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wow gj gb
banned me for saying who he gj on abusing
I think a little elaboration is in order.
gb was fakenaming..there were 4-5 ppl in the server "new guys" and i said he flipped out on me saying "we admins come here fakenaming to be left alone" something like that..i was like everybody has your wonid anybody can look it up..blah blah blah he made threats then was either grits or gb but kinda retarded..i said end of discussion and what does he do..drag it on-_-
how strange
hmm, first of all, as i'm writing this post you are in server as cid something or other, and you get just as pissed when someone calls you out. how many wonids do you have? yes this is directed to SS. Acid are you sure you aren't up there pulling some strings?
wow wtf is your prob rws...and jabba...doesnt matter how many wonid's i have..i just said his name and he got mad
The bottom line SS is that you aggravate and piss off not only admins but otherwise calm players. If you are going to antagonize people and then claim you are doing nothing 'wrong' and are being picked on then I, for one, will be coming forward to set the record straight. I was not involved but I was there and saw it all. I also heard from players who were pissed with his antagonizing after he was temp banned.

Treat people as you expect to be treated and everyone will get along fine.
this is very true...shall we look at who's side he always takes in acid wars? a trend maybe?
soul, go back to your many times to upset gwars, why do you keep acting like it is the first time. I realize your mind is not on the same line as other caring folk. but don't you see when you are antagonizing others, and any excuse that others are doing it doesn't cut it. I think you have a good heart but is there something that makes you do it?
lol wth did i just say..i only said his what did i do wrong there..who cares if i take acid's side..thi shas nothing to do with him
What were you saying before that. are you saying you didn't do anything to any other player just before this?
no jabba i didnt..i joined the server and i played gb...he didnt have his name on so i looked at his wonid and realized it was i said "" thats all
don't even dare say no...
lmao cloud...get are only pissed at me cause i hurt your feelings by saying you were predictable..btw bring up the logs if you dont believe me
We admins come in under different names (aka undercover) so that not only can we be left alone, but so that we can watch what people are doing. If we are there with our regular names and people know the names they will not act naturally or show their true colors (thou some do)

Its like being an undercover cop. They go in and don't want their cover blown.

You act all high and mighty saying some garbage about how people can just look at the wonids to see who I am so I shouldn't bother coming in with a "fakename" as you call it.

But I have seen you come in under "fakenames" and people know your wonids, notice how he has more then one wonid so that he can even trick people further. At least I have the same wonid. If people want to look me up ok np problem. You and them don't need to broadcast to everyone who I am, its good enough that you know.

Don't like this, too bad. You are not an admin here I am. Go make your own server and play there. No only admins are getting pissed off with your attitude, so are players in general.
soulsolution Posted on Jun 21 2003, 12:36 AM Wrote:btw bring up the logs if you dont believe me
I, for one, second that motion,
Only the logs will dissipate all the emotion.
i got tons of i use i use the same one all the time for rico...all i was saying is pretty much every good playe rhas your wonid..there were only 4-5 ppl there that have no idea who you what was the big prob
The big prob is that when we are undercover we don't want out names boardcast to everyone.

I have been told that you get pissed off when you are revieled from playing under a different name.

So here is the final word, don't tell people who we are. Don't like that... too bad!
lol who said i get pissed off?..i could careless if somebody says who i am
#20 you've been told many times before...just(edited) drop the shit. Shut up and go about your day....I assure you...things will be much better if people aren't stirring stuff up...I could care less what you think I am....It's a game....get used to one cares....
ahhah like responding to every post i make..i believe you are the only person to tell me to drop it..and uh lots of ppl care
Does anybody else wonder
why the point from one side,
is incompatible with the other?
this is what happened...i joined the was fakenaming..i played him a few rounds and i looked at his wonid to figure out who he was..i said "" then he said "we admins fakename so we are not time dont say who i am" along those lines of that..not exactly what he said but close enough..then i went on saying "everybody has your wonid so everybody knows who you are" it pretty much went on like that for a min..then i said end of discussion..he said next time dont do it or else..i laughed and said oo threats then banned for abit..logs will show it all
wow rws..settle down sheesh..take a zanex or something.........#1 i didnt get warned..#2 i didnt say he couldnt do anything..what you just said would be totaly a diff scenario..if you would read what i said..i didnt do anything
first said oo threats! like you can do anything..i didnt say that..second the "warn" didnt happen untill the end
So far, I have pieced together:
[*]whether intentionally or not, ss blew gb's cover
[*]the two of them conversed about the events
[*]ss was temp banned for 'admin inteference'
[*]ss claims the admin was committing abuse habitual
[*]rws doesnt like ss, and the feeling is quite mutual
Um I'm sorry but I don't see this as a written rule, you just got pissed and abused your power again. You never should've banned him, at most you should've gagged him and told him this is going to be a new rule, a very stupid rule, but a rule.
I think everyone should just drop it because it's not a big deal. SS did something, he complained, now he won't do it again... if he does, he will get further punished, and so on and so on. Yes, he can be a pain in the ass, but so is everyone at some point, we've had to deal with the likes of johnnykill, mew, sinbon, acid, and a few others... we can go without the nuttiness with ss as well. And cloud... I'm sorry, but I feel like telling you to just please shut up. Every goddamn post that relates to admin abuse, you come in and start instigating with the person who complained, I guess standing up for the admins or something... one, they can handle themselves... two, like I said, you instigate and try to get more pissed off responses... not sure if you're just trying to up your post count, look righteous, or trying to impress grits. I suggest the topic be closed, unless gwar wants to post logs or something.
Ok. I wouldn't normally say that I would go against my other admins here... but is it actually in the rules that cover shouldn't be blown or is it one of those unwritten rules that people should just obey anyway?

If it isn't in the actually rules, then can I suggest that we add that in there, since I myself, have on numerous occasions given away who other people are, and have never been banned for doing such (and that does include with Gwar).
Ok I am going to close this thread, like someone said SS was slapped for something and that should be the end of it. I was there when SS was banned for 20 minutes. (my idea of a cool down period) I was getting ready to gag him myself…he was going on and on about it. He did not just let it drop and it was getting to be very annoying. When he came back and asked why he was banned I told him it was for being antagonistic but I guess this thread was already started by then.
He was not banned for say “mmm gb” he was banned for "disrupting the flow of the game" that followed the comment. GB was not the only person who felt like SS was just being antagonistic but I will not post that part of the logs…that is their right to say it after he left without their comments being published. I will however look at the logs and post the bantering between GB and SS. I don’t want to make a "rule" that says "don't bring me out". It is more of a ‘manners’ situation. It is not just an admin thing either. It is respect for any player.
I have said it before...common courtesy dictates that ...if a person is not using their real name there is a reason for it and you are just rude if you intentionally break their cover. Knightmare is the best because people don’t really know his wonid or maybe he has more than one but it is cool when he changes his name because everyone goes “ahh man I should have known”. I ALWAYS try (sometimes I screwup) to use the name the player is using…you are in the “mood” to be that personality…..if you respect the person you respect thier mood swings…I almost always have GRITS unless I am playing the name game when I am bored or teasing… Sieg and acid_head always use their one name to my knowledge…but some people like to come in incognito….you are a ‘small person’ if you feel the need to let everyone know you know who it is. That is not what happen here SS said “mmm gb” I don’t think the players that were there would have known who that was and those that would have already knew it was Gwarsbane. GB made a request not to use his real name if he is undercover and it snowballed from there.

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