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Wont be playing RC for a few weeks :(
I just wanna inform you that i wont be playing RC for a few weeks, maybe one or two im not sure. The reason is that there was a fire at my house yesterday and burnt up alot of my kitchen. I got some second degree burns trying to put the fire out, but im ok. To make matters worse, im supposed to be moving this Friday and i have to call the insurance company to get a contractor here and fix up the kitchen before the day i have to move (since the new owners are moving in the same day). If i dont get it all fixed before Friday, there could be alot of big problems coming my way. So i have to take care of these things before i can play any games. I have a feeling the weeks ahead are gonna be hell :(

Just if you guys were wondering how the fire started, i was going to fry myself some chicken, so i heated up the oil and i forgot about it by accident. Somehow the oil got on the element and then the fire started.

Oh and DD i wont be able to host the server until i move to the new house.
Shit Apex that really sucks, I hope everything works out the following week(s), heal up and get back on Ricochet:)

RFA has a new host if you didn't know, server is based in Los Angeles too, I get a 15-25 ping:P
get any good pictures?
Get better Apex. Blame it on Chic filet and those damn "Eat more Chicken" billboards.
Wow, Glad you are ok...We will keep a spot open for you...good luck with the insurance company
jabbahunt,Jul 14 2003, 09:48 AM Wrote:Get better Apex. Blame it on Chic filet and those damn "Eat more Chicken" billboards.
i love chic filet with all my heart and soul. if that was the cause, then this was meant to be!!
go forth, APEX, with all the love for the tender, tender chicken breast that i hold dearly, and see this as progress, and do not be hindered by its faults. you can however, forget that they are closed on sundays.

i suggest, going to your nearest Chic Filet on a sunday, and liberating the patties of crispy cooked chicken from their sinister captors. that should make ANYONE feel better ;).
yeah, i really hope u can get it all sorted out, insurance companies can be cheap bastards sometimes. One story i've heard was that a family was renting out their home to some young guys and it turned out that they were into hydroponics, they later got busted by the cops with the abnormal hydro usuage, but the family was left with 100 000 plus bill to pay for, and the insurance companies wouldn't pay for it. So just be glad you weren't in their position and that everyone is ok. "I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together", red green.
That reminds me, I should sort out insurance soon...
yeah have fun with the insurance hehe

its alright bout the server, i got some new guy that has a dual t3 and can keep it on 24/7 but i thank u so much for all ur help with it!

gl in the new house
wow, i never realized chicken could cause such a disaster, well don't worry Apex, from this day forwards..I will eat as much chicken as possible to avenge your bad luck...mmm..chicken..uh..i mean..GET BETTER :D
Must have been a stolen chicken ;-)
Ah... among my circle of friends, what you did would be called "pulling a DJ."
My friend, DJ, was making some paper boats during the rainy season so he could bring it to school and put it in a random puddle (we'd get hugeass puddles, almost ponds) and just watch reactions (this was about 2 1/2 years ago, 10th grade). He was a cheapass, so he would melt candles and use the wax for the boats. Naturally, he started a fire while doing this in his kitchen. It wasn't very bad at first, but my brilliant friend put it under the faucet, turned on the water... and let me tell ya, not smart. It seemed to explode and just chunks of burning wax went all over the place. He damn near burned down the kitchen, but luckily it was only the curtains. Of course, he proudly showed off polaroids of the burnt curtains, reaffirming his status as a moron. Not that you're a moron Apex :P
Thanks for the nice comments everyone.

All the repairs are going great. In the past 3 days ive had my whole kitchen redone and it looks as good as new.The cleaning crew cleaned the ceilings and lighting fixtures because the ceilings on the whole floor were black from all the smoke =/ I hope the new owners wont notice anything... My insurance company did everything right and didnt complicate matters (unlike some previous insurance companies ive dealt with). Looks like im going to make my deadline and if the new owners dont notice anything, it will be a big releif for me. So i might have over exaggerated my time away a little, but it's still depending if any legal issues arise.

I hope i have not developed a fear of frying chicken from all this, or frying anything for that matter:blink:. Possibly a fear of cooking food for myselff?? Well.... I wouldnt mind living on take out for the next month or two lol:)(I could live on take out longer, but it would get too expensive hehe)

Thanks again.
If you fall off the horse, let someone else ride it.
If i fell off a horse, I'd probably lay there dumbfoundedly:huh:

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