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Won't be playing for a while
Yeah, basically, I won't be playing any Ricochet. Seems there are only two servers that have any people playing in them, for the most part, and both servers are too annoying for me to play in.

First, RFA server has now become impossible for me, I was getting over 200 ping there, even though it's only a few miles from me and my cable internet is working fine, and it was actually laggy. Every shot I make now has a delay, it's just too bothersome for me.

Second, the Holdout's servers seem to be getting much less business. Even then, when I play there, it's dominated by the retarded female model. I find it to be way too much of a distraction with the crappy animations, and somehow seems to be harder to hit than the male models. As dumb of a reason as it seems, I really cannot stand playing against the model.

Third, where are the regulars? As I said, Holdout's is getting much less business, so either no one is there or there are a bunch of newbs with the female models. At RFA, occasionally a regular/veteran pops in, like acid. Otherwise, that server is always full of newbs or RFA members, some of whom are ok to play, others are rather annoying like diablo and snowster. So, not to sound arrogant, but there is absolutely no competition on that server, aside from the occasional visit by acid or another vet.

Anyway, I'm gonna be pretty busy throughout the summer and probably throughout the year. I'll stay on the forums, but I'll definitely be a rarity in any Ricochet server. Enjoy.
yeah, i feel more or less the same way...probably less. i run into rush quite a bit and we have good matches...but i normally have to go cut through tons of noobs. the female has some good qualities, but damn, those tan pants are ugly ^_^.

i remember when pple of skill dominated the landscape...especially at it's frustrating. i don't enjoy playing against people who don't know how to play...i try to give them a only using push discs and staying on one pad through the entire match but that get's old. i remember when i would connect to vads and be one of the worst players there...that was more fun because it gave me a chance to learn new things and push myself.

it would be one thing if i could help them but these guys don't want my help...they would rather insult me and the game or abrubtly leave in the middle of a match and sometimes both.

anyways, i have a solution...i think those of us left who have some skill should play just by bragging rights, no shit screenshots, no clan reputation on the line...just a game between two decent players. and why stop there? we can get a group of vets (i don't consider myself a vet btw...but compared to (1)Player, i probably am) together to play.

anyways g-boy...if you want to do that know, just create a client-server and beat the virtual shit out of each other...i'm down.
I am just wondering whether this is the summer solstice where people are finding out that the nice weather outside is more worth of attention that sitting in front of a 14/15/17/21/xx" monitor killing people.

So. Go grab your machette, pick up your machine gun, find your hockey mask and have some real life fun!
I play on RFA almost every night now, but due to my GM status on a restored UO shard (also one of it's scripters), I sometimes don't show up all day.

I don't think I'd ever want to go back to Holdout's, specially with this new model, I played against it before, it sucks, leave the reconnect fix and take the model out.
If I'm in the mood to play any game I check the rc and the dod servers..and lately I haven't seen any of the regs or vets at the rc servers so I don't drop in..I go to dod...but I defiently try to get in if I see the regs and that the server isn't full of noobs...I didn't seem to have a prob hittin the girl....
evil posted in annoucements a way to make all the models u see male (if your into that:P) and it takes like 5 min tops, so i'd recomend that to anyone who doesn't want to see the female model. Worked like a charm for me (unless everyone in the server was playing with a male model) anyway good work Evil.
G-Boy, I will miss you a ton.

Everyone else please see my post uder Bonita's thread. If I was smart enough to place a link here I would, and I don't want to copy/paste the whole post.

*Original Post Removed*

Okay... so I just posted evil_admin's solution, but I didn't know until just now. Heh, can't really help it with those spur-of-the-moment ideas.
I'll probably be coming back around to play a bit, my roadtrip fell through because the guy with the car flaked. And basically without the female model, I like Holdout's, and my ping is back into the 20's on RFA server (although I don't see the server up lately).
oh well too bad you couldnt go on the trip

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