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the new dll
its harder to hit the woman skin + its moving weird and i think we should stay only male models.

the shots not coming back weirdly.... (normal shots not freeze)
so with normal shots im being stuck with no abbility to decap which is not fun :|

i think we should back to the old dll.
The girl moves so freakin wierd...but when she is standin there and gets decaped its great how she just flys backward and hit the floor...Don't know if ya understand but I think its cool...
I haven't found that its harder to hit the female character, but if it is, then thats good cause it makes the game that much more challenging for us old timers:D
Shalk,Jul 21 2003, 08:23 AM Wrote:the shots not coming back weirdly.... (normal shots not freeze)
so with normal shots im being stuck with no abbility to decap which is not fun :|
I had this happen to me as well. The third disc just did not return and I was unable to decap. When it happens again I will provide more details.
"If ya SMELL ... what the SOCK ... is cookin."

For what it's worth I have had no problems with it.

I am by no means knowledgabble about such matters, but if it essentially a skin, it should not affect the 'hit boxes' at all.

Who knows? Anyway, I would like a Big Bird model if possible. Is somone working on this? :P

if u decap the female model its the male head...this is easily fixed by just making a female model. But then when i was tryin to replace it i realized that there is only 1 head.mdl its not model specific

so next realease or anything...plz try to make it so the head.mdl is model in each model folder u need the model and u need a head model
ok you said the fix to the "i cant hit the female model" bug was to just switch ur models back...but...why would that work? i mean, that would mean that the hitboxes that the server goes by would be clientside? if that worked hell i would of just made a HUGE box and put it as the male...i shoot anywhere and bam i win. Is it really that the female is skinnier? does she have smaller hitboxes? or is it just that it looks different and the eyes are playing tricks. ive counted many times that my disc has just gone straight through another oppnent back when we just had male models...and ive seen discs go right through me.

clientside hitboxes would be sweet tho...haha

Now a fix to this would be have a standard that ricochet players choose. Id say the male model because we're all used to it. change the female.mdl on the SERVER to the male.mdl (renaming and copying crap...evil you know what i mean). that way, the server would go by the male hitboxes but people can still view different models.
i think hitbox is offcenter on the female and the animations make it harder to see where the middle of the female is anyways
#9 may just be a little right.

notice anything big on the males' right shoulder?

and thanks to the fooked up animations...she has even less an area to hit.
very interesting
Hit boxes have always been and will always be serverside, and it's obvious that the female model has a way smaller overall hitbox (shoulder to shoulder), it's a clear problem, I actually think the hitboxes on males' shoulders are bigger for a reason, think about it.
Problem or challenge? I must say I am a might disappointed in the reaction to a harder to hit model, especially since most of the complaints are coming from the more seasoned and expert players.....dont expect me to change the females hit box I am actually contemplating changing the male hit box to the same size as the female just to create more of a challenge for myself. :P
Like I hav said before, I like the fact that people are saying its harder to hit. Personally I can kill that model just as fast as I can kill the male one. :D
i'm w/ quick...i like the animation of her hitting the floor after a decap...i would keep that.

the problem w/ correcting the animation of the model would be that everyone is going to have to dl the new model.

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