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Thank God...I mean PIX, I am back online
I am not a complete noob when it comes to computers...I know what pinging is and even configs....but I pretty much had to start at square one with the install of a new hard drive...funniest thing with PIX I do think he could do this with his eyes closed...he was telling me what button to push next even before it showed up on my screen:D
I could not just update to a different computer wouldn't even open that far...had to reset start up, then the video card wasnt recognized and and and....damn I am too exhausted to explain it all I will let PIX tell you all the things he did for me and all the new experiences we shared....actually got to talk to the man...very soft spoken with a touch of a southern accent...I don't have much of my old accent but after just a little while with PIX I found the 'drawl' coming back....what a wonderfully patient and understanding man....makes for a great lover if that carries over into the bedroom PIX (yeah I know he's married I'm just commenting:P) he never got impaitient no matter how many times he had to tell me things or even when I interupted.
I am still not quite up to par and have to go through one or two more 'classes' to get all my old stuff on the new hard drive and actually close the box...but I love having my computer back and looks like I will make the Friday date for rico if I can get my HL updated.....
I am sooo tired....and I have missed playing with all of you soooo much...see you soon... THANKS FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART PIX

low milage
will gladly trade for Mid Western female.

CALL 555-3432

If line is busy, I am probably speaking with GRITS. Leave
message please.l
I know what that's like GRITS... that's a part of my daily job ;-) Hence why I started asking you those questions I did :-D. However, it's also useful to have someone whose actually awake during those hours you can actually do something at home. ;-)
yeah there is a slight time will note we finished up around 4am your time...
I do have a list of the things we was really interesting to get 'into' the computer itself and not just be happy with everything working by itself or gettin a new computer just because I screwed up the old one...I mean I actually am 'fixing' my screw up (with PIX help) it is a good feeling and I love to learn...and it's "COMPUTER STUFF" you all know how I love computer geeks....I might actually end up one...hmmm all kinds of conotations come to mind...but I will let them pass
Thanks to everyone who offered to 'give me a hand' with the problem...stay tuned for updates on all my newly aquired knowledge
If you can't put the screw driver down... your already on your way...
Other than spending 6 of my hours at work talking to a certain person I know, here's what I spend the other 2 hours doing everyday at work.

Real Work
netniV Posted on Jun 26 2003, 06:39 AM Wrote:If you can't put the screw driver down... your already on your way...
It's so true. I have one of those Benchmark Retract-a-Bit screwdrivers in my pants 24/7. Lately I've realized all the things I could dismantle at a whim, like the interior of a subway car.

BTW, does anybody know where I can get a logic analyzer?
Yeah, get a wife.

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