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Need help
Latly i started to have a mouse problem, i used to move it smooth, doing S jumps, DOING NORMAL JUMPS and not to fall alot, but now its hard to move. It become stiffen and unplaylble. Plz give me some things that u think will help me to fix it, cuz if it will keep to be like that i don't think i will keep playing ricochet, its just unplaylble. Its Optic mouse (Wheel Mouse Optical), i tried to make my sens higher and more things but nothing worked.
Do you use a mouse pad? A friend of mine used one without a mouse pad and eventually smoothed down the surface so much that it became very hard to move.
a wheel optical mouse? :blink:
Since it is an optical mouse and has no rotating parts....try this first. Blow out the lens area on the bottom real
good to make sure you have no trash blocking the lens. Next...if that doesn't work, try the mouse on another
surface...such as a big mat or something with a different pattern to it than your desktop. I have seen opticals
here at work not work on certain table tops due to their pattern.
I had that problem a long time ago with an optical mouse...I think I just went out and bought a new one cause I got so tired of fixing my old one..
Get an optical mousepad... I used to have trouble with a desk and regular mousepad, but once I got an optical mousepad (they feel like just hard boards), it works fine.
i got fUnc ... its the best optical

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