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frito's rico reunion
I was thinking maybe it is time for another installment of our reunion, I would like to get a game going saturday night the 26th oh say 7ish (central)on GRITS 24/7 server, I had a great time last time and would LOVE to do it again, unless anyone has any objections then we will plan on that date\time\place.

come one come all, it will be a great chance to see all the new faces in the clans and see what kind of stuff these newbies have that think they are up and comers.

bring it baby B)

it would be alot of fun..but last time the sever was to full and nobody could join:(
we will close more if need be

we will start with one and keep going til they are all full :P
yes but what if you have 1 server full..and you want your friend to join but he\she is in the other server and its full...:D
hush soul ;)
bwhahh gotcha! :lol:
i'll try to make it, remind me to bring a bag of chips frito:P

crunchy cheetos please :thumb:
alright i'll hold em up to the monitor for you.
I'll try to make it this time around. Just remined me ok Frito :D

I'm not going anywhere any time soon, I helped a friend rebuild his room yesterday. And I must say for not knowing what we were doing, we did one hell of a job LOL

I'll try to get pictures when hes back online.
and the password is "vacation" sence GRITS is enjoying one right now
you know if the servers being full is a problem, why not up the max player limit to say 20 or something, just for the event?
Is it possible to make changes to that through a remote restart?
7 central is what pacific??? I'd convert it myself..but I'm not exactly skilled in the art of time manipulation..oh and I don't really know time zones, something about 2 hours ahead or behind or something
Just double click on the clock in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, then go to the "Time Zone" tab, and see what the different time zones are in relation to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
I was really going to try and be there but I was invited to go dancing...sorry yall...going to work on the leg muscles for real ;)Have fun see you when I get back
I was out tonight getting drunk an' dancing too... weeeee.... plus, would you believe, I got embarrased... not once but twice... first was male, second female :/
Well frito I would say it was a sucess I almost forget cause I was just messagin you on msn and then I was like man where could he be..O yeh dang I got to go and had a blast..even though all I proved was that I've lost all my skill from the good ol dayz...miss those days :(..but it was great fun and we had an interestin convo goin also..we should do this more often.
the female ones are the worst, been down that road too many times to count, and that was just yesterday
we really should quick, sorry i'm behind all the posts, slow typer. It was great fun, got owned but what else is new, but if it were DM... ^_^
we could always set up some times, just for the gang
And of course I was busy doing something and totally forgot again :(
I had a great time last night guys and gals thanks for coming, it seems like when we set a time for everyone to be on and playing, it gets more interesting and much more challenging, plus us admins do not have to admin so it is just good matches and good conversation :thumb:

thanks again for a great rico reunion

It was worse, coz ... anyway:)Reunion was interesting, and I still made it.
Anon you wish, I would own you in DM...well maybe just DM 2 prolly not DM cause I saw you play once and it was just krazy :P

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