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Does anyone know anyhting about the console not working. I have '-console' in my target but I stil lcan't get it working right..any information on this topic would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
when you first open halflife game you should get a screen that says at the top "console" click on that and you should be able to bind your "`" key there.
bind ` console
go in your Sierra/halflife/ricochet/config.cfg

make sure you have
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"

somewhere after it says unbindall and those keys (or whichever)
only will confuse your game if you happen to have
bind "~" "say hi" also
:lol:THANK YOU GRITS! i tried that whole bind thing but i always typed bind "`" "console" not "toggleconsole"... uuggghhh i feel like an idiot ehe heh:blsh:
If you ever want to know the names of the commands, use cmdlist starting letters and cvarlist starting letters. Great for on-the-fly tweaks. Other than that, there is a site somewhere with the whole lot listed, along with the arguments and effects. I'm pretty sure it's attached to planet half-life, try looking at the tiny links on the left-hand side.
Gawd GRITS ! Config knowledgable chick ! Now that's hot!
shhh its a secret...that I have a brain
And my brian was absent, I didn't even think of that. :/

If that is not in the FAQ, i'll add it tomorrow...GRITS can you remind me to do that, you know how my brain has been with this flu. hehe
Is brian your special friend, gwar?
If everyone else wasn't so helpful, I was just gonna say open up another mod or whatever that the target does work, and then join a server from there.
just dl ASE (All seeing eye)...i can launch all my hl mods and UT from there directly. but sometimes, you just need a way to get around that...oh yeah, config files to set up all your CVARS....well, u just need a console..ok...^_^
NoNOnO.. Open your ricochet shortcut and just add a space then -console to the end of it. Easy
I thought that was the first thing FF said he had already done...I believe when he said his 'target' he meant in his short cut
That's correct GRITS, and your solution worked, so this thread is in effect completed.
I agree and I'd just like to say thanks to GRITS and all the little people out there! I couldn't have won this...umm..console without you all. goodbye
Now that actully made me laugh... ***I'm Stupid for Swearing*** hum... shows how bad the day is:)

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