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2 great HLDM servers I found
I found 2 servers last night that may have finally sparked my intrest in playing HLDM on a regular basis again. They are:

[K9] Dog Pound - Severian's Mod Server IP -

[K9] Kennel Club - BubbleMod Server IP -

Each of these servers run a different server side mod on them. They have hundeds of maps that cycle with decent d/l speeds (5-10 minutes tops). The maps are also on their clan's website. The one that runs Severians Mod is teamplay based. It also starts you off with an extra powerful and quick loading shotgun. The server is never empty due to the handfull of bots that are there. They even leave at times like there acting like normal people.

The other server runs the BubbleMod. Almost all of the weapons have new effects to them. You can actually throw the crowbar. There are a few differant firing modes for the Hornet Gun. The trip mines have differant modes as well. The server also tells you how much damage you dish out and how much you take.
There is more but it is too much to type.

The K9 clan guys/gals seem pretty cool from the few I saw.

[Image: b_560x95.png]
Sounds cool, haven't played HLDM for a bit coz I am always being pwned.
i added both servers to my favorites list, but i have yet to actually join one, because all the maps are new to me, thus i must download them. i don't like to get them from the server, but since i'm on dial-up, it won't be much quicker anywhere else.
for now, i'll take your word that it's all kinds of kickass, and that to play on one of these servers is like strolling in the gardens of heaven, with more blood, and gore, and stuff.
oh, how i wish to be there.... :angel:
No matter what your connection, it's ALWAYS quicker to download first since doing it through the server interface is slower (it can't hog valuable game resources just to let you lazy bums download in game:P)
The longest it took so far me to d/l a map from their server was about 3 minutes.

Quote:for now, i'll take your word that it's all kinds of kickass, and that to play on one of these servers is like strolling in the gardens of heaven, with more blood, and gore, and stuff.

For me it's better than the standard HLDM. How you will like it I don't know. I have not been a regular HLDM player in 4 years so my standards are differant.

After playing there a week I find the most annoying thing is there server rules. They frown on type killing. I agree with that to an extent. When your in a fierce fight or come around a corner and run into someone your first reaction is to shoot. Their language filter is lame on the Severian's Mod server. One of their clan guys was doing good and I said "damn" and it got filtered.

I find the BubbleMod server to be a little more annoying due to how the Mod works. There is no language filter there which is odd. When you spawn you flash for 10 seconds unless you fire or change weapons. You are called a "Fresh Spawn". Now the problem. If you kill a fresh spawn the server gives you a auto warning. If you kill a fresh spawn 3 times the server bans you for 5 minutes. So in turn when you see a fresh spawn you may as well run away. They can shoot you first which is stupid especially when you start with a shotgun which can kill in 1 shot to the head. the spawn protection timer needs to be lowered to like 3 seconds not the 10 it has now.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
okok, i have played there several times, and i've come to a conclusion with these servers:
bubble mods are teh suck. when you spawn with a shotgun, it takes all the time away from scrambling to find a decent weapon. that means that you can easliy frag immediately when you spawn. that sucks.
the sounds are annoying. every time anyone says anything common like "sorry" or "oops" then the auto message comes on with clint eastwood, or homer simpson. it's irritating.
it's so easy to spawn kill sometimes, like with snarks (which are not really snarks in the bubble mod), and when it occasionally happens, the server automatically insults you. something about a "ninny spawn-killing crabface." that's irksome.
also, don't even try to have a good game in a bubble mod server if you are on a dial-up connection. it spikes constantly from all the crap going on everywhere, so it's hard to frag, and when you do, you swear that you couldn't have. other people swear that you couldn't have (quote, "sorry brokend, you couldn't have hit me with that shitty ping"). it's ridiculous. not fun.
sure, it's neat to see for the first time after all you've seen is the same old valve over and over, but i have yet to have as much fun. :wacko:
They just added those sounds in the last couple days. I find Severian's Mod to be more fun than Bubble.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
bubble mod is can adjust ALL those things u complain about. don't blame the mod, blame the server...sounds like they went a little nutz w/ the feature set.

as for spawning w/ a shotgun...i like it for the very reason u hate it...^_^. but once again, u want to just spawn w/ a glock and crowbar, then so be it. you just want to spawn w/ a x-bow...u can do it. it's very customizable.

i've been playing at a bubble mod server since i started playing valve. the server i play at is conservative about which features it employs...and it stays full and sees many regulars who consistantly enjoy themselves.

i've ran a bubble mod server and if i wanted to, i could disable anything and just enable the stuff that i think makes for a consistantly good game. plus: face it dude....your on dial-up...sorry...:D
.asm,Jul 15 2003, 07:59 AM Wrote:face it dude....your on dial-up...sorry...:D
you LIAR!!!!!!!!

oh wait, not you aren't :(

(btw, you can also download the sounds off their website. a couple of the bots shout the name out every once in a while, but by then, it's useless.)
actually, i do sympathize...i bought quake3 and unreal tournament when i was on was a waste of money...^_^
i wouln't sympathize. my connection is better than most people's. i actually ping lower than 200 regularly on vad's. the only thing i really hate is that it spikes all the freakin time.
otherwise, it's okie-dokie! ;)

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