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TS Madness
Why is it I never played this before. Last night yoshi, Dragonlady, and I just started playing this. Yoshi didn't make it to the server so it was just me and DL. Im sorry but if you cant play this without laughing your... off then I don't know. This had me laughing so hard. DL and I were in the dojo and we were going to kung fu but I accidently ^_^ picked up a grenade and accidently threw it, the explosion caused me to Fly backwards to my death and the slow motion actually had me ON the floor laughing trying to breath. I didn't expect that LMAO. But we did kung fu and DL did kick me HARD multiple times. So I retaliated with the M60E3 as seen here I call it the one man army, and of course later I killed her with the famous katana. I played again today but this time with around 10 players in the lobby which was awesome. My favorite gun or guns are the Akimbo golden colts. Heh DL we gotta play again. I see vads has a ts serve. Does anyone play on it?
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!

TS server is a li'l unstable, and I'm not sure whether it's down to the AdminMod. There is an alternative TS .so that sometimes needs to be used, but shouldn't be that.
Great game..... pity vads ts is on steam.

btw if you use a glock 18 or a mac 10 expect abuse from other players.
[Image: SkaWars.JPG]
So get steam then !
Yeah steam I am gonna have to deffinately get, but of course I will keep won. Glock 18? I've been to a few servers where people use those constantly and no one seemed to mind, I don't. I only use the m6oe3 as a joke when playing, yeah I can't play any game as serious as some people play, I don't even think I can play seriously AT ALL.
<@Miagi> !8 Am I spamming?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Yes.
<@Miagi> !8 Should I stop?
<@ChanServ> Miagi: Oh, please, PLEASE, make it stop!


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