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LOTR Return of the King
Just an FYI....I will wait to elaborate....I will say lots of good battle scenes, I think the love story takes away from the story some...either elaborate or take it out...
and there is a part reminescent of Wizard of Oz sort of corny...glad they didnt elaborate on that part
they try to put everything from the books in 3 hours and I am not real sure if they chose the right storylines to expand and leave out.......oops I am elaborating....promised to wait.....epic movie, dont wait for it to come on video unless you have an 80ft screen to view it on
but i really dont want to wait :(
i thought it was great. considering the source material, they really couldnt have messed these movies up. the only thing that i didnt like from this one was that they altered the ending by kindof removing a character....

anyway, I had had my tickets for opening night 1 week in advance. we get there an hour before the show and they had oversold for both the 8 oclock and the 9 oclock, and the theatre was already full. So we got tickets for the 11:15 and were first in line at 9. all in all we spent about 6 hours at the theatre. still worth it. but people clapped at this movie...a lot...and i hate that.
one of the reasons I dont go to opening nights is because of the excitement from the other attendees, I always miss something due to enthusiastic movie goers.
I worked at theatres for years, best time to see a new movie....the 11am show....yeah I know you don't think your theatre has a show that early...thus the reason they are never crowded no one knows about them. There was no line for a ticket couple in front of me and plenty of seats and we were there 30 minutes before the start....when we came out...all three other theaters that were showing it had lines 30 people long....dont you work at a theatre sage????
I hate going to the movies PERIOD because of that GRITS. I hate hearing other people yak yak yak. I hate hearing a group of teenage girls or guys talk and laugh
the WHOLE movie, or people's cell phones going off the whole movie. I went to a movie last year with my wife and it was of course an R rated movie. Right behind me
was a group of 4 very young teenage 15 or so. They screamed the entire movie in our ears. My wife finally turned around and in a rage told the girls if they
didn't shut the f**# up she was going to rip out their throats. They shut up and my wife got an

I will probably wait till ROTK comes out on DVD so i can buy it.
So it opening night. LOVED IT. Every second. I have read the books so I knew what was goin to happen but still just amazing how good of job they did. It has rekindled my love for Tolkien and I am now starting to read a series of 12 books that explain the history of Middle Earth. All his books are great. But damn loved the movie. And yes I absolutly hate when peope clap..I was yell shut the hell up if it gets bad. Its so stupid..You just don't clap at movies..not even at the end. :angry:Loved it..prolly goin to see it again tomorrow.:D
That movie was awesome I saw it yesterday on friday... although my legs started to hurt a lil bit after couple of hours :P There was this 13-14 year old girl sitting next to me who cried the damn hole ending of the movie. Yes the ending was lil too happy happy I think.
Well get ready for the extended it will take away from the happy happy ending. ^_^
I like going to see movies late at night, like the 11 00 PM show, or something. Parents usually dont allow 14 and 15 year olds out that late. If they do, I probably wont be watching the latest romantic comedy, or tween boy band movie.
I have read nothing in this thread other than something about the Wizard of Oz. . I'm going to go see it later^_^
GRITS,Dec 19 2003, 04:54 PM Wrote:dont you work at a theatre sage????
You're thinking of Brokend.

I don't hate the enthusiasm. It was quite amazing as a movie experience. 300 people completely silent as Aragorn says "For Frodo." I just don't understand why people have to clap. "Wow, thank you for defeating that Olliphant Legolas!"

Also, I think it is kind of interesting why we are so interested and amazed with these movies. Yah, on the one hand they are amazing books and Peter Jackson and the crew have done a great job of adapting the stories without losing or adding too much. But I think there is a bit more to it. Maybe in these days where we have wars with no clear meaning, we crave a story with a fight for the ultimate reason.

Just my two cents, i think that film class I took has ruined me.
If people want to clap, i say let them clap. They will just have to accept that i will very shortly afterwards make them all look like idiots. Hmmm, maybe i should start the clapping just to do that.
I totally agree about people clapping. What's the point? It's not like there's anybody there to say thank you or anything. I've decided to take action to preserve our precious society by punishing those who expend emotion without somebody there to accept it. Smile at a good memory? BAM! Kicked in the teeth. Chuckle at a funny rejoinder in a conversation you aren't part of? KAPOW! Baseball bat to the kneecap. Laugh out loud at soemthing online, on tv, or in a movie? BANG! Bullet to the groin. Look dejected at a funereal? FOOM! Skin burned off with napalm. And if you cry at that funereal? Oh, god help you if you cry.
better than the second movie but i hated the goodbyes at the end and the speeches.
and when the riders of rohan come to defend mias tirith why would they stand on top of the hill, alert EVERYONE that they are there, do a speech and THEN charge down...i would have charged on the unsuspecting infantry. i was looking forward to the scoring of the shire but that would have added another hour to the movie. Again, i think they could have taken out some goodbyes or shortened the speeches or the slow mo on the ring, but thats me
just saw it, enjoyed all but the end. After sitting there for 3 hrs with the fast action, a 30min ending wasn't what I was looking for. Also, did anyone get the same titanic feeling when frodo was hanging on the cliff and sam was saying "don't you let go"?
Well there was a lot going on, that they did need to wrap up. Their lives were basically on hold for awhile, it takes some time to put them back on course. I though Peter Jackson did a great job with it, cant be done much better.
I thought this was an awesome series, just wondered if it should have been told in 4 movies instead of 3. The ending was wrapping up instead of coming together.
i dont think that wouldve helped anything
Well time is an issue, and it also takes longer for things to come together, then being wrapped up. I thought the ending was sufficent, if you wanted more, you would have read the books, there is always much more information in the books then in the movies.

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