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Broken rules have consequences
Acid, stop blaming the admins and accusing them of going on power trips. Once you are off drugs read the logs that were posted up and see how you acted.

You said to GRITS that you would follow the rules but you didn't. Infact You said that you would follow the rules everytime you were unbanned, but you didn't.

I don't feel bad for you at all because you brought it all on yourself.
Gwar, the only time I was on drugs when I was banned was when I was CLEARLY drunk off my ass that night. I didn't even remember what happened until I read the logs, you banned me for something idiotic, maybe you and GRITS should re-read your own rules.

Quote:I chose people who I believe are pretty ‘laid back’ and it takes quite a bit to actually get them to react to personal attacks.

You and Rebaudo don't fit in that category. Sometimes I ponder if the only reason GRITS keeps you as admin is because of the work you've done on this forum (which I am not complaining about). Though I still beleive that line pretty much states that administrators can be treated as you would be able to treat any other player. I don't see in ANY way how calling an administrator ANY unblocked word, especially "jackass", warrants a PERMANENT banning... hell, I see it way off the actual guideline of:

Quote:start swearing you will get at least a 60 minute or longer ban

600 minute bans is all I ever received from you, I didn't even get a:


this time, sure, I've done this before, you know the grudge I hold against you, and GRITS even told me how she saw how I progressively got pissed off the first time you permanently banned me in the FULL logs.


Quote:Admin responsibilities are no picnic, ask anyone who has ever been admin on a game server. They are trying to monitor the chat

Looks like you were possibly on drugs that night, and you clearly didn't post the whole log that sparked my state of being pissed at you. Some newb comes in that nobody ever heard about, I kick his ass a few times, he gets pissed and starts talking shit about my mom, you ignore him. At this point I tell you to do something about it, you don't even check your console, just tell me you didn't see it, just proves how aware you are of every single little thing I say, but actual bypasses slide across your face.

Quote:Don’t Abuse My Admins.

Try, Don't Abuse Your Players. There has to be a guideline for administrators and moderators. I don't see how you can have leniant admins that are cool that everybody loves, nobody complains about "not inforcing rules", and super-strict admins that just love using those commands whenever the chance comes up. I was a GameMaster for two years, I governed ~100 people in that whole time. I learned to be leniant, it makes people happy, and it makes it easier on the higher and lower ranking moderation teams.

I have a lot of supporters on this forum that didn't post on my banned thread, I've talked to several people on Glen's match server that agree with me, this isn't right. Why didn't they post on my banned thread? Check out what happened to Limitless, I don't even know the guy that well and he knew it was wrong, just proving to YOU that it's not only friends that support me. When I read through the thread, he was treated like dirt, but I respect the size of his balls for keeping on posting, kinda feel bad for him that some people on his own clan feel different about him now, you would all feel different about a lot of other people as well if they posted. I sent an e-mail to Beastie before the day he was supposed to give me my questions for the 'interview', I was pissed off and frustrated at the time (No, I was not on 'drugs'), and most of what I said isn't true.

You have no idea how pissed I was, and I kinda still am frustrated from this last decision, because I fail to realize how it's a smart one. It's like I've been used as a crapass example for a permanent banning. I've heard about the new changes on Holdout's, it's getting very tedious fast for my supporters because of the added strictness. Give me a week ban for calling you a jackass, give me a month ban, but permanent ban for hurting your feelings with an unblocked word? No.

I will never apologize for this last incident, I shouldn't have to, if ANYONE deserves an apology it's me. I don't even know why I was banned from the boards when you banned me from the servers, this is the whole ricochet community on the forums, not just Holdout's. It doesn't matter how much I or supporters post, I can't change admins way of thinking as much as they can't change me.

btw Gwar, you aren't making certain people happy by blaming my bannings on drugs, that just reaks of ignorance on your part. If I ever get allowed back on Holdout's, given I'll still have an interest in this slowly shrinking mod, I will agree to mute you and ignore you, but never will I say 'sorry'.

Keep up the good work d00d :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
I decided to take a personal lesson from this whole situation, and walked right into a road sign. Then I went and complained to the city council about how they infringed my right to walk there by putting up their stupid sign, and how crass it was to fine me when I tore it down so other people could walk there.

They tried incarcerating me, but as soon as the sentence ended, I went right back and told them off again, because they obviously hadn't heard me the first time. Then for some messed up reason they were upset with me causing them trouble when it was cleary they who were at fault. They keep trying to take legal action agianst me, can you believe some people?
Well I don't want people to start comparing shit in real life to things that go on in an online gaming server. But I'll say this... there are rules in the real world as there are rules in online games. Real world rules have been refined since man became civilized, the rules (laws) are now within reason so that the majority are content. In an online game, you usually don't put in unnecessary rules that just piss people off. The filter pisses people off, it used to be funny at first, but sooner or later it would've been more appropriate to make a star filter (ie. f***), obviously people don't learn from observing player interactions. The filter isn't for the children, if you cared so much about your child not being exposed to such harshness, you wouldn't have him/her choping peoples heads off, and reading bypassed words.

Admins and mods need guidelines, otherwise you're gonna have a lot more pissed off _acid_head_s in the near future, and a lot less people on your servers. People that play HL mods are accustomed to being allowed to swear, threaten, and harass other players, you don't expect people to make a full switch to some mod where you chop peoples heads off. I've always had a hard time controlling myself because I was never regulated in such a way on the internet, it isn't something I had liked to get used to, but you do have to admit that I used to be much more of an ass on APS and KAH. It's the internet for crying out loud, go play D&D or checkers with your dog if you want a clean game.

I seriously don't know what happened to this server, admins used to be so much more leniant, rules weren't so strict (or the admins weren't as strict/ordered to be strict). Thanks to my experience, if I ever became an admin on Holdout's before this whole ordeal, I swear to god I would either follow the rule and be leniant and "laid back", or I would denounce my status as admin if I was ordered to do otherwise. I wouldn't enjoy people disliking me for angering them for stupid shit like this. Same reason I wonder why some admins are still there, I'm sure you do it for GRITS, but there's also a burning urge for power in every human being, some people know how to control and harness it, keeping their cool, and some people love abusing it, exploiting people like you or me, and simply getting them mad, most of these people are constantly in denial though, I would know. This is the difference between a patient and cool admin, and a full out tyrant.

I gotta say though Gwar, you really knew how to piss me off, you baited me this last time, and I did exactly what I KNEW (yes, knew) that you wanted me to do, I was fairly sure it was going to get me banned too. I did it to prove a point, unfortunately nobody got the point, and I'm pretty much screwed out of RC now. Congratulations on losing another of the best RC players, I'm sure more will follow if you don't change things now. And GRITS, what I said in my first email to you still stands. I know you have the final word on things GRITS, I am sorry for letting you down, but I, just like you, am human, am not perfect, and do get mad from time to time.

Hopefully after typing all of this I get some smart replies that I could reply to some more, maybe get a discussion (or arguement, same thing with acid head) about this subject, rather than delete these posts, pretend they never existed, and ban me from the forums forever.
I didn't wanna get into this much, but I've got something to say.
Some people have an inherent urge to go against authority. Now, acid, your argument is as if this is the first time you were banned. I understand why this would suck if it was something new. If I did the same thing, I'd just get a gag or a kick or something. The difference is, afterwards, I would shut up. You know how teachers are in high school, every one of them is different. Yet they all get basically the same training, and have the same rules to abide by and enforce. Yet some teachers allow music, phones, and food in a classroom... others allow nothing but maybe a bottle of water, otherwise only school stuff is allowed. Some will give you free time, or not really care if you share work with people, or just let you talk while they do their own thing. Others will yell at you for just whispering to your neighbor asking for paper. I've noticed that certain people will go into each class with the exact same attitude. They act the same, they don't change at all, and the result is they get punished by the less lenient teachers, get worse grades, and are unhappy.

When I get strict teachers, I just shut up. I realize I can talk in other classes, or at lunch, or at home. At a certain point, you have to conform to those teachers. Some people have different personalities, and will all have different breaking points. We are all human, as you said, and you've talked a few too many times in Gwarsbane's classroom. Many other admins wouldn't have banned you. If I was admin, I wouldn't have. But you know what? Gwar has punished you before, and when he's around, you gotta just chill. You just would not learn to do that, and it's sad, because we lose a good player who is just stubborn. Don't mistake it for being righteous, people see you as noble for going against admin abuse. You just have a stubborn personality. And look what happened. The reason you got permabanned and not something else? Because you were already skating on thin ice. As I said before, if it was me calling him a jackass, I would have gotten a kick. But the fact that you have done stuff to get yourself tempbanned before, especially while Gwar is around, and that you have said you will be good to GRITS, yet come back and not be good, that sorta piled up to this result.

So, if a word is not filtered, you can say it to anyone, particularly an admin? Good logic. You know that jackass is used as an insult. It has nothing to do with cussing. Call him a loser, an idiot, whatever... those words aren't filtered. So it's ok? Dude, acid, man, I know you're not stupid. You have a brain, you can figure out what you can and can't say without the guidelines of a filter. Don't use that argument, you just are trying to make a point and seem like you're right, when really it's a flawed argument. Cussing was NOT the rule you broke.

Why is it that you MUST cuss in one of GRITS' servers? You damn well know she doesn't like it. You damn well know her admins enforce it. You damn well know there are plenty of things you can say without getting punished. How many times do you think I have been banned? How about RWS? I have never been banned... got slapped once (got pissed, but got over it), gagged once for a few mins, and kicked once. Never banned. I don't know about RWS, but I've never seen him get banned. Would you say we're both good players? Sure. Would you say we have fun? Hell yeah. Do he and I jaw at eachother when playing? ALL THE TIME. Do we get punished? Of course not, because we do it within the server's guidelines, as well as the administrators' tolerances. I don't go at it with admins, unless I KNOW that we are both doing it in jest (for example, with smileys and stuff after saying things). I don't maliciously attack anyone, with or without cussing. GRITS once said it's almost an art of words to intimidate people, to go at it without breaking rules or coming off as a malicious ######. Be creative and do it within the limits.

It may be the internet... but it is the real world nonetheless. In the real world, you have to deal with authority. Maybe you think you have a personality that can't deal with this stuff, but that's not particularly normal. Do you watch sports? Follow it? They have people called referees. Ever see football referees throw the yellow flag for a player jawing at them? Tim Brown had it happen to him last year, and he's a future hall-of-famer. The referees are like admins on a server. You attack them, you annoy them, you will get punished, it is part of the job. Basketball referees called technical fouls. Rasheed Wallace has gotten technicals and been thrown out of many games. He is one of the best power forwards in the NBA... does not matter. Despite your skill or reputation, you will get dealt with. How many penalties for bad sportsmanship did you think Wayne Gretzky got? Probably zero... considered one of the nicest sports players ever. As well as the best sports player ever. Michael Jordan... did he get in trouble that much? Guess he's had his share, but it's not a part of his reputation. Greatest basketball player ever.

Obviously using pro sports is an extreme in comparing to a mediocre mod (as beastie puts it), but the same principles apply. The admins don't give a shit if you are an awesome player. Mess with them, you get messed with. Tough. I'm sorry you got banned, but don't blame it on Gwars and definitely do not blame it on GRITS. I'll support you 100% in getting unbanned, coming back to the Holdout's servers. You're a great player and a ricochet friend. But I will not support you in some crusade against the admins.
well hate to break it to ya g.. but.. you got way into it ^_^
It can't be said that it doesnt matter because it is the has been said more than once. This community is different that DOD or CS.
I loved g-boy's sports analogy....I guess it all comes down to personalities. It is difficult to accept "he's still young" as an excuse for behavior when someone the same age can look at the same situation with maturity and reason.
I know there are people who think the permanent ban is unfair and I have been approached by a couple...thing is they didn't realize the whole story....I have no problem defending the permanent ban...because it did take an awful lot for me to finally consign myself to the fact that some people just can't be true to their word no matter how 'sorry' they are. I like playing acid, he is a great player and has showed me a couple things so I know he is a good person too...but I will have to look for him on other servers.
When I am pushed far enough that you hurt becomes hard for me to forgive. Old saying....."you kick a dog too many times...he just stops coming back"
AnTiX,Jun 14 2003, 03:19 AM Wrote:well hate to break it to ya g.. but.. you got way into it ^_^
I know... I said I didn't want to... but I had to say it anyway.
So what's the verdict? Are we allowed to insult a player's mom?

In any case, in his memory, I shall take the name _sock_head_. Now I just need to find a copy of halflife =)
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."
Hey Acid,
Sucks that you got banned, you make some good points
on your posts. Just wanted to let you know that I support you and
my troops in the middle east.B)hope I get to play you in Holdouts so I can kick
you ass:thumb:

LOLOLOL sockhole

o yeah, that you* is a your*:wacko:
Acid was warned many times before... Reason, breaking the rules... How many times? Don't know, too many to count...

Acid was gagged many times before.... Reason, breaking the rules... How many times? Don't know, too many to count...

Acid was kicked many times before.... Reason, breaking the rules... How many times? Don't know, too many to count...

Acid has been banned from the fourms twice.... Reason, breaking the rules...

Acid has been temp banned many times before.... Reason, breaking the rules... How many times? 2 or 3 times I believe.

Acid has been perma banned many times before.... Reason, breaking the rules... 2 or 3 times I believe.

Everytime he has been banned he has asked GRITS to let him come back, everytime she has asked me what I think and everytime I have said yes so she has said yes.

Everytime he lied to her and broke the rules with in weeks.

Acid you are trying to act like you are totally innocent when you are not. You know YOU broke the posted rules. You need to do some growing up and learn that there are rules in real life that you have to follow and rules on the internet and in gaming that you have to follow.

That log that was posted for your last banning was everything that was said from when I came into the game till I banned you.

How am I suppose to know stuff that happened BEFORE I was there. I can't see back in time.

Also I post the logs as I am given them. I do not edit anything out. I don't have access to the raw logs as I don't need access to them. All I do is make a request in the admin section (which only the admins can see) for the logs of that night and then the next day or the day after, the logs are posted for me to post.

Yes stuff is stripped out but its only to make it more readable and its only stuff like joining messages, quitting messages, and other game play stuff that just gets in the way of the chat.

Me as a strict teacher is a good way to put it, but not totally right. I don't care if people talk in my class, I actually prefer it.

It is when people start swearing, or yelling at each other or breaking other rules that puts me into admin mode. There are times when I come in and I don't have to warn people of anything, the chat is going good, people are enjoying themselves poking fun at each other playfully.

Then there are times when I seem to get hit with every idiot of the day. I pass out warning after warning after warning, kick people, gag people and ban people.

With most of the regulars, if they break the rules, I give them a warning and they stop or say sorry and then stop. They keep playing, still talking with others and life is good.

Then there are others who think they are above the rules. They are the ones that get warned, gagged, kicked and banned time after time.

Am I above the rules? No. Have I ever been gagged or banned or even kicked from any servers? Nope, why? Because... I don't have a need or even a want to swear or call people names or to break any rules.

Bottom line.....

Don't like the rules that we have then don't play on our servers. If you choose to play on our servers and break the rules that are CLEARLY posted at , then expect to get punished.

I'm not the only admin to hand out punishments and I won't be the last...
I'm with sid on this. Lighten up yo's.:thumb::smurf:
Yes, Yes, YES YES YES! Wow, pwned Gwar...totally hit the nail on the head. Ya know I used to hate acid, but I just realized that's the way he is and no one here can change it except him. We all have fun when he's around and when he's not, but the times he turns "head flooded with acid" then we all seem to find issues with him. Then he gets banned, then people feel sorry for him because he was under the influence, people argue with him, and then he pleads his case and is set free. At first I thought that this was outrageous...but hey everyone gets a few free chances (or in his case a few hundred). My point is that if you really want to put up with this then go right ahead, but even people in his clan say that yea he doesn't stop very easily and thus you as admins recieve the wrath because you merely enforce the rules. I respect acid as a player because he normally owns me well as other great players in the game, but we all know he gets out of line often. You have two choices....A) allow him to continue and ignore him. orB)remove him since he will not remove himself and be rid of this *problem*. We cannot just allow this to continue and argue with him about it. Us saying crap to him does no just gives him what he wants and he'll retort back and it just doesn't end til GRITS kills that thread. Then another thread will come...I guarantee you there atleast 10 threads dedicated to either bashing him or getting on him in some manner. Either let it go...or make him go. You decide...
This makes me laugh...

Quote:I gotta say though Gwar, you really knew how to piss me off, you baited me this last time, and I did exactly what I KNEW (yes, knew) that you wanted me to do, I was fairly sure it was going to get me banned too. I did it to prove a point, unfortunately nobody got the point, and I'm pretty much screwed out of RC now. Congratulations on losing another of the best RC players, I'm sure more will follow if you don't change things now. And GRITS, what I said in my first email to you still stands. I know you have the final word on things GRITS, I am sorry for letting you down, but I, just like you, am human, am not perfect, and do get mad from time to time

I baited you into saying something that got you banned???

Here is from the log, it looked like you had a problem with me and all I said was hello...

L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:39: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" committed suicide with "world"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:39: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" entered the game
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:41: "peZ.ArKaNoiD<696><113266><696>" say "hello mr. gwar"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:45: "Gwarsbane<717><43118><717>" say "hello"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:53:47: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "bah its gwar"

I'm in the game no more then 6 seconds and already you are saying "bah its gwar" How did I bait you into saying that?

At the time I came in it was something like 2:30 am, I was tired and came in for a few rounds before bed.

I don't normally catch everything that is said in the chat and when I'm tired I miss more stuff. I do have a TV going on in the back ground that I turn around and watch every now and then (even when in game)

You said I should have looked in the console to see what happened.. well I did. But due to a slight problem of the console always moving back down to the very bottom everytime an event happens I could not find what you were talking about.

You didn't help any with saying stuff like...

L 06/02/2003 - 00:56:36: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "if people can freely talk about my mom, can i talk about yours?"
L 06/02/2003 - 00:57:06: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "dont play stupid"

Instead you could have just told me who said what which would have solved the problem, but no you keep on saying stuff like....

L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:03: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you're full of it"

L 06/02/2003 - 00:58:06: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "playing favorites always"

L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:23: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "oh you know gwar"

L 06/02/2003 - 00:59:38: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "you always look for ANYTHING to get me kicked or banned"

At this point I STILL have no idea what you are talking about and even RWS who had been there longer then I had been didn't know what you were talking about.

Here is the log for everyone to read....

Another thing that makes me laugh...

L 06/02/2003 - 01:00:30: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<715><128083><715>" say "wow like 5 letters scrambled in 20 others makes it a curse"

L 05/12/2003 - 02:24:58: "[*RiP*]_Acid_Head_<739><128083><739>" say "iryiciayad,sjbmtoherhfucvjekr"
This is the line that got you banned just before this one... I can see more then 5 scrambled letters in there.

in that I can see... i cya mother f**ker

I showed it to 3 other people that have nothing to do with the Ricochet community. I sent them a message and asked them to tell me if they see anything wrong, then sent them that line. Everyone of them told me what they seen.

It has to be a BILLION to one shot, a trillian to one shot, maybe even a googlplex (1 with a million 0s after it, or is it 100 0s after it, I can't remember) that you just happened to randomly type in that.

There are 28 letters there. You have a 1 in 26 chance of hitting the letters like you did (this is not counting all the numbers and extra stuff on the keyboard that you could have hit)

So you just randomly typing that is is nearly impossable (notice I said nearly). Now lets take into account other factors. How you feel about me, the fact that you have done (in your words) "random keyboard mashing" that has ended up with other swear words before. Some how I don't see this as a random keyboard mashing event.
you know..this is a game and you will get stupid ppl in them...ppl do stupid things all the time and there are consenquences for them...i could careless what acid did but i feel he shouldnt have a perm ban..maybe a month or 2 like me >:)..but i also notice there are alot of ppl starting to dislike gb..but there are some ppl that still like him.. <_<
The only people that don't seem to like me are the ones that get banned by me.

Anyone know how Evil admin got that name... because Acid started accusing him of stuff like admin abuse and calling him that. But the name stuck. Acid let up on Evil because evil hasn't been around for a while (his work got busy), so thats where I came in. He started accusing me of admin abuse and stuff when I warned him or kicked him for not following the rules.

Maybe I should start calling myself Eviler Admin or even Evilest Admin.

Again don't like our rules, tough. When you play on our servers, you play by our rules. They are not all that hard to follow.
ok enough...we cant keep rehashing the same stuff over and over it gets tiring. acid said his piece and GB had his I will leave this thread open through the evening but it closes tomorrow morning along with the topic. If you want to defend acid or defend the rules...this is your last chance because I will close every post on the topic of acid's most recent ban starting Sunday morning until I feel like hearing about it again....which may be never...but I am thinking I will readress the topic in a month or two.

I will not ban acid from the forums if that was what was being suggested...he does not violate any rules here that I have seen.....even when he is ranting and verbose...which means he has it in him to be civil even when he is tell me why you think he can't stick to his promises in game it just frustrates the hell out of me.
i say this is his last chance...let him stay banned the rest of the month...starting next month hes unbanned...and if he screws up hes gone forever...sounds good to me...hell if it works for me it can work for him:D
oh EVIL grits...I have dethroned as king of posting....bad times. Anyway I'm just going to say you are too know what that means and you know that people will take advantage of it. It's just good to have someone like you around, but bad that others don't see that...
That's right, a lot of people do dislike GB, not just me. It seems you didn't even go through my post, and didn't get my point. Good job trying to get the approval of others by posting what got me banned the night I was wasted. The day afterwards, I told you I didn't remember much that happened except me getting banned for something, I know it's obvious that that says motherf****er in there somewhere, I was given a cool down banning, as the rules say, to cool down, or as GRITS said, to sober up.

Quote:Anyone know how Evil admin got that name... because Acid started accusing him of stuff like admin abuse and calling him that. But the name stuck. Acid let up on Evil because evil hasn't been around for a while (his work got busy), so thats where I came in. He started accusing me of admin abuse and stuff when I warned him or kicked him for not following the rules.

Sorry Gwar, but to me it's abusive for an admin to hide behind a name, never letting me know if he's an admin or what (hell Rebaudo is a newb), and just pissing me off. Then I call what I BELEIVE is a player an ######, unblocked word, he switches to the name evil_admin and bans me, WHAT THE F. That isn't right, and it's not like you haven't done the same before, funny how you two always wait for somebody to get mad at you before you switch back to your admin name, like saying "Woop, I got the power now, don't f with me anymore!".

The point of this and preceeding points are to show you and people that you just have to be more leniant, we're all pissed from time to time, me more than others, especially at people I have grudges against. I don't get pissed at people for no reason, there's always a reason, otherwise everyone that has ever beaten me would be on my hate list (notice how I dislike losing?). I advise making a "strict" guideline for admins and mods, hell I'll make it for you.

Quote:It is when people start swearing, or yelling at each other or breaking other rules that puts me into admin mode.

I thought players were allowed to yell at each other, as long as it's all in-game related ranting and words used are unfiltered? That's another thing that I have been asked to stop doing by more than just Gwar and Rebaudo, seems admins don't know their own rules, or changed them in their own little world. I'll make some rules for you, seems like you need a more specific guideline, lol.
they are allowed to yell at eachother..but when they start cussing blah blah blah they are kicked and what not..1 thing i dont like about grits server is the admins play favorites...if a person is goofing off and doing stupid things...and the admins know who they are they dont do anythign about it
well it looks like you've made the decision guys...I said you had two options...and you took the easiest yet most annoying route. Gj...and GRITS no matter how many posts you lock...they'll keep coming...they always do...
Since this thread stops this eveing I will throw in my two cents.

<admin hat off>

1. Acid's complaint that admins use aliases and then catch him abusing
us as admins is not correct. There is no abusing any player, whether
that player is an admin or someone playing for the first time. Acid
has repeatedly harrassed players.

2. Acid always blames the admin when he gets caught breaking the
rules. He did the same thing when I banned him. I even gave Acid a
chance to remove me as admin and/or kick me out of GRITS' servers
altogether. His support was dismal. He was able to get 3 votes: One
vote was later withdrawn and the other vote was mine. Want to try it again acid?

3. I suspect Acid looks down upon any player who doesn't play well
enough to make his game competitive. I'm not good enough to play
him (hell Rebaudo is a newb), I must not be good enough to discipline
him when he breaks the rules.

Bottom line acid, you would say anything or do anything right now to get back on GRITS' servers but after a few days you would be back to breaking the rules.

As an admin, if you do get unbanned I will treat you as any player. If you
break the rules, you suffer the consequences. However, as a Ricochet player I consider you a whiner with no consideration for anyone but yourself.


<admin hat on>
CloudFuel,Jun 14 2003, 06:35 PM Wrote:well it looks like you've made the decision guys...I said you had two options...and you took the easiest yet most annoying route.
yeah're not the one that gives us options..
evil_admin,Jun 14 2003, 06:39 PM Wrote:1. Acid's complaint that admins use aliases and then catch him abusing
us as admins is not correct. There is no abusing any player, whether
that player is an admin or someone playing for the first time. Acid
has repeatedly harrassed players.
ive seen a few admins fakenaming and waiting for a player to screw up..not naming who tho:D
That's not necessarily true... they don't play favorites, they play unfavorites. Meaning, I've seen newbs or unknowns being morons, it ticks me off, but technically they aren't breaking rules and they don't get punished. They don't bother with them, we can just mute them or whatever. If people who are normally good are doing stuff that may be disruptive, they treat them the same way as a newb or unknown, they just leave it alone until it actually breaks rules, then they deal with it. What they do, however, is more readily punish players who get punished a lot. As I said, you skate on thin ice. They keep a more keen eye on players with such a reputation, and the slightest breaking of the rules may trigger it. That's sort of how the world works. The more you do, the more likely disciplinary action will be taken, and the more likely it will be more severe than the last time.
i take it you are refering to my actions:P..yeah admins do keep a sharp eye on me..kinda annoying..most admins are nice to me..but some are nice 1 sec then totaly flip out on me for no reason..cruel world :wacko:
This incident with acid reminds me of another that had happened when i was playing road hockey with my litle brother and some of his friends.
A kids parents where coming to pick their kid up, and while they pull into the parking lot (we live behind a plaza, and the parking lot borders are street). Their kid was trying to get possesion of the ball and from another kid. I'll call the kid who fell kid A, and the kid who didn't fall kid B. Kid A fell in by acident in the battle for possesion of the ball, and must have hit his leg on the curb, and started to cry (he was tired, been playing for a few hours). I go over and look at his leg, it was fine. Kid A gets upset at kid B, he must of thought he did it on purpose, i saw it, it was an accident. So kid A goes over to his parents and the next thing i know the father of kid A is charging kid B with a hockey stick, kid A takes off and while the father was charging at him with Kid A's stick. The father gets in a few slashes to the leg, untill i mange to get intfront of the dad. I try to increase the distance between kid B and the father all the while the father shouting profanites at kid B. Its at this point you might be able to use the analogy, that i was an admin, trying to keep the peace, with a hot head on my server but without a kick or ban command, all i can hope for it that this hot head doesn't decide to take a run at my head with his kids stick, it was at that time i realized i had my stick as well, instead of using that stick, to help dissolve the situation, i tryied to calm him down. Instead of provoking, i tried to calm him down, and defuse the situation (a stick fight would not have been smart, because of the fact that he was about 6 2 and 170 pounds, and me with my mean 5 10, and 130 pounds). Afther telling this story to my parents, kid B's parents and a cop or two, i found out that the father is faceing assult with a weapon charges, where i live, thats a minimum 4 year jail sentence, he might get less because kid B wasn't hurt, just scared. Instead of trying to talk to kid B and sorting this out peacefully, he escalated to violence and know has to face the penalty, all because of a misunderstanding.

Acid, i hope you learn from this dad, and try to get along with the admins, because they want the same thing you want and that is just to play rico. They're job is to make sure everyone in the server is not being anoyed by other players. I don't think attacking them, or insulting them is the best way to get what you want. I can see if you want to make a point, but before you do, you should ask yourself is this an important enough point to make. I hope a lot of ppl get to read this, just so they can learn to relax and think before you act, because they can have serious ramafacations.
Yes, several to fakename. The idea is that you don't break the rules, EVER. Because they do have logs, it's not like you're hidden even when an admin isn't there. Besides, if you really have such a problem with them doing it, get their wonid. Hell, I have evil's wonid's memorized. Like I said, it's not that big of a deal to follow rules. You've figured out how to follow traffic laws... so if a cop stops you, you look at him and argue that you didn't see him on the sidestreet, and therefore HE was in the wrong for punishing you? I'm sorry, but if you're going to argue, make valid points. If you insult an admin, unfiltered or not, shit's gonna happen. That's because INSULTS are NOT dictated by the filter. Boom, that point is shot down. Ohhh, ohhh, the admins don't have their usual names on, you break a rule, and you get punished. Where in the rules do you see that you're allowed to break them when you don't see an admin around? Boom, goodbye point. There is support against the admins? Where? I see acid, ss, and limit. The MAJORITY of us are not against the admins. And the admins are supported by grits... most of us support grits... and going against them has no validity, people who complain about having the rules enforced against them are not going to change anything. Boom, no more point. The issue is not that they abuse their powers, they do not for the most part. Mistakes have been made, but those who have been repeatedly punished have not really been abused without harassing admins or other players first. The issue is that some of you don't like the rules, in which case, our point is that you should either follow the rules or go to another server. You refuse to do the former, so you do the latter AND complain and ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** and moan. It's like if you don't like your country's laws or government... well, then move the hell out. Many people don't like the US government and/or laws... yet they stay here. Why? Because they know it's better than most other places. You complain about the Holdout's servers... but you want to stay... same reason, it's better than any other server. Conform and deal.

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