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Goodbye Everyone.
Well, as I look at the forums there seem to be a lot of people quitting these days and stuff. I have been thinking about quitting for the longest time. I said when I landed the backwards S jump I would quit, and I've already passed that jump a couple of times. I'm not going to become a regular anymore. I might be on every now and then but I kinda doubt that. For all the Regulars that have helped me along the way thank you and I'll miss ya. If you ever want to 1 on 1 sometime when you get bored or something email me [email protected]. (Don't know if I was allowed to put my email or not) Anyhow like I said goodbye and it has been fun playing everyone.
bye turtle...i had a lot of fun whenever you were on the're a good lad, hope to see you around sometime. best of luck buddy...:)
See ya turtle, It's been fun.
cya turtle you have been a great player and fun to be around i hope to see you again

It does seem these posts are becoming more common these days in one form or another. Nice knowing you Turtle hope to see you around.
[Image: b_560x95.png]
Lata:thumb:if you want to one on one you can email me
awww hate to see the turtle go....

ill miss our lil turtle club.... c ya:thumb:
I dont know about anyone else but I still havent seen you and your 'perfected' backwards s jump
that means you cant quit yet

also what kind of chicken quits while I am away on vacation :P
sorry to see you go Turtle :( I really enjoyed playing RC you. It was always pleasant when I'd see you in RC. Hope to see you pop in time to time. Best wishes to you
i hate to see all these people go, its really making me depressed. Turtle you've been great, we've always had the good battles and i will remeber that and the laughs we had. message to anyone who is thinking of quitting/leaving, don't.
He will be back, I hope.
[CAKE Wrote:anonymity,Aug 14 2003, 06:43 AM] i hate to see all these people go, its really making me depressed. Turtle you've been great, we've always had the good battles and i will remeber that and the laughs we had. message to anyone who is thinking of quitting/leaving, don't.
Don't worry, I'll be around for ages yet to bug ya:P

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