions for maps
keeping the maps rotating on the server keeps it more entertaining, plus I would like to see new maps on a regular basis because you all own me on the old ones and it might give me a chance to start on a more even ground:P If you have any suggestions please let us know and we will see what we can do, i noticed that people will come on and as a group leave to go to a different server because it has a different map or different layout, if you would like to see it on vads server give it a mention:D not that I have any say in it but collectively maby we could coherse Vad into a change,
just trying to get a group discussion going:unsure:
Are you kidding? I would do almost anything for my boys on Vads' HLDM especially those admins :wub: I am taking off rabbithole and putting on plateau for starters..If I can get a consensus on another one we can rotate it in
I wish I knew the names of the hundreds of HLDM maps. Since I have not played HLDM on a regular basis in a few years you forget alot. I don't know what's a good map or not cause most everything is new to me. I can usually make any map fun once I learn the layout of it.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Unfortuately, I have to download maps BEFORE I join a server, so if a server plays custom maps, I just have to move to another if I don't have it.

I have cl_allowdownload set to 0 so that I don't.
Most HLDM servers play custom maps anymore. There a few if any that just play the stock maps. There are plenty of sites netniv that you can d/l the maps from.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
That, I already know:)
Whats grit's HLDM server ip? And i remember Gasworks was one of my favorites
pique its
Grits -
Quote:I would do almost anything for my boys on Vads' HLDM especially those admins
CloudFuel - .................
:wub:My dearest CloudFuel.......that wasn't sweet and demure GRITS that wrote that reply. It was that wicked Vadavaka and her high testosterone levels responsible for that one. She just uses my login :rolleyes:
i really like "tig_bunk"...especially w/ 4-6 players at a time. its a small map that is a lot of fun to play. i have it on my HD if you want it...but it's fairly popular as custom maps go and can probably be found at lots of places online.

This is a link to a site for maps made by Peter Manson. This dude is the SAME dude that made Fling, Oddessy, and Plateau (has everyone seen the similarities?) Many of the other maps are just as gnarly; check out Shoalin. It's a big download, for those of you who have dial-up, but have patience! It's worth it.

OMG whats up brokend, you need to come here more often
just downloaded that map, awesome
Jabba you play HLDM?
Ever play on my server? I am a nympho (and so is the model I use) :rolleyes:
we should do a transfer over one day...all the rico players that play HLDM run over to Vad's HLDM and play together...there are at least 10 of us I bet
maybe gwar I dont remember
that would be cool...I might actually get high score hehehe:lol:
yah, i have resorted to downloading maps off the web in order to get all the maps for Vad's. i tried d/l-ing Plateau 4 times before the map would change and i wasted an hour. anyway, this was easier.

--brok. (ahoy, thar, frito; whar are teh up?)
Unfortunately, last time I tried to connect to the HLDM server, all I got was timeouts :/ I think that for whatever reason, it goes around the houses just to get there and decides its too far so it comes all the way back instead.

Anyway, the HLDM Website for will hopefully start holding the maps that are on GRITS server's... I'll just have to let her know were to upload them to, and how to make the links on the site ;-)

Maybe we could bundle up a few maps into a zip file, so that they can be all downloaded at one go, or in groups.
something else: if you are looking for a map, or a player, or a server, or whatever, go to to find it. It gives you updates on who is playing what map on what server in what game. real handy, just thought i'd share.

from what i've seen, the maps in rotation at vad's hldm place aren't included in the .zip file you provide on the website netniv and you even include maps that are valve standard issue which doesn't make much sense to me. as a non-paying customer :D, i would like to see an official map rotation so i can go scavanger hunting (i hate downloading maps from the server).

also, bubblemod is pretty cool and makes games and maps easy to customize. for a good example of bubblemod at work, go to Amateur's Practice - NOVICES ONLY!! (2) at ip:
no, i don't work for them, but grits asked me a while back for some info on bubblemod.

i installed it on my own dedicated server which by the way should be back up sometime this month and even better than before because i now will have three times the horsepower...:)
I can give them to you asm in an email or IM


this is mapcycle now. I will make sure they are on the ftp for the website I just dont know how to make them "available" to d/l from here I will get with netniv or GB and make sure they are there...thanks for the input
btw you will need to d/l crossfire even tho it is a standard d/l my skin takes just a minute or two
ty grits. appreciate it...i've had vad's hldm server in my list of favorites for weeks now, but i've never actually checked it out...well... now i will ^_^.

oh, i'll go get the maps off the internet...i know a few good places. thnx again.

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