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I need server related help
Heya, i created a dedicated server and it works great, but i have one problem... It boots me off after a few mins after i connect and i get a different error msg almost every time. I am the only one who gets booted, others who connect do not. I can join other servers and play fine. I am thinking maybe its because i used the same CD key for both HL's so maybe thats the prob im not sure. Here are som ss's of the error msgs i get (not that im too lazy to type em or anything:D) Anyone able to help me out on this?

[Image: ServerErrorsGif.gif]
You have to enter thru different computer if you have a dedicated server running.
First, you don't use CD keys on a dedicated server. So if you are truly running a dedicated server, are you trying to connect from the same computer? If so, then you probably have a port problem where the server and client are tyring to use the same ports.

Let me know some more detail and I will help all I can.

try copying those messages into google and see wut comes up. I guarantee someone else has had same problem.
just change the port to ur dedicated server. add -port 27016 to the end of whatever u use to launch HL
it isn't even worth it?...when i play on the same computer i'm hosting a ded. server on, i and everyone else lags big time.
The server is on a diff computer on the same network. I am not running the game on the same comp as the dedicated server. I am running it from a diff comp. And this problem only happens when i connect to my server, not other servers. I can play fine on other servers.
Pique,Jul 10 2003, 04:04 PM Wrote:just change the port to ur dedicated server.  add -port 27016 to the end of whatever u use to launch HL
I did that Pique, but it didnt do anything, i still get booted off after a few mins:(
It would suggest that your server is not using the correct DLL potentially, as you are getting messages back that the Client can't handle....
But net, why does it only happen to my comp and not anyone elses. Let me point out that when i create a LAN game and connect to it from my other comp, i can play without any problems. It just happens when i create an internate game =/
I received your PM Apex and with the last post here I am sure it has to do with your router or firewall.

What kind of router are you using to connect to the internet? If it is a Linksys I can walk you through the set up to open the right ports.
Yes its a Linksys router. I have a simple network. The router is connected to the wan using DHCP and gets the ip from my ISP. My computers have static ip's using the linksys default IP's and the server and client is on the same network. Client IP and Server IP
Maybe I'm not paying much attention here but have you opened the ports neccessary to let your other comp on the network access your dedicated RC server? You know, packet forwarding under advanced linksys router options?

Just checking that you aren't a noob:P
I found your post about setting up a server Acid and a reply from Evil admin about the ports and i set them in my port forwarding. These were the ports 3001, 3002, 27010, 27015, 27016. Besides, if i didnt allow these ports then no one could connect to the server at all right? But other people are able to connect and play with no problems at all.
Yeah I guess what I said was pretty irrelevant :/
Ok, so you did that part...just for fun do the same thing for the ports on your client computer. I know when I had my first server I had the same problem and then after setting up my router it didn't work right away but it did the next day...go figure. Anyway, try to open the ports on your client computer and then try it again.

Good luck
I searched the problem on Google and i didnt get much info, most of the webpages found were in another language i couldnt understand, but the ones that were in english (about 4 or 5) only 1 of them was the closest to the problem i was having but not exactly it. It said im having this problem because something in my HL directory is corrupt or something, but if this were true why doesnt it happen on every server i connect to? It only happens when i connect to the server on my network. Well, their solution was to completely uninstall HL and reinstall it, so i guess that will be my last resort =/
It shouldn't take too long, and it's worth a shot.
Of course...NO ONE would take my advice and search for a FAQ on these error messages.

10) - CONNECTION PROBLEMS just can't connect!! Also add in symptoms : Host_Error: CL_Parse_Version: Server is protocol 358617960 instead of 41 and Host_Error:CL_ParseServerMessage:Illegable server message -svc_bad Users cannot connect to servers - it times out after 60 seconds. MANY submissions! Some people have reported success typing "retry" at the console when it times out, others nothing no matter what they do. Other people have reported that enabling "net_graph" has helped connect, although I recommend using net_graph 3, cause it doesn't kill your FPS. - This issue has been a hot one for Valve, naturally. Hopefully this will be a thing of the past after this update.

PlanetHalfLife has TONS of peeps with this same problem but there are no apparent solutions. Here is a whole page of them needing help. From the is something to do with your WON authentication number.

Posts: 5 Sep 09, 01 - 5:41 PM

I get the following message at some servers..

Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal User Msg 235

Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal User Msg 217
Things like that.. I can Join the server but within seconds i get that message.

Author Subject: RE: server is dropping people

johnny_death Guest (106237)
Posts: 2 May 23, 01 - 6:30 PM

i have a dedicated server running cs1.1 and evertime someone connects it drops them within 5 minutes the error message is.......illegal user msg 166 any ideas??????please help

Author Subject: I'm tiredof being kicked...

Posts: 1 Oct 25, 01 - 5:10 PM

"Host_Error: Dispatch User Msg: Illegal User Msg 136"

I keep getting punted off TF mano!!??
I am running:

AMD 1.2 Athlon
SB Live value
Voodoo5 5500 AGP
20gig Fuj

Any suggestions

Author Subject: RE: HELP - DispatchUserMsg

agenthatari Guest (89587)
Posts: 1 Mar 05, 01 - 7:23 PM

Using REAL's free team fortress 1.5. After connecting to a server and starting a game, booted within 20 seconds with message:<br><br>Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal User Msg 128<br><br>The number can also be 129 or 131<br><br>Thanks in advance for your help!!!

Author Subject: RE: DispatchUserMsg:

Posts: 1 Nov 24, 00 - 11:14 AM

my server randomly kicks ppl with Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal User Msg 131. sometimes others . .all host errors. thanks for any help.<br><br>phlec

Author Subject: Host_error

Posts: 1 Oct 15, 01 - 12:06 PM

ever since I installed 1.08 and cs1.3 i am getting kicked from servers from errors ranging from Host_error, cl_parser,
Illegal User msg 144, etc etc getting well pissed, have reinstalled halflife(original with key - yes not a copy) and cs 1.3 Heeellllppp

Author Subject: client disconnect

Posts: 2 Jun 28, 01 - 9:31 AM

on one of my LAN PCs, i'm running the latest HL server behind a Linksys router/firewall. i've opened the appropriate ports, and things appear to be set up properly. i have a second PC on my LAN from which i want to run a HL client

my friend seems to be able to connect with his HL client through his dial-up fine. then i connect with my client (using the LAN games option, not the Internet games option). we're in the game, it seems to run fine for a few minutes. then he gets dropped! he says he keeps getting this message:

Host_error dispatch user Msg: illegal user msg 130

i tried connecting my client thrugh the Internet games option with the same results. we can make the connection, but his connection can't be maintained for some reason. my client never gets dropped. the server screen never seems to indicate any problems or errors. any ideas?

Author Subject: HL ERROR.... VERY WEIRD...................

Black Mesa Janitor
Posts: 11 Mar 18, 02 - 5:15 PM

I can join a HAlf life internet game no problem. But when i make a server on one of the pc's in my house, and try to join from another pc in my house.... It lets me in for about 2 minutes, then kicks me. Gives me a message....

BAD: 23:svc_bad
Wrote erroneous message to buffer.dat
Hosterror: DispatchUserMsg
Illegal User MSG 160

Plz help


Author Subject: HOST_ERROR...Can Any1 Help?

Posts: 6 Oct 10, 01 - 10:26 PM

Host_Error: DispatchUserMessage: Illegal User Msg189

Above is a error I receive when playing only on my own server. Usually 1-5 minutes of game play. Sometimes the Msg# changes. Note:Nobody else is having the problem when playing on the server. Ive reinstalled both computers. 2 computers linked w/router. Both computers can get online and play etc. I have two cd keys all is well. The only time I have a problem is when logged into my own server. with or without admin. Has any1 seen this b4?????

Author Subject: Host_Error:

Board Guest 263120
Posts: 1 Aug 03, 01 - 9:57 AM

Lately ive been haveing a problem with my Half-Life. Im getting error messages like:

Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client 121
Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal User Msg 255

sometimes the numberson the end change, but i CANT FIGURE OUT WHAT IS CAUSING THEM. I was even desparate enough to dump my ENTIRE hard drive and reinstall windows and Half-Life, but still nothing, they come back!!!
Please, someone help me. I dont think i can take this much longer.


Author Subject: RE: I NEED HELP!!

Posts: 2 Apr 19, 02 - 12:13 PM

Well let me say that I have the same problem. But I get error messages most of the time. But sometimes it just closes half life. The messages I get are Cl_parseservermessage: Illegal server message - svc_bad
Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg:Illegal User Msg 128

My sepcs are:
Celeron 500
196 sdram
voodoo 3 2000
rogers @home
Win ME

I'll tell you right now you aren't being kicked because if you were it would just send you back to the console and say kicked. I believe you are experiencing the same problems I am.

Author Subject: RE: Host_Error problems with CS Please help!!!!

ZombiE 89179
Posts: 4 May 23, 01 - 7:37 PM

I went through this site for an hour an didn't find anybody else with these errors. <br><br>Host_Error: CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible sever message_svc_bad<br><br>Host_Error: CL_EntityNum:1115 is an invalid number, CL max_edict is 1095<br><br>Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal user Msg 218<br><br>Host_Error: userMsg: not present on client 60<br><br>I get dropped out of the game when this happens. I get kicked to the console with the error meassage. I can reconnect right away if I want to????? Me lost!!!<br><br>These are most of the error messages I have received. If you have any info about them please respond. Thanks in advance for any help. ZombiE<br><br>

Author Subject: RE: Bad server message, Illegal User MSG, Comp. Freeze

Posts: 1 Jan 08, 01 - 7:57 AM

Hi all. I got some problems with Hl,TFC,Cs(all modds).<br>When i start a game all works fine untill a couple minutes<br>(sometimes longer) <br>Then the Game disconnects Automatic and the console is visible. In the console the says Illegal User MSG 125 (or another number) and i have to restart the game.<br>somethimes when i am Playing a game then the game disconnects automatic and it says in console Bad Server Message? i don`t know what to do.<br>I have a LAN at home and the (server) computer is not the computer where i have that problems. Only the (client) computer has this problems. Could you plz help me.<br>Thnx.

Author Subject: RE: Weird Host_Error Messages in CS !!!!!Please help

ZombiE 89179
Posts: 4 May 23, 01 - 7:29 PM

I went through this site for an hour an didn't find anybody else with these errors. <br><br>Host_Error: CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible sever message_svc_bad<br><br>Host_Error: CL_EntityNum:1115 is an invalid number, CL max_edict is 1095<br><br>Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal user Msg 218<br><br>Host_Error: userMsg: not present on client 60<br><br>I get dropped out of the game when this happens. I get kicked to the console with the error meassage. I can reconnect right away if I want to????? Me lost!!!<br><br>These are most of the error messages I have received. If you have any info about them please respond. Thanks in advance for any help. ZombiE<br><br>

Author Subject: WindowsME and Half-Life

Board Guest 229051
Posts: 2 Jun 23, 01 - 9:35 PM

I recently was forced to install WindowsME! Since the installation my Half-Life, Counter-Strike, and Day of Defeat have been crashing within 5 minutes of play. As you would guess it is very frustrating. I keep getting Illegal User msg 241 and 148 and svc_bad. The problems didn't start until i installed WindowsME so i assume that Windows is to blame in the matter (well windows is to blame in everything wrong with computers:P). Is there a pacth or something that will stop this error happening? it just wont stop doing it until Half-Life freezes then i have to restart computer. If you need to know system specs goto and go down to the part about my computer.

Author Subject: MSG error

Posts: 2 Jun 21, 02 - 10:34 AM

i will try to explain as clearly as i can because i want to fix this problem.

cs was working fine, up until the 19th june. i tried playing a game on our local servers, and it gets to the part where it says the server number and just sits there. Then i gave me this error "host_error: cl_entitynum: 1221 is an invalid number, cl.max_edicts is 1125". I tried reinstalling cs, and now all i get when i try to join is this error "host_error- dispatch user msg: illegal user msg 244". I have tried heaps of different servers and i get the same error. as i said it only all started on the 19th, same problem with a friend of mine.

i have windows xp pro
celeron 900
g2 gts 32mb
256mb ram

...i have tried everything i know, even doing a complete format and still same problem. And i am running all the new updates and cs ver is the mod not the retail version. It was fine when i first put the updates on, just strange how i started getting the error at the exact same time as my mate (19th june).

can ANYONE PLZ help me

Author Subject: Hosting CS to play with some friends.

Posts: 2 Jun 21, 01 - 1:03 PM

My connection is dsl and i hooked the dsl modem to a router. The Linksys BEFSR41. Works great when me and my brothers want to play on one server. We get like 60's for pings. The thing is though, i have some friends and we like to get together to play. It can be annoying on other servers and we want to be in control of how thinks work. So I want to host. I set up my computer as the "DMZ" and then get the server going. After like 2 minutes or so they always get kicked. With an error message like "illegal user msg 216". Has anyone had this problem before or does anyone know how to fix it? I have tried using other computers in the house as the dmz hosts, but it still comes up with the same stuff.
Well Thanks

Here are my specs:
I know they aren't great, but hell i get 100 fps
Celeron 667
192mb SDRAM
Voodoo 3 2000(Overclocked)from 143 to 160
SOHOware 10/100 Eithernet card

Author Subject: RE: Host_error messages

ZombiE 89179
Posts: 4 May 29, 01 - 8:30 AM

Host_Error: CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible sever message_svc_bad<br><br>Host_Error: CL_EntityNum:1115 is an invalid number, CL max_edict is 1095<br><br>Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal user Msg 218<br><br>Host_Error: userMsg: not present on client 60<br><br>I get dropped out of the game when this happens. I get kicked to the console with the error message. I can reconnect right away if I want to????? <br><br>These are most of the error messages I have received. If you have any info about them please respond. Thanks in advance for any help. ZombiE<br><br>I have three computers networked in my house. On the main computer it has the cable modem attached to it. I installed Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) that comes with se and above. I installed it on my win98se main computer so that the other two could access the internet. After I installed the ICS I get those Host_Error messages and get dropped from the server I am playing on. I am using the main computer with HL/CS installed on it. I reinstalled HL-CS and same problem. This is a different error than the Flush packet ones. I have posted to the message boards and forums on several sites with no one ever responding to them. If you have any other info please email me back and let me know what you found out. <br> On a side note I have emailed Sierra about this problem with them answering back with a computer generated response about the Flush packet thing, something totally different. So I got no where with them. <br><br>Anybody have the same probs or info on this please post or reply by email back to me Please.....<br>Alex<br><br>

Author Subject: Host error problems I need help!!!!

Posts: 2 Apr 11, 02 - 12:21 PM

I downloaded new skins just about a month ago. After I believe I downloaded a defuse kit update I started recieving these error messages. The messages I get say
cl_parseservermessage illegible server message - svc_bad
host_error:DispatchUserMsg: illegal user msg 128
"cl_pitchspeed" is "225"
When I started recieving these messages I formated my computer and reinstalled everything and I still experience the same error messages. These messages come up after I have been in counter-strike for a few minutes then it goes to the full consol and gives me these messages. I have a voodoo 3 card and I run counter-strike in openGL. I also experience the same error messages in my Quake/TF and on my other computer's counter-strike.
Could someone please help me with this problem. Thanks.

[added Apr 11 2002 1:39PM]

My system specs are:
celeron 500
196 ram
voodoo 3 2000
cable modem
my network is run with 2 network cards in my computer and then into a hub. SO this computer has a direct connection to the internet
[added Apr 11 2002 1:40PM]

My system specs are:
celeron 500
196 ram
voodoo 3 2000
cable modem
my network is run with 2 network cards in my computer and then into a hub. SO this computer has a direct connection to the internet
win me

Author Subject: RE: Host_error messages

ZombiE 89179
Posts: 4 May 29, 01 - 8:32 AM

Host_Error: CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible sever message_svc_bad<br><br>Host_Error: CL_EntityNum:1115 is an invalid number, CL max_edict is 1095<br><br>Host_Error: DispatchUserMsg: Illegal user Msg 218<br><br>Host_Error: userMsg: not present on client 60<br><br>I get dropped out of the game when this happens. I get kicked to the console with the error message. I can reconnect right away if I want to????? <br><br>These are most of the error messages I have received. If you have any info about them please respond. Thanks in advance for any help. ZombiE<br><br>I have three computers networked in my house. On the main computer it has the cable modem attached to it. I installed Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) that comes with se and above. I installed it on my win98se main computer so that the other two could access the internet. After I installed the ICS I get those Host_Error messages and get dropped from the server I am playing on. I am using the main computer with HL/CS installed on it. I reinstalled HL-CS and same problem. This is a different error than the Flush packet ones. I have posted to the message boards and forums on several sites with no one ever responding to them. If you have any other info please email me back and let me know what you found out. <br>On a side note I have emailed Sierra about this problem with them answering back with a computer generated response about the Flush packet thing, something totally different. So I got no where with them. <br><br>Anybody have the same probs or info on this please post or reply by email back to me Please.....<br>Alex<br><br>
Thanks PIX, i checked the forums and i got an idea after reading all the posts, im surprised that PlanetHalflife forums didnt show up in goodle when i searched it.

I think ive found the solution to my problem. Ok heres what was happeneing. When i connected to the server through internet games, the server ip address that i was being connected to was which is my WAN ip address. Somehow this confused the server, i dont know how im just presuming that it did. So i decided to connect to the server manually through the console using its LAN ip address (connect instead of its WAN ip address ( So far i havnt got booted off the server and no error msgs received so it looks promising.
Ahh, nice solution, glad it's working too.
isn't the 192. ip your internal ip behind the firewall?
yeah...hes connecting on his own LAN....
he WAS connecting to his public address...which wouldnt work unless he had some
kind of aliasing going on with his router
This probably has to do with Routing and what address the server believes itself to be on... if a router happens to be changing IP packages as they pass through, then maybe they aren't being correctly handled?

Anyway, you have a solution which is what counts.

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