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Still in plaster, not on here that much. I have serious mod obligations on another site that takes up what little time I spend online as it is right now. For a quick summary of the last few weeks, they have been:
  • Ended a relationship with someone I love because she needs to be free of me in that role (but still friends)<>
  • Managed to get in a bike/car accident (fool overtook me then turned across me)<>
  • Managed to be made redundant (aka, lost my job)<>
  • Getting offers for minor paid work tiding me over till my arm is healed<>
  • Been deemed incapable, I mean incapacitated, so getting government benefits<>
    [st]If you want to keep more up to date, I have been posting to my website. There are some freaky posting times on there, as sometimes I'm working away, others are a case of waking in the night and just posting. Fortunately, writing/designing websites takes less toll on my arm than Ricochet... scrap that, that's an unforuntately, as it means I work more play less. There is an archive section on there, so you can find older posts.
I miss my net :( used to be able to come home from work and get ahold of him and we could play for hours, now I cant seem to find him anywhere&lt;_&lt;
we all miss him frito . .I know it's hard at times. . .at least I got that picture of him before he left. what beauty. . what grace! what. . umm. . uh. . hmm. . lies I have told
We miss ya net and hope that u get back on soon.:) Hope your luck gets better man. How long will u be like this for?
He was playing rico yesterday:)
No need to say who owned who&lt;_&lt;
And if only I could hit you more chent... if only....
nice site net {you sound like a bussy man} : ) the fight must go on though i man am i right or am i right.
Actually you are half left.:)

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